September 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Roll Call
Jim Block ____________________ Dale Lenz____________________
Michelle Carlson_______________ Jeff Swenson__________________ Tom Justin____________________ Liz Verley_____________________ |
4. Approval of Agenda
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director ____________ to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Motion carried by ___________ vote. |
5. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ________ to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on August 18, 2014 as presented/corrected. Motion carried by ________ vote.
6. Claims, Accounts and Financial
It was moved by Director ____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve bills due and payable amounting to $231,656.91 including wire payments, check numbers 60242-60360, employee reimbursements and P-Card Transactions. Summary as follows:
Fund # 01 General Fund..............$217,468.77 02 Food Service............... 10,787.57 04 Community Service.... 3,400.57 And to approve all other financial reports as presented. Motion carried by _______ vote.
7. Appreciation, Recognition and Presentations
8. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
9. Reports/Good News
9.a. Royalton Mayor’s Report
9.b. Business Manager’s Report
9.c. Principals’ Reports
9.d. Superintendent’s Report
9.e. Board Committee Reports
10. Action Items
Consent Agenda: It was moved by Director ___________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve items “a through i” as presented. Motion carried by ______ vote. |
10.a. Approval of Donations
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept the donation of $3,000 from the Royalton Lions Club to support the varsity baseball field backstop project. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept the donation of $2,000 from Target for purchasing books and support materials for P.A.K.R.A.T. (Parents and Kids Reading Actively Together) at the first grade level. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept the donation of $250 from Pine County Bank for high school football helmets. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.b. Approval of Resignations
It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Monica Makela's resignation as Girls' Track Coach effective August 13, 2014 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Richael Weinand's resignation as school nurse effective August 15, 2014 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Debbie Goerger's resignation as Kindergarten Paraprofessional effective August 26, 2014 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Sarah Funk's resignation as Community Education Director effective September 22, 2014 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.c. Approval of Hirings
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Auralia Behnke as a SPED Paraprofessional effective September 8, 2014 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Heather Britz as a SPED Paraprofessional effective September 8, 2014 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring and agreement with Ashley Britz as School Nurse effective September 23, 2014 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.d. Approval of REM Contract for 2013-15
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the REM Contract for 2013-15 as presented. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.e. Approval of Maternity Leave Request
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve Rebecca Scott's maternity/child care leave request from approximately December 6, 2014 to March 2, 2015 per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.f. Approval of Student Activities Fundraisers for 2014/15 School Year
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the student activities fundraisers for the 2014/15 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote
10.g. Approval of College in the Schools/Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with Central Lakes College
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the College in the Schools/Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with Central Lakes College as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried by ___ vote
10.h. Approval of Preliminary Levy Certification
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the 2014 payable 2015 levy at the maxiumum amount. Motion carried by ___ vote.
10.i. Approval to Set Truth in Taxation Hearing for December 15, 2014
It was moved by Director ________________ and seconded by Director ___________________ to set the Truth in Taxation Hearing for December 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm with the regular meeting immediately following. Motion carried by ______vote. |
10.j. Approval of Snow Plow Bid
It was moved by Director ________________ and seconded by Director ___________________ to accept the snow plowing bid from for the 2014-15 school year. Motion carried by ______vote. |
11. Discussion Items
11.a. Special Board Meeting to Approve Construction Project
11.b. Designation of Combined Polling Place for January election
11.c. Other Discussion Items
12. Information Items
12.a. Minnesota School Boards Association Insurance Trust Election
12.b. Enrollment Information
12.c. Other Information Items
13. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
• Regular Board Meeting - October 21, 2014 at 6:00 PM |
14. Closing Meeting for Negotiation Strategies
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________ to close the meeting for negotiation strategies, as allowed by MN Statute 13D.03. Motion carried by ___ vote. |
15. Adjournment
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried by ________ vote. |