October 12, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Establishment of Quorum
2. Open Forum:
All matters listed under the CONSENT AGENDA are considered routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member(s) of the City Council requests one or more items be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA to the REGULAR AGENDA for separate discussion and action prior to the City Council's vote to adopt the CONSENT AGENDA. |
3. Approval of Minutes from:
9/28/21 Special City Council Meeting.
4. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a License Agreement between the Town of Horizon City and Double H Contracting, Inc. for the use of City property as a staging area for the Darrington Road phase of the Street Maintenance Program project and ratifying the approval given by the Mayor for Double H Contractors, Inc. to use such property as a staging area.
5. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On an update on the Capital Improvement Program.
6. Request to Excuse Absent Council Members:
7. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/HR Coordinator
On a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Client Services Agreement for Human Resource Services between the Town of Horizon City and Cano HR Group, LLC to provide human resource consulting services.
8. Discussion:
Mayor/Finance Director
1st Reading of Ordinance No. 0272 Amendment No. 01, An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 0272 of the Town of Horizon City, adopting the municipal budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, to allow for the budgeting and expenditure of funds to further the development of the Transit Oriented Development/Town Center project; and providing for repealer and severability clauses.
9. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Purchasing Agent
On the purchase of a Street’s Department vehicle using CARES Act funding in an amount of $30,400.86 and to allow the Mayor or designee to issue purchase orders.
10. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/EDC Executive Director
On a resolution that the Town of Horizon City, Texas supports the application submitted to the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge by the University of Texas at El Paso’s Aerospace Center on behalf of the West Texas Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Coalition and authorizing the Mayor to send a Letter of Support for the application.
11. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/EDC Executive Director
On a resolution adopting the Horizon City Incentives Policy, Guidelines and Criteria dated October 2021 and repealing the Horizon City Incentives Policy Guidelines and Criteria dated December 2013.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _______, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from C-1, A-1, A-2, R-2, R-3, R-4A, R-6, and R9 to R-3; containing approximately 276.104 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
13. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _______, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from C-1, A-1, A-2, R-2, R-3, R-4A, R-6, and R9 to R-3; containing approximately 276.104 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.983 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
15. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.983 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _______, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.453 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
17. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _______, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.453 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from C-1 and R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 45.426 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
19. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from C-1 and R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 45.426 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ___________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.918 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
21. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ___________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.918 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.642 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
23. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-1; containing approximately 1.642 acres; being situated in Section 30, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; east of the intersection of Desert Mist Drive and Eastlake Boulevard; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 185.716 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
25. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. ________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 185.716 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. __________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-2; containing approximately 13.451 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
27. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. __________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-2; containing approximately 13.451 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. __________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 212.581 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
29. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. __________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to R-3; containing approximately 212.581 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-2; containing approximately 4.263 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
31. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. _________, An ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning one parcel from R-2 to C-2; containing approximately 4.263 acres; being situated in Section 32, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas; north and west of the intersection of Eastlake Boulevard and Horizon Boulevard (FM 1281); and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
32. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Advance Funding Agreement between the Town of Horizon City, Texas and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the HSIP FY23-Darrington Road Safety Lights Project (CSJ #0924-06-644).
33. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Advance Funding Agreement between the Town of Horizon City, Texas and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the HSIP FY22- North Kenazo Avenue Safety Lighting Project (CSJ #0924-06-643).
34. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
On a Resolution to Deny the Proposed Rate Change requested by El Paso Electric Company’s Petition and Statement of Intent to Change Rates dated June 1, 2021, Public Utility Commission of Texas, Docket No. 52195.
35. Executive Session
The City Council of the Town of Horizon City reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices,) and 551.086 (Economic Development).