July 15, 2016 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Approval of Authorizing the Superintendent to Sign Board Approved Contracts Related to the LTFM Dollars
Same as the building project dollars of $26.1 million the new LTFM $2 million requires day-to-day on the fly decisions by the leadership team and me. Mary and I were visiting and decided it would be best for the board to approve the below motion. It is the same wording as the one you did earlier for the building project. We just swapped "building project" with "LTFM." Each week in the Friday letters I would list out the LTFM quotes/proposals we need board approval on to keep moving forward, especially in these summer months. Same as we do the weekly bills if Mary and I don't hear back with any questions/concerns we accept that as approval and move forward with the work. Please call Mary and/or me with questions about this motion request. Thanks! It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve authorizing the Superintendent to sign contracts related to the Long Term Facilities Maintenance dollars on Tuesdays following weekly dissemination and Board approval of quotes/proposals. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
2. Friday LTFM Quotes/Proposals
These are the types of quotes/proposals Mary and I would be listing each week for board approval. In fact, all of these are recommended and require board approval. I will relist these again next week after the board approves the motion. Cannot get the cart ahead of the horse. Please see attached this week's LTFM quotes/proposals for your approval. |
3. Minutes of Construction Progress Meeting #22
Please see attached the minutes of construction progress meeting #22. Note: We will now be going to weekly meetings for the remainder of the summer to ensure that everyone stays on track for completion of Areas A, B, C & D by September 2. |
4. Decision on P&I Grant for Royalton
Please see attached an email from Katy Kirchner regarding our grant application to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division. The Planning and Implementation Grant was made available to interested schools to reduce youth alcohol use. There are probably two other unlisted reasons why Royalton Schools did not receive the grant. Two other Morrison County schools recently received the grant and they are looking for other schools in different counties around the state. The school chosen has a higher rate of youth alcohol use. |
5. Amended Mid-State Education District Agreement
Please see below the changes to the Mid-State Education District Agreement. I recommend the Royalton School Board approve the amended agreement. 1. In the event a Member District consolidates with another Member District and thereby creates another new school district, the new district continues as a member and assumes responsibility for the debt and assets of the two consolidated districts. 2. The federal funds from each district will support the federal related expenses in the same proportion that the total funds are received by Mid-State for the prior year. 3. If a Mid-State Education District employee vacates an optional program, MSED will give the member district an opportunity to withdraw from participation. |
6. Weekly Bills
Please see attached the weekly bills for your approval. |