August 10, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome Public
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Business Meeting
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Consent Agenda
Although board action is required, it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items. In the event a board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.
II.B.1. Approve Meeting Minutes
II.B.2. Approve Personnel Recommendation
II.B.3. Adopt a Resolution to Accept Donations
II.B.4. Approve Scheduling a Board Retreat on October 6, 2017
II.B.5. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policies 303: Superintendent Selection; 405: Veteran's Preference; 414: Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical Abuse or Sexual Abuse; 515: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records; and 613: Graduation Requirements
II.B.6. Approve Change Order #10 for the 2016 Alterations to Diamondhead Education Center and River Ridge Education Center
II.B.7. Approve Change Order #1 for the Nicollet Middle School Operable Partition Replacement Project
II.B.8. Approve a Revision to the 2019-20 Academic Calendar
III. New Business
III.A. Approve the Proposed Revisions and Re-adopt the Unchanged Language in the 2017-2019 Master Agreement with Service Employees International Union Local #284 Custodial Employees
Stacey Sovine, Executive Director of Human Resources
III.B. Approve Ice Arena Lease with the City of Burnsville for the 2017-18 School Year
Lisa Rider, Executive Director of Business Services
III.C. Approve, on a First Reading Basis, Changes to Policy 616: School District System Accountability
Dave Watkins, Assistant Superintendent
IV. Reports
IV.A. Superintendent
IV.B. Board Members
V. Adjourn to Board Workshop Regarding Policy 206: Public Participation in Board Deliberations