July 1, 2016 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. District Goals for 2015-2016 ~ Actions Taken
I emailed Liz the requested information about our district goals. I thought you too may want to review our actions taken thus far. |
2. Participation in Resource Training & Solutions for 2015-16
Please see attached the programs our students and staff participated in this past year at Resource Training & Solutions. |
3. Advisory Committee with Upsala School District
We will have a discussion item at the July board meeting to talk about an advisory committee with Upsala School District. Upsula regularly meets with Swanville for their shared athletic sports. |
4. Board Assigned Representatives to Royals Wrestling Club
We will have a discussion item at the July board meeting to appoint two or three board members as reps to the Royals Wrestling Club. The admin team no longer feels comfortable meeting with their top leadership alone. Too many times they have twisted our words. This is NOT a two-way street as they like to say. It is important going forward all meetings with the Club includes administrators and board members. |
5. Winkelman's Minutes of Construction Progress Meeting #21
Please see attached minutes from the latest construction progress meeting. |
6. Weekly Bills
Please see attached the weekly bills for your approval. |