Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Information
III.A. School Report from Eagle Ridge Middle School, Hidden Valley Elementary School and Harriet Bishop Elementary School.
III.B. READ Act Update
III.C. Report on FY26 Achievement and Integration Budget
III.D. 2025 Indian Education Programming & Vote of Concurrence or Nonconcurrence
III.E. Committee, Board Appointment and School Assignment Reports
IV. Business Meeting
IV.A. Consent Agenda
IV.A.1. Approve Minutes
IV.A.2. Approve Personnel Recommendations
IV.A.3. Approve Payroll, Receipts, Expenses and Investments
IV.A.4. Accept the Budget Analysis
IV.A.5. Receive a Report about the Listening Session
IV.A.6. Final Approval of Extended Robotics Field Trip to Houston, TX on April 15-20, 2025
IV.A.7. Final approval for DECA Nationals Extended Field Trip to Orlando, FL
IV.A.8. Approve Southwest West Central Service Cooperative Contract
IV.A.9. Approve, on First and Final Reading, Non-substantive Changes to Policy 614: School District Testing Plan and Procedure
IV.B. New Business
IV.B.1. Approve Indian Education Programming & Vote of Concurrence or Nonconcurrence
IV.B.2. Approval of FY26 Achievement and Integration Budget
IV.B.3. Joint Powers of Agreement for Burnsville Senior Center
IV.B.4. Dissolution of Joint Powers of Agreement for Burnsville Youth Collaborative at The Garage
IV.B.5. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policy 634: Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use
IV.B.6. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policy 504: Student Dress and Appearance
IV.B.7. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policies 613: Graduation Requirements
V. Work Session
V.A. FY26 Preliminary Investments
VI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 27, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.A. Welcome
Subject: |
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
II. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
III. Information
Subject: |
III.A. School Report from Eagle Ridge Middle School, Hidden Valley Elementary School and Harriet Bishop Elementary School.
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Chris Bellmont, Assistant Superintendent, Dave Helke, Ken Essay and Kristine Black, Principals and their guests
Subject: |
III.B. READ Act Update
Speaker(s): |
Imina Oftedahl, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Subject: |
III.C. Report on FY26 Achievement and Integration Budget
Speaker(s): |
Isis Buchanan, Director of Educational Equity
Subject: |
III.D. 2025 Indian Education Programming & Vote of Concurrence or Nonconcurrence
Speaker(s): |
Madison McKinney, Indigenous Cultural Liaison, Kelly Sundquist, AIPAC Co-Chair, Brian Burthay, AIPAC Co-Chair
Subject: |
III.E. Committee, Board Appointment and School Assignment Reports
Subject: |
IV. Business Meeting
Subject: |
IV.A. Consent Agenda
Although Board action is required, it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items. In the event a Board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Approve Minutes
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Approve Personnel Recommendations
Subject: |
IV.A.3. Approve Payroll, Receipts, Expenses and Investments
Subject: |
IV.A.4. Accept the Budget Analysis
Subject: |
IV.A.5. Receive a Report about the Listening Session
Subject: |
IV.A.6. Final Approval of Extended Robotics Field Trip to Houston, TX on April 15-20, 2025
Subject: |
IV.A.7. Final approval for DECA Nationals Extended Field Trip to Orlando, FL
Subject: |
IV.A.8. Approve Southwest West Central Service Cooperative Contract
Subject: |
IV.A.9. Approve, on First and Final Reading, Non-substantive Changes to Policy 614: School District Testing Plan and Procedure
Subject: |
IV.B. New Business
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Approve Indian Education Programming & Vote of Concurrence or Nonconcurrence
Speaker(s): |
Isis Buchanan, Director of Educational Equity
Subject: |
IV.B.2. Approval of FY26 Achievement and Integration Budget
Speaker(s): |
Isis Buchanan, Director of Educational Equity
Subject: |
IV.B.3. Joint Powers of Agreement for Burnsville Senior Center
Speaker(s): |
Stacey Sovine, Executive Director of Administrative Services
Subject: |
IV.B.4. Dissolution of Joint Powers of Agreement for Burnsville Youth Collaborative at The Garage
Speaker(s): |
Stacey Sovine, Executive Director of Administrative Services
Subject: |
IV.B.5. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policy 634: Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Chris Bellmont, Assistant Superintendent
Subject: |
IV.B.6. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policy 504: Student Dress and Appearance
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Chris Bellmont, Assistant Superintendent
Subject: |
IV.B.7. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policies 613: Graduation Requirements
Speaker(s): |
Imina Oftedahl, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Subject: |
V. Work Session
Subject: |
V.A. FY26 Preliminary Investments
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Theresa Battle, Superintendent, Imina Oftedahl, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Dr. Kathy Funston, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Pathways and Isis Buchanan, Director of Educational Equity
Subject: |
VI. Adjourn