June 13, 2014 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Job Descriptions
Please find attached job descriptions for the following new and existing positions in the district: New Positions: 1. District Office Secretary 2. Technology Support Assistant Existing Positions: 1. Director of Building and Grounds 2. MS/HS Attendance Secretary 3. Human Resource/Payroll Director IMPORTANT: Included in the budget approval Monday night are the dollars for a district office secretary, technology support assistant, and increasing MS/HS attendance secretary from .8 to 1.0 FTE. |
2. Meredith Posch's Request for Extended Leave of Absence for up to Five Years Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.46
Please know in advance to Monday evening's board meeting it is my recommendation to NOT approve Meredith Posch's request for an extended leave of absence. My concerns are continuity and consistency in the Title I program. Please call me with any questions/concerns you have about this recommendation. Also, do know Kevin Rupp said she may be able to grieve a board decision not allowing her take the leave (see number 4 in the attached confidential email message). |
3. Parking on Hawthorn
Liz asked we discuss the parking on Hawthorn street again. She provided me the attached document you see in the board packet for Monday evening. |
4. Weekly Bills
There are no weekly bills requiring your approval. |