October 25, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Information
III.A. Future Ready. Community Strong.
III.A.1. Report on Read for the Record
Vicki Roy
III.A.2. Update on Foundation 191
Tom Umhoefer, Director of Community Education, and Robbie Bunnell, Savage Parks & Recreation Administration
III.A.3. Gideon Pond Elementary Principal Overivew
Chris Bellmont
III.B. Reports
III.B.1. Committee Reports
III.B.2. Report on Timeline for Superintendent Search and Request for Proposal
Stacey Sovine, Executive Director of Human Resources
IV. Business Meeting
IV.A. Consent Agenda
Although Board action is required, it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items. In the event a Board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.
IV.A.1. Approve Minutes
IV.A.2. Approve Personnel Recommendations
IV.A.3. Adopt a Resolution to Accept Donations
IV.A.4. Approve August Payroll, Claims, Receipts and Investments
IV.A.5. Receive a Report on the October 11, 2018 Listening Session
V. New Business
VI. Adjourn to a Workshop on Marketing Research Study
Aaron Tinklenberg, Director of Communications