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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order - Organizational Budget Committee Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
2. Land Acknowledgement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Public Comment Procedure 
5. Welcome and Introductions
6. Election/Appointment of Budget Committee Officers
6.A. Elect Budget Committee Chair
6.B. Elect Budget Committee Vice Chair
6.C. Appoint Budget Committee Secretary - Maria Taylor
7. Superintendent's Budget Message
8. Parkrose School District Information
8.A. Next Steps 
9. In-person Public Comment
10. Budget Committee & Student School Board Representatives Discussion
11. PFA President Comments
12. OSEA President Comments
13. Summary of Meeting
14. Reading of Virtual Public Comments 
15. Action Items
15.A. Accept or Reject Resolution Approving 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget in the aggregate amount of $76,788,893
15.B. Accept or Reject Approving 2024-2025 Property Taxes, the levy taxes, at the rate of $4.8906 per $1,000 for the General Fund and $3,613,181 for 2019 Refunded Bond (replaced 2011A) & 2011B General Obligation Bond  that includes both Principal and Interest
16. Closing Announcements 
17. Upcoming Meetings
17.A. Upcoming Board Meetings
17.A.1. Upcoming Budget Meetings
18. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting


Meeting: April 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Organizational Budget Committee Meeting
1. Call to Order - Organizational Budget Committee Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
2. Land Acknowledgement
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across differences. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today. The Parkrose Board of Education begins this effort by acknowledging that we are gathering on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Chinook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River in the Portland area. We pay respect to their elders past and present. We acknowledge them as the past, current and future caretakers of this land.
3. Approve Agenda
4. Public Comment Procedure 
If you wish to submit a public comment on-line before, or during this Board Meeting, please follow link to the electronic public comment form before "Reading of Public Comments" on the agenda:
For in-person public comment, please fill out an Intent-to-Speak card before the meeting begins. 
5. Welcome and Introductions
Superintendent Michael Lopes Serrao

Nine Budget Committee voting members: Danielle Walker, Jamie Dunphy, Michael McClain, Wendy White, Brenda Rivas, Paul Tabron Jr., Joash Bullock, Sonja McKenzie & Elizabeth Durant (six votes are needed for passing any action)
Budget Officer: Sharie Lewis
Student School Board Representatives: Christian Scott, Fatima Al-Shiblawi, Jazzy Davis, Mariana Dedios & Sarah Daggig
Resigned Committee Member: Peter Anyanwu
6. Election/Appointment of Budget Committee Officers
Board Chair Brenda Rivas
6.A. Elect Budget Committee Chair
Board Chair Brenda Rivas

Script: Do I hear a nomination for the position of Chair? (Pause for Nominations)
________________ nominated _________________ to Chair of the Budget Committee. Is there a second? (pause for a nomination & note "discussion" should not happen until there has been a second) Seconded by ________________

Do I hear any discussion? (Pause for Discussion)
Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____
All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ 
Any "abstentions" ? #____

The motion to Elect _________________ budget committee Chair carried ___ to ____. (then say) the motion passes (or the motion fails)
(votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)   
6.B. Elect Budget Committee Vice Chair
Budget Committee Chair (takes over facilitation of the meeting)

Script: Do I hear a nomination for the position of Vice Chair? (Pause for Nominations)
________________ nominated _________________ to Vice Chair of the Budget Committee. Is there a second? (pause for a nomination & note "discussion" should not happen until there has been a second) Seconded by ________________

Do I hear any discussion? (Pause for Discussion)
Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____
All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ 
Any "abstentions" ? #____

The motion to Elect _________________ budget committee Vice Chair carried ___ to ____. (then say) the motion passes (or the motion fails)
(votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)   
6.C. Appoint Budget Committee Secretary - Maria Taylor
Budget Committee Chair

Script: Do I hear a nomination to appoint Maria Taylor budget committee secretary? (Pause for Nominations)
________________ nominated Maria Taylor to secretary of the Budget Committee. Is there a second? (pause for a nomination & note "discussion" should not happen until there has been a second) Seconded by ________________

Do I hear any discussion? (Pause for Discussion)
Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____
All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ 
Any "abstentions" ? #____

The motion to appoint Maria Taylor budget committee secretary carried ___ to ____. (then say) the motion passes (or the motion fails)
(votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)   
7. Superintendent's Budget Message
Superintendent Michael Lopes Serrao

