February 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call meeting to order, roll call and establish quorum.
Pledge of allegiance
Curriculum & Instruction:Dr. Susan Casey
Presentation regarding Spanish Language Acquisition Program and Timeline
Discussion and action to rescind previous motion approving the Dual Language Program.
Discussion and possible action to adopt the Spanish Language Acquisition Program and Timeline
Discussion and action to approve the Uvalde Regional Day School Shared Service Arrangement Agreement for the Hearing Impaired Students.
Discussion and action to approve the Southwest VI Co-Op Agreement for Visually Impaired students
Finance: Mrs. Anna Diaz
Discussion of Workers Compensation Solutions Program Report from Richard Bass with Frost.
Review and discussion of Tax Collection Report as of January 2010
Accounts payable presentation and action to approve Accounts Payables for January 2010 and disclose check register for School FIRST rating.
Discussion and action to approve budget amendments.
Review of financial statements for the month of January 2010.
Human Resources: Mrs. Monique Gonzalez
Discussion in action to approve a resolution in support of Texas Public Schools Week the week of March 8-12, 2010.
Board of Trustees:
Hearing on Level III grievance filed by parent, Rebeca Ruiz
Board President: Ms. Brenda S. Compagnone
Discussion and action on modification of retainer agreement with District’s legal counsel
Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion and recommendation of personnel vacancies, reassignments, employment, transfer, resignations and terminations.
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion on recommendation to fill teacher position(s).
551.071 - Consultation With Attorney: regarding parent Level III grievance and Department of Education Office of Civil Rights complaint filed by Rebecca Ruiz
551.074 – Personnel Matters: hearing on Level III grievance filed by parent, Rebecca Ruiz
Possible action in open session for executive session items.
Public Forum
Appropriate action on consent agenda items as attached.
Consideration of minutes:
Regular Board Mtg of January 18, 2010
Special Board Mtg of February 1, 2010