Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Swearing in of New Members
4. Roll Call
5. Board Chair Comments
6. Approval of Agenda
7. Election of Officers
7.a. Chairperson
7.b. Vice-Chairperson
7.c. Clerk
7.d. Treasurer
8. Organizational Action Items
8.a. Setting of Regular Meeting Time and Dates
8.b. Setting of Compensation for Directors
8.c. Naming of Official Depositories for District Funds
8.d. Investment of Funds
8.e. Annual Delegation of Authority to Make Electronic Fund Transfers
8.f. Naming of Representatives and Committee Members
8.f.1. Naming of Royalton City Council Meeting Representative
8.f.2. Naming of Bowlus City Council Meeting Representative
8.f.3. Naming of Finance Committee Representatives
8.f.4. Setting of Finance Meeting Time and Dates
8.f.5. Naming of Policy Committee Representatives
8.f.6. Setting of Policy Meeting Time and Dates
8.f.7. Naming of Strategic Planning/Curriculum Advisory, and Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR) Advisory Committee Representatives.
8.f.8. Naming of Facilities Committee Representatives
8.f.9. Naming of Legislative Liaison Representative
8.f.10. Naming of Mid-State Education District Board
8.f.11. Naming of Minnesota State High School League Representative
8.f.12. Naming of Labor Management/Meet and Confer Representative
8.f.13. Naming of Staff Development Committee Representative
8.f.14. Naming of Health and Safety Committee Representative
8.f.15. Naming of Sourcewell Representative
8.f.16. Naming of Non-Union Negotiation Representatives
8.f.17. Naming of Teacher (REM) Negotiation Representatives
8.f.18. Naming of Para (RESP) Negotiation Representatives
8.f.19. Naming of Secretaries (AFSCME) Negotiation Representatives
8.f.20. Naming of Principal Negotiation Representatives
8.f.21. Naming of Superintendent Negotiation Representatives
9. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
10. Reports/News
10.a. Superintendent Report
10.b. Business Manager Report
11. Consent Agenda Approval
11.a. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes
11.b. Claims, Accounts and Financial
11.c. Approval of New Hires
11.d. Approval of Resignations/Terminations
11.e. Naming of Official Newspaper
11.f. Naming of Legal Counsel
12. Discussion/Information/Action Items
12.a. Approval of Pay Equity Report
12.b. Approval for Establishing Combined Polling Places Resolution
12.c. Approval of Reduction Resolution
12.d. Approval of Donations Resolution
13. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
14. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Organizational/Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge to Flag
Subject: |
3. Swearing in of New Members
Subject: |
4. Roll Call
Subject: |
5. Board Chair Comments
Subject: |
6. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
7. Election of Officers
Subject: |
7.a. Chairperson
Subject: |
7.b. Vice-Chairperson
Subject: |
7.c. Clerk
Subject: |
7.d. Treasurer
Subject: |
8. Organizational Action Items
Subject: |
8.a. Setting of Regular Meeting Time and Dates
This past year, the board held 12 regular board meetings with work sessions scheduled as needed.
In 2024, the board met on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. School board meetings cannot be held on legal holidays. The regular meeting time at 6:00 PM and 2025 dates for January __, February __, March __, April __, May __, June __, July __, August __, September __, October __, November __, December __. |
Subject: |
8.b. Setting of Compensation for Directors
Current compensation is $2500 a year per board member. The chairperson receives an additional $500 year stipend. Half the amount will be given in June 2025 and December 2025.
Subject: |
8.c. Naming of Official Depositories for District Funds
Heidi Hagen, Pine Country Bank, Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund, and MN Trust (PMA) as official depositories for Royalton School District Funds.
Update authorized signers on the District’s Official Depository Accounts, and all certificates of deposit continuing/and/or removing _________, prior School Board Chair, and _________, prior School Board Treasurer, prior School Board Clerk, and effective _______, 2025, and adding _________, School Board Chair, and __________, School Board Treasurer, and _______ School Board Clerk as authorized signers on behalf of the District effective ________, 2025. |
Subject: |
8.d. Investment of Funds
Approve Heidi Hagen, Business Manager, to invest funds on behalf of the Royalton School District.
Subject: |
8.e. Annual Delegation of Authority to Make Electronic Fund Transfers
The auditor requires the board to designate someone to make electronic fund transfers. The Business Manager has been assigned to do this in the past.
Delegate the authority to make electronic fund transfers to Heidi Hagen, Business Manager. |
Subject: |
8.f. Naming of Representatives and Committee Members
Subject: |
8.f.1. Naming of Royalton City Council Meeting Representative
____________________also Representative _________________as an alternate to represent the Royalton School District at Royalton City Council meetings once per month.
Subject: |
8.f.2. Naming of Bowlus City Council Meeting Representative
_____________also Representative _________________as an alternate to represent the Royalton School District at Bowlus City Council Meeting once per month
Subject: |
8.f.3. Naming of Finance Committee Representatives
Naming of Finance Committee Representatives. This committee consists of two board members, the Business Manager, and Superintendent. The committee will review and comment on the budget.
