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Meeting Agenda
1. Call meeting to order, roll call and establish quorum.
2. Pledge of allegiance
3. Public Forum
4. Public Address
5. Superintendent Briefing
  • Summer Activities
6. Appropriate action on consent agenda items as attached.
6.A. Consideration of minutes:
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2024 and Special Meeting of May 23, 2024.
6.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the Accounts Payable for May and disclose check register for the School FIRST rating. 
6.C. Financial Briefing
  • General Fund Financial Statement
  • Child Nutrition Financial Statement
  • Debt Service Fund Financial Statement
6.D. Discussion and possible action to approve the vendor(s) over fifty thousand ($50,000) report for the district. 
6.E. Review and discussion of Tax Collection Report as of May 2024.
6.F. Discussion and quarterly report submitted by Mr. James E. Cabello, Delinquent Tax Attorney.
6.G. Discussion and review on the monthly investment report as of May 2024
6.H. Discussion and review of the quarterly investment report. 
6.I. Discussion and possible action to remove and add authorized representatives for First Public Lone Star Investment Pool and Texas Range Local Government Investment Pool. 
7. Consideration and adoption of a resolution of the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District authorizing the redemption of a portion of one or more series of outstanding bonds of the district; appointing one or more authorized officials of the district; approving and authorizing the delivery of one or more notices of redemption and resolving other matters relating thereto. 
8. Discussion and possible action to approve Dimmit Central Appraisal District's proposed budget for 2025
9. Discussion and possible action on the acceptance of a monetary donation from Maxey Energy to Carrizo Springs Junior High Math and Science Programs. 
10. Michelle Gonzalez
10.A. Discussion and possible action to rescind Emergency Paid Sick Leave for District Employees during the 24-25 SY. 
10.B. Consider Approval of Amendments and Additions to the 2023-2024 Compensation Plan.
  • Communication Specialist
  • CCMR/CTE Administrative Assistant
  • Accounting Assistant 
  • Additional Duties
11. Karen Marroquin
11.A. Discussion and possible action to approve budget amendment as attached. 
12. Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
12.A. 551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion of resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, reassignments, new employment, new personnel position, duties/responsibilities of employees. 
  • District Librarian Contract
  • Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Chief Finance Officer
13. Possible action in open session for executive session items.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation of District Librarian Contract for the 24-25 SY.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation to hire ______________ for Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction position.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation to hire ______________ for Chief Financial Officer position.
14. Adjournment.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 18, 2024 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call meeting to order, roll call and establish quorum.
2. Pledge of allegiance
3. Public Forum
4. Public Address
5. Superintendent Briefing
  • Summer Activities
6. Appropriate action on consent agenda items as attached.
6.A. Consideration of minutes:
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2024 and Special Meeting of May 23, 2024.
6.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the Accounts Payable for May and disclose check register for the School FIRST rating. 
6.C. Financial Briefing
  • General Fund Financial Statement
  • Child Nutrition Financial Statement
  • Debt Service Fund Financial Statement
6.D. Discussion and possible action to approve the vendor(s) over fifty thousand ($50,000) report for the district. 
6.E. Review and discussion of Tax Collection Report as of May 2024.
6.F. Discussion and quarterly report submitted by Mr. James E. Cabello, Delinquent Tax Attorney.
6.G. Discussion and review on the monthly investment report as of May 2024
6.H. Discussion and review of the quarterly investment report. 
6.I. Discussion and possible action to remove and add authorized representatives for First Public Lone Star Investment Pool and Texas Range Local Government Investment Pool. 
7. Consideration and adoption of a resolution of the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District authorizing the redemption of a portion of one or more series of outstanding bonds of the district; appointing one or more authorized officials of the district; approving and authorizing the delivery of one or more notices of redemption and resolving other matters relating thereto. 
8. Discussion and possible action to approve Dimmit Central Appraisal District's proposed budget for 2025
9. Discussion and possible action on the acceptance of a monetary donation from Maxey Energy to Carrizo Springs Junior High Math and Science Programs. 
10. Michelle Gonzalez
10.A. Discussion and possible action to rescind Emergency Paid Sick Leave for District Employees during the 24-25 SY. 
10.B. Consider Approval of Amendments and Additions to the 2023-2024 Compensation Plan.
  • Communication Specialist
  • CCMR/CTE Administrative Assistant
  • Accounting Assistant 
  • Additional Duties
11. Karen Marroquin
11.A. Discussion and possible action to approve budget amendment as attached. 
12. Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
12.A. 551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion of resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, reassignments, new employment, new personnel position, duties/responsibilities of employees. 
  • District Librarian Contract
  • Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Chief Finance Officer
13. Possible action in open session for executive session items.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation of District Librarian Contract for the 24-25 SY.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation to hire ______________ for Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction position.
  • Consider approving the superintendent's recommendation to hire ______________ for Chief Financial Officer position.
14. Adjournment.

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