Script: I will now turn the meeting back over to Superintendent, Michael Lopes Serrao. (After his presentation, he will turn the meeting over to Sharie Lewis. If either of them stop for questions, we recommend you call on members and students in a rotation around the table so everyone gets a chance to comment or ask one question - repeat around the table until there are no more questions/comments - and/or depending on time and your observation of the group, just ask if anyone has a question.. once everyone is given the chance to ask a question ask for any followup questions... making sure to also call on those who haven't been heard from in a while)  
8. Parkrose School District Information
Budget Officer Sharie Lewis
8.A. Next Steps 
9. In-person Public Comment
3 minute per person limit 
Script: Do we have any in-person public comments? (if yes, read laminated directions for public comment & ask Vice Chair to monitor the time)
10. Budget Committee & Student School Board Representatives Discussion
Budget Committee Chair
Script: At this time we will open up for committee member & student school board representative discussion. (Repeat your method for questions/comments.)  
11. PFA President Comments
Zachary Melzer 
5 minutes
Script: PFA President Melzer, do you have 5 minutes worth of comments to share with us tonight? Vice Chair, please monitor the time. 
12. OSEA President Comments
Gary Collins
5 minutes
Script: Thank you Zachary Melzer. I believe Gary Collins is unable to attend tonight due to unforeseen circumstances.
13. Summary of Meeting
Budget Committee Chair
Script: Moving on to a summary of the meeting. (Briefly summarize this evening’s presentation/discussions, or ask/designate another committee member to do so) 
14. Reading of Virtual Public Comments 
Script: Do we have any budget related online public comments? (if yes, read laminated directions for public comment - someone will then need to carefully read aloud any virtual public comment being sure staff specific names/references are not read aloud)  
15. Action Items
15.A. Accept or Reject Resolution Approving 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget in the aggregate amount of $76,788,893

Script: Do I hear a motion for (read motion aloud)? (Pause)
A first from________________  Is there a second? Seconded by ________________

Do I hear any discussion? (Pause)
Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____
All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ 
Any "abstentions" ? #____

The motion to (state whether "accept" or "reject") (re-read motion) (state "passes" or "fails") by a vote of ___ to ____. (votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)  
15.B. Accept or Reject Approving 2024-2025 Property Taxes, the levy taxes, at the rate of $4.8906 per $1,000 for the General Fund and $3,613,181 for 2019 Refunded Bond (replaced 2011A) & 2011B General Obligation Bond  that includes both Principal and Interest

Script: Do I hear a motion for (read motion aloud)? (Pause)
A first from________________  Is there a second? Seconded by ________________

Do I hear any discussion? (Pause)
Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____
All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ 
Any "abstentions" ? #____

The motion to (state whether "accept" or "reject") (re-read motion) (state "passes" or "fails") by a vote of ___ to ____. (votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)  
16. Closing Announcements 
Budget Committee Chair
Script: Does the Superintendent or Budget Officer have any closing announcements? 
17. Upcoming Meetings
17.A. Upcoming Board Meetings
Meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Parkrose School District Office Boardroom unless otherwise indicated.
Board Working Session, Monday, May 13th, 2024 (5:30pm Rotary Writing Contest event)
17.A.1. Upcoming Budget Meetings
Meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Parkrose School District Office Boardroom unless otherwise indicated.
May 8, 2024 Second Budget Committee Meeting
May 22, 2024 Optional Third Meeting
June 24, 2024 Board Meeting/Budget Hearing (Board adopts Committee approved budget)
18. Adjournment

Mission: We build a safe, creative community where our students can grow and have agency in their educational path by providing diverse learning opportunities, partnering with our wider community and building a foundation for life-long learning.

Vision: All students graduate our schools with a strong sense of identity, empathy and the critical skills they need to innovate and follow the path of their choosing from the moment they come through our doors.

If requested to do so at least 72 hours before a meeting held in public, the Board will make a reasonable effort to provide translation services. (Policy BD/BDA 12.13.21) Please email or call 503-408-2115. Zoom closed captioning provided for the hearing-impaired. Other appropriate auxiliary aids and services may be provided upon request and appropriate advance notice. 

The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. (AC 12.13.21)

Full policies and complaint forms can be requested from your school, the district office or accessed online at

Persons having questions about civil rights, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination should contact Antoinette Harrison, Director of Student Services at or 503-408-2118.

BDDH - Public Comment at Board Meetings (12.13.21)

BDDH-AR Public Comment at Board Meetings Procedure (12.13.21)

KL - Public Complaints (10.28.19)

KL-AR(1) Public Complaint Procedure (10.28.19)

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