Directors _________________ and ________________as Finance Committee Representatives. |
Subject: |
8.f.4. Setting of Finance Meeting Time and Dates
Subject: |
8.f.5. Naming of Policy Committee Representatives
________________and______________ as Policy Committee Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.6. Setting of Policy Meeting Time and Dates
Subject: |
8.f.7. Naming of Strategic Planning/Curriculum Advisory, and Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR) Advisory Committee Representatives.
The Strategic Planning/Curriculum Advisory/Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR) Advisory Committee consists of one but not limited to; elementary teachers, MS/HS teachers, both principals, the superintendent, board members, parents from each of the schools, community members at large, and business person(s) from the district. The committee is primarily responsible for formulating, reviewing, improving, and measuring of the school Strategic Plan, Curriculum Advisory, and to produce the Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR).
Directors_____________ and ___________ to the Strategic Planning/Curriculum Advisory/Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR) Advisory Committee representatives. |
Subject: |
8.f.8. Naming of Facilities Committee Representatives
Directors ______________and _______________as Facilities Committee Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.9. Naming of Legislative Liaison Representative
The representatives receive all legislative updates from MSBA and are responsible for keeping the board updated on legislative issues. The representatives are eligible to run for MSBA’s delegate assembly and encouraged to attend MSBA and Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) legislative sessions as the Legislative Liaison.
_____________ also Representative _____________as an alternate to Legislative Liaison Representative. |
Subject: |
8.f.10. Naming of Mid-State Education District Board
The representative is expected to attend monthly meetings as the voting representative from Royalton School District. This group sets policy for Mid-State Education District based on recommendations from the member districts' Superintendent in areas of special education, technology, and distance learning. Five school districts receive special education services. Seven school districts receive technology services.
Director ________________ and Director ________________as an alternate to Mid-State Education District Representative. |
Subject: |
8.f.11. Naming of Minnesota State High School League Representative
Director ____________________ and Director __________________as an alternate to Minnesota State High School League Representative.
Subject: |
8.f.12. Naming of Labor Management/Meet and Confer Representative
The superintendent meets with teacher representatives five times a year as per Master Agreement, usually every other month, to discuss non-contractual concerns. Meetings usually start at 3:15 PM and seldom last more than one hour. This does not require board representation, any or all board members may attend.
Director________________and Director__________________as an alternate to Meet and Confer Representatives. |
Subject: |
8.f.13. Naming of Staff Development Committee Representative
Directors _________and __________ as Staff Development Committee Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.14. Naming of Health and Safety Committee Representative
Directors __________ and ________ as an alternate Health and Safety Committee Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.15. Naming of Sourcewell Representative
Directors ___________ and ___________ as an alternate Sourcewell Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.16. Naming of Non-Union Negotiation Representatives
Directors______________, _________________ and Director ______________ as an alternate to Non-Union Negotiation Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.17. Naming of Teacher (REM) Negotiation Representatives
Director _____________________ and _________________ as Teacher Negotiation Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.18. Naming of Para (RESP) Negotiation Representatives
Director __________________ and ________________ as Para Negotiation Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.19. Naming of Secretaries (AFSCME) Negotiation Representatives
Directors ____________________ and _________________ as Secretaries Negotiation Representative.
Subject: |
8.f.20. Naming of Principal Negotiation Representatives
Directors _______________and_______________ as Principal Negotiation Representatives.
Subject: |
8.f.21. Naming of Superintendent Negotiation Representatives
Directors _________________ and __________________ as Superintendent Negotiation Representatives.
Subject: |
9. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
Subject: |
10. Reports/News
Subject: |
10.a. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
10.b. Business Manager Report
Subject: |
11. Consent Agenda Approval
*The Board is consenting to approve items listed below as presented, at one time. At any point a Director can pull an item off the consent agenda for further discussion.
Subject: |
11.a. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
11.b. Claims, Accounts and Financial
Approve accounts payable and receivables, and employee reimbursements as attached and approve all other financial reports as presented.
Subject: |
11.c. Approval of New Hires
The Royalton School Board will approve the following hires based upon the findings of each individual’s background check, licensure status, and discipline report from the MN Department of Education.
Subject: |
11.d. Approval of Resignations/Terminations
Subject: |
11.e. Naming of Official Newspaper
Name the Morrison County Record as the Official Newspaper.
Subject: |
11.f. Naming of Legal Counsel
Name Squires, Waldspurger, & Mace, P.A. as the Official Law Firm for the District.
Subject: |
12. Discussion/Information/Action Items
Subject: |
12.a. Approval of Pay Equity Report
Subject: |
12.b. Approval for Establishing Combined Polling Places Resolution
Subject: |
12.c. Approval of Reduction Resolution
Subject: |
12.d. Approval of Donations Resolution
Subject: |
13. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Subject: |
14. Adjournment