March 13, 2015 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Questions for Board Agenda Items
Please see attached good questions I received from a board member regarding some of next Monday's board agenda items. My brief responses can be found in red lettering. |
2. Donation from Langola Township for Summer Recreation
On Thursday evening, Greg Borders attended the Langola Township meeting and asked for a donation to support our summer recreation programs. The township board approved $2,000. I will add this to the April board meeting agenda to accept the generous donation. |
3. Positive Comments in Rhonda Atchley's Resignation Letter
Please read Rhonda Atchley's resignation letter as a bus driver. I didn't receive it until after Wednesday's release of the board agenda. It'll be in the April board packet. Paragraph 3 is a good example of Sue's leadership we have come to recognize over the years and important contributions she makes to our school district. I don't over estimate the high quality of leadership we have developed here at Royalton Schools. She is one of the many reasons the surrounding communities are recognizing Royalton School District as the place to be for school age children, families and employees! |
4. Solar Panels on the School Building Roofs
Please see attached an email from David Winkelman. We have a meeting scheduled next week to learn more about the details of this proposal. We'll meet here in my office at 1:30 PM on Thursday, March 19th. We are expected to go about 90 minutes. Let me know if you're interested in attending and participating in the conversation. |
5. Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Ann Matvick is a community member of the past seven years. She lives down the street near the ball fields. She is the Program Director at Big Brothers Big Sisters. Recently she inquired about our potential interest in beginning a school-based mentoring program between high school and elementary school students. A grant (besides the Morrison County United Way grant) would help cover the cost of starting a school-based program in Royalton. I asked our two social workers (Eric Goodrich and Annalee Vandenheuvel) to visit with Ann Matvik to learn more details and determine if it's a good fit for us to pursue. Please see attached their separate comments in email messages post-conference with Ann. Also, enclosed is a job description for the high school student participating as a Big Brother or Big Sister. |
6. Responsibilities of Transportation Director Position
I asked Sue to briefly share with us some of the duties she performs over the summer months and reasons why the additional 33 hours (3 hours per day for 11 days) is needed to perform her role as the transportation director. You will see attached her response to my request. |
7. Principal's Update to Elementary Staff
Please see attached Dr. Gurbada's update to his elementary staff. I don't receive all of his updates, and that's okay, but when I do there are some worth passing on to the board. Lots of things happening at all levels and directions of the growing school district. His update this week lists items that will be coming up to the board's level of discussion and approvals. See attached the PLTW Launch robot referred to in Dr. Gurbada's letter. |
8. Union Vote by Secretaries
The Union was going to meet last night to vote but it did not work out for a few of them. They are meeting this evening after work. Shannon (Union Rep) will email me the results as soon as the votes are counted. I'll forward you the email when I receive it. |
9. Weekly Bills
Please see attached the weekly bills for your approval. |