March 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Smart Choices Report
II. Business Meeting
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Consent Agenda
Although Board action is required, it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items. In the event a Board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.
II.B.1. Meeting Minutes
II.B.2. Human Resources Report
II.B.3. Donation of $18 from Kathryn Rosecrans, $8 from Yolanda Raichert, an anonymous donation of $9, and $13 through the Blue Cross/Blue Shield matching funds to Gideon Pond Elementary; $500 from the Hidden Valley PTO in support of Hidden Valley's Birthday Book Club; and $100 from Roberta Brandenberg to Nicollet Junior High for tech ed; and $560 from Wells Fargo's Educational Matching Gift program to Harriet Bishop Elementary
II.B.4. Approve, on a second reading basis, revisions to Board Policy GBEAC, Family and Medical Leave, Policy JO, Protection and Privacyof Pupil Records, and Policy KJA and KJA-R, Solicitations, Promotions, Advertising, Literature Drops
III. New Business
III.A. Receive a report on the Campus Cup (Umhoefer/Marquardt)
III.B. Receive a report on the Senior Center's Annual Giving Campaign (Umhoefer/Starkey)
III.C. Approve the Multi-District Collaborative Council Joint Integration Plan between ISD 191 and ISD 194 (15 minutes) (Chance)
IV. Reports
IV.A. Student Advisor
IV.B. Superintendent
IV.C. Board Members
V. Adjourn