February 22, 2013 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Minutes |
1. Wish List for High School Class Registration
Enclosed is a wish list of courses by our high school students. Please know that not all students in grades 8-11 completed and returned the "wish list" sheet. Joel and Monica are using the feedback as a guide in developing course offerings for next school year.
2. Hazel's Demographic Study of the Student Enrollment
Enclosed are the demographic study documents we received from Hazel. Upon reviewing her report, I believe it would be most beneficial to us if she came to the March board meeting. I'd like to hear her verbal interpretation of the data and have an opportunity to ask questions.
3. VeriTime
The most recent systems change we will be implementing this spring is an electronic time clock for hourly employees. The cause of conversation happened last week when an employee's handwritten time sheet overlapped in two different areas where she works. The custodian and food service supervisor both showed her working with them at the same time - this is impossible.
The demo of the software showed us several ways to make the district and schools operate more efficiently. Jen alone will save one full day of work each pay period. She'll no longer receive handwritten time sheets that need to be calculated and then entered by her into a computer. This is an important and necessary change because the district office is operating above full capacity with three employees. Many districts our size have minimally a fourth person. We do not have plans of asking for additional help, but we need to continue to find ways to become more efficient. This allows us to continue being progressive and moving the schools forward. You may end up hearing some grumbling from employees because of the increased accountability. We will use this system to eliminate paying employees for hours and days that shouldn't be (e.g., extra days for bus drivers and cooks, etc.). We will continue to pay them for the hours/days they clock in. The difference is we'll be able to show the time a bus driver washes his/her bus or is in staff development training. This is better than simply giving them 10 days. A lot more could be said about the benefits and need to change to VeriTime. You can contact me if you have questions. |
4. Approval of Weekly Bills
Please find the weekly bills attached for your approval.