Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Establishment of Quorum
2. Open Forum:
3. Approval of Minutes from:
4. Discussion and Action:
5. Discussion and Action:
6. Request to Excuse Absent Council Members:
7. Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
8. Discussion and Action:
9. Discussion and Action:
10. Discussion and Action:
11. Discussion and Action:
12. Discussion and Action:
13. Discussion and Action:
14. Discussion and Action:
15. Discussion and Action:
16. Discussion and Action:
17. Discussion and Action:
18. Discussion and Action:
20. Discussion and Action:
21. Executive Session
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 11, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular City Council Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Establishment of Quorum
Subject: |
2. Open Forum:
All matters listed under the CONSENT AGENDA are considered routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member(s) of the City Council requests one or more items be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA to the REGULAR AGENDA for separate discussion and action prior to the City Council's vote to adopt the CONSENT AGENDA. |
Subject: |
3. Approval of Minutes from:
2/11/25 Regular City Council Meeting.
Subject: |
4. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Chief Vargas
On the approval of the FY26 Operation Lonestar (OLS) grant resolution.
Subject: |
5. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Finance Director
Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Funds (Wire) Transfer Agreement and Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds with WestStar Bank.
Subject: |
6. Request to Excuse Absent Council Members:
Subject: |
7. Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
Subject: |
8. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Chief Planner
On an extension to the subdivision improvement substantial completion date to October 9, 2025, pursuant to Section 4.11.2 Expiration of Final Plat Approval, and to reaffirm City Council approval of Final Subdivision Plat application for Rancho Desierto Bello Unit 16 (SDF24-0001), recording plat application and authorizing the Mayor to sign the recording plat legally described as a Portion of Leigh Clark Survey No. 297, Town of Horizon City, El Paso County, Texas. Containing 21.481 ± acres. Application submitted by Applicant/Representative: TRE & Associates.
Subject: |
9. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Purchasing Agent
On a resolution approving the Town of Horizon City's participation in the TXShare Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract #2023-028.
Subject: |
10. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/CIP Manager
On an update on the Capital Improvement Program.
Subject: |
11. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/CIP Manager
On change order no. 3 to Dantex General Contractors for $22,691.25 for the Municipal Facilities Phase 1 project (Solicitation 23-101).
Subject: |
12. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/CIP Manager
On a resolution authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with Huitt-Zollars for project support on the Dilley, Delake and Transit Plaza project in an amount not to exceed $120,250.
Subject: |
13. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/CIP Manager
On a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Advance Funding Agreement for a Surface Transportation Program (STP) off-system project, Delake Street Construction (CSJ # 0924-06-691) by and between the Town of Horizon City, Texas, and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation.
Subject: |
14. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/CIP Manager
On a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with Huitt-Zollars for project support on the Rodman Shared Use Path (SUP) project in an amount not to exceed $93,550.00.
Subject: |
15. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Chief Planner
On the resubmitted Preliminary & Final Subdivision Plat applications for Desert Breeze Unit Three (Case No. SUC25-0001), and to authorize the Mayor to sign the recording plat, legally described as a Portion of Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railroad Company Surveys, Town of Horizon City, El Paso County, Texas. Containing 13.272 acres ±. Application submitted by Applicant/Representative: H2O Terra.
Subject: |
16. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/EDC Executive Director
That the President of the Horizon Economic Development Corporation be allowed to execute all necessary contracts for the purchase of the property located at 1525 Oxbow, from Horizon Oxbow Development LLC, for use as the Horizon Economic Development Corporation’s main offices, for an amount not to exceed $691,776, plus any necessary closing costs.
Subject: |
17. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/EDC Executive Director
On a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Horizon Economic Development Corporation to sign a Consultant Services Agreement between the Town of Horizon City Type 4B Economic Development Corporation and Barracuda Public Relations for the term of one year, commencing on the effective date of the Agreement.
Subject: |
18. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/EDC Executive Director
On a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Horizon Economic Development Corporation to enter into a contract between the Town of Horizon City Type 4B Economic Development Corporation and Maser Security Alarms Inc. for the purchase of an alarm system, for an amount not to exceed $6,000.
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Mayor/Finance Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 0313 Amendment No. 01, An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 0313 of the Town of Horizon City, adopting the municipal budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, to allow for the transfer of funds in the 2025 Police Department Budget; and providing for repealer and severability clauses.
Subject: |
20. Discussion and Action:
Presenter: |
Mayor/Finance Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 0313 Amendment No. 01, An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 0313 of the Town of Horizon City, adopting the municipal budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, to allow for the transfer of funds in the 2025 Police Department Budget; and providing for repealer and severability clauses.
Subject: |
21. Executive Session
The City Council of the Town of Horizon City reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices,) and 551.087 (Economic Development).