November 14, 2017 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call meeting to order, roll call and establish quorum.
Pledge of allegiance
Public Forum
Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution #17-13 to cast votes for each member that serves on the Dimmit Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.
Appropriate action on consent agenda items as attached.
Consideration of minutes:
Minutes of Special Board Meeting of October 10, 2017 Minutes of Public Hearing of October 17, 2017 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 17, 2017 |
Accounts payable presentation and action to approve Accounts Payable October 2017 and disclose check register for School FIRST rating.
Review and discussion of Tax Collection Report as of October 2017.
Review of financial statements for the month of October 2017.
Discussion and possible action regarding budget amendments.
Finance: Mrs. Anna Rocha-Diaz
Discussion and action on School’s FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Report for 2016-2017.
Discussion and possible action to receive and consider bids submitted for the lease of real property owned by the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District (8.898 acres of land, more or less, being all of Blocks 123, 94 and 87, in the original town site of the City of Asherton, Texas according to the map and plat thereof which is duly recorded in Volume 2, Page 41, in the Map Records of Dimmit County, Texas) for oil and gas and other exploration and development.
Human Resources: Mr. Michael Uriegas
Discussion regarding the Kinder—3rd grade ISTATION results for the Beginning of Year (BOY) 2017-2018.
Update on AESOP Report regarding all district staff attendance during the 2nd Six Weeks of the 2017-2018 School Year.
Discussion and possible action to adopt local policies BBE, CDA, CKC, CNA, CO, DF, DH, EHBAF, FEA, FFAA, FFF, FFI, GBAA, GKA, GKC, and GKE(Local) in Localized Policy Manual Update 109.
Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the federal programs (Title 1) service coordinator including the position and status of the position and continuing the position and any other matter related thereto.
Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion and recommendation of personnel vacancies, reassignments, employment, transfer, resignations and terminations.
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion on recommendation to fill teacher position (s)
551.071 Consultation with Attorney; 551.072 Deliberation on Real Property: Discussion concerning receipt and consideration of bids submitted for the lease of real property owned by the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District (8.898 acres of land, more or less, being all of Blocks 123, 94 and 87, in the original town site of the City of Asherton, Texas according to the map and plat thereof which is duly recorded in Volume 2, Page 41, in the Map Records of Dimmit County, Texas) for oil and gas and other exploration and development.
551.071 Consultation with Attorney: Discussion concerning proposed termination or non-renewal of term contract held by District teacher, Eric Diaz.
551.071 Consultation with Attorney: Discussion concerning alleged personal injury claim by Maria Del Carmen Jaime.
551.074 – Personnel Matters; 551.071 Consultation with Attorney: Discussion, concerning the federal programs (Title 1) service coordinator including the position and status of the position and continuing the position and any other matter related thereto.
Possible action in open session for executive session items.