August 1, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call meeting to order, roll call and establish quorum.
Pledge of allegiance
Public Forum
Appropriate action on consent agenda items as attached.
Consideration of Minutes:
Minutes of Budget Workshop of June 18, 2018 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 19, 2018 Minutes of Budget Workshop of June 21, 2018 |
Accounts payable presentation and action to approve Accounts Payable June 2018 and disclose check register for School FIRST rating.
Review of financial statements for the month of June 2018.
Review and discussion of Tax Collection Report as of June 2018.
Discussion regarding attendance at workshops and conferences by School board and superintendent.
Discussion and possible on accepting or rejecting an offer made by Dimmit County, Texas, through its County Judge, concerning the of Real Property owned by Carrizo Springs Consolidated ISD and legally described as “Asherton Original Town, Block 190, Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas located at 7935 South, U.S. Highway 83, Asherton, Texas,” where said property has been declared by the Board of Trustees as no longer needed for school purposes based on the passage of Resolution #18-05, and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion to amend CCG (Local) school board policy to establish the procedures by which the School District can accept and review applications made under Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Code (Texas Economic Development Act) with the establishment of a fee of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) to be submitted with each application and with said application being reviewed by the Board of Trustees, and if accepted, the application be submitted to the Texas Comptroller, who will either accept or reject the application, and any matter incident thereto.
Discussion and possible action pursuant to Texas Education Code Section 11.153 and Texas Natural Resources Code Section 71.005 to adopt a Resolution #18-07 and provide notice to the public expressing the School District’s intent to lease its mineral interest in the following real properties: (1) All of Block Ninety-Four (94) in the City of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas and as recorded in Volume 48, pages 37-38 of the Real Property Records of Dimmit County, Texas (2) All of Block 87, in the City of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas and as recorded in Volume 100, pages 629-631, and (3) All of School Lot 123 as reflected in the Map of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas said plat dedicated February 19, 1909, and any matters incident thereto.
Discussion and possible action concerning entering into a Contract for the Interim Superintendent of Schools for the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District and any matters incident thereto.
Consideration and approval of an order calling a Trustee election to be held by the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District and in a joint election with the County of Dimmit, making provision for the conduct of the election, and resolving other matters incident related to such election.
Human Resources: Mr. Michael Uriegas
Discussion and possible action to approve the Carrizo Springs CISD Student Code of Conduct for the 2018-2019 school year.
Discussion and possible action regarding the Carrizo Springs CISD Teacher Salary Schedule and District Pay Structure for the 2018-19 contract year.
Discussion and possible action to approve proposed stipend schedule for 2018-2019 School Year.
Discussion and possible action to adopt local policies BBD, CAA, CJA, DH, DEA, DI, DHE, FEA, (Local) in Localized Policy Manual Update 111.
Finance: Mr. Jose Keubke
Discussion and possible action approve an extension of RFP 17-0801: Physical Therapy Services for Special Education for SY 2018-19.
Discussion and possible action to approve an extension of RFP 17-0802: Occupational Therapy Services for Special Education for SY 2018-19.
Discussion and possible action on Resolution # 18-06 regarding hazardous conditions for designated bus routes for school year 2018-2019.
Executive Session: Discussion authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.:
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion and recommendation of personnel vacancies, reassignments, employment, transfer, resignations and terminations.
551.074 - Personnel Matters: Discussion on recommendation to fill teacher position (s)
551.071 – Consultation with Attorney; 551.072 – Deliberation regarding Real Property: Discussion on accepting or rejecting an offer made by Dimmit County, Texas, through its County Judge, concerning the of Real Property owned by Carrizo Springs Consolidated ISD and legally described as “Asherton Original Town, Block 190, Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas located at 7935 South, U.S. Highway 83, Asherton, Texas,” where said property has been declared by the Board of Trustees as no longer needed for school purposes based on the passage of Resolution #18-05, and any other matters incident thereto.
551.071 – Consultation with Attorney: Discussion to amend CCG (Local) school board policy to establish the procedures by which the School District can accept and review applications made under Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Code (Texas Economic Development Act) with the establishment of a fee of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) to be submitted with each application and with said application being reviewed by the Board of Trustees, and if accepted, the application be submitted to the Texas Comptroller, who will either accept or reject the application, and any matter incident thereto.
551.071 – Consultation with Legal Counsel; 551.072 – Deliberation regarding Real Property: Discussion pursuant to Texas Education Code Section 11.153 and Texas Natural Resources Code Section 71.005 to adopt a Resolution #18-07 and provide notice to the public expressing the School District’s intent to lease its mineral interest in the following real properties: (1) All of Block Ninety-Four (94) in the City of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas and as recorded in Volume 48, pages 37-38 of the Real Property Records of Dimmit County, Texas (2) All of Block 87, in the City of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas and as recorded in Volume 100, pages 629-631, and (3) All of School Lot 123 as reflected in the Map of Asherton, Dimmit County, Texas said plat dedicated February 19, 1909, and any matters incident thereto.
551.071 – Consultation with Legal Counsel: Discussion concerning entering into a Contract for the Interim Superintendent of Schools for the Carrizo Springs Consolidated Independent School District.
551.071 – Consultation with Legal Counsel: Discussion regarding South Spur, LP v. Florence Estelle Patch Ahlers, if Living, or the Unknown Heirs, Testamentary Beneficiaries, and/or Assigns, if any, of Florence Estelle Patch, et al., Cause No. 18-01-13329 DCVAJA, In the District Court, 365th Judicial District, Dimmit County, Texas and matters incident thereto.
551.074 – Personnel Matters: Discussion regarding the Preliminary Results by teacher of the 3rd-8th Grade and EOC State Assessment for the 2017-2018 school year.
Possible action in open session for executive session items.