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Meeting Agenda
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Public Comment:
III. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes of the June 24, 2024 Regular Meeting
Payrolls for the Months of June, July and August 2024 in the amount of
Accounts Payable for the Month of June 2024 in the amount of $389,545.46.
V. Approve Agenda
VI. Action Agenda
VI.A. Motion to accept the resignation of Larry Pervenanze as the Level II Boys Basketball coach, effective June 25, 2024.
VI.B. Motion to accept the resignation of Kent "Mike" Fredeen, Facilities and Grounds Operations Administrator, effective August 15, 2024. 
VI.C. Motion to approve the At-Will contract of Jennifer Waryas, LPN, for the period of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025.
VI.D. Motion to accept the leave of absence request from Jamie Moberg, paraprofessional, effective July 26, 2024.
VI.E. Motion to approve the new activities fees effective with the 2024-2025 school year with amended changes as follows:  Qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch through application or direct certification, the district will pay half the activity fee for the student. 
VI.F. Motion to approve the amended Joint Powers Agreement relating to Independent School District No. 6076, Northland Learning Center as presented. 
VI.G. Motion to approve the district group health insurance rates through Blue Cross and Blue Shield from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.
VI.G.1. Motion to approve property and liability insurance renewal in the amount of $211,255.88 effective July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. 
VI.G.2. Motion to approve the FY 25 Long Term Facilities Maintenance 10-year plan as presented. 
VI.H. Approve increasing the District Superintendent's spending authority by up to $50,000 related to expenses/changes for the construction project.
VI.H.1. Motion to approve the energy savings proposal from APEX.
VI.I. Approve Policy #102 Equal Educational Opportunity
VI.J. Approve Policy #104 School District Mission Statement
VI.K. Approve Policy #204 School Board Meeting Minutes
VI.L. Approve Policy #207 Public Hearings
VI.M. Approve Policy #413 Harassment and Violence
VI.N. Approve Policy #416 Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing
VI.O. Approve Policy #418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School
VI.P. Approve Policy #419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession of use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices, and Electronic Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention Instruction
VI.Q. Approve Policy #425 Staff Development and Mentoring
VI.R. Approve Policy #507 Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
VI.S. Approve Policy #509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students
VI.T. Approve Policy #512 School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
VI.U. Approve Policy #513 Student Promotion Retention, and Program Design
VI.V. Approve Policy #515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
VI.W. Approve Policy #516 Student Medication and Telehealth
VI.X. Approve Policy #521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination
VI.Y. Approve Policy #524 Internet, Technology, and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
VI.Z. Approve Policy #532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
VI.AA. Approve Policy #601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
VI.AB. Approve Policy #602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day
VI.AC. Approve Policy #603 Curriculum Development
VI.AD. Approve Policy #604 Instructional Curriculum
VI.AE. Approve Policy #606.5 Library Materials
VI.AF. Approve Policy #607 Organization of Grade Levels
VI.AG. Approve Policy #608 Instructional Services - Special Education
VI.AH. Approve Policy #609 Religion and Religious and Cultural Observances
VI.AI. Approve Policy #613 Graduation Requirements
VI.AJ. Approve Policy #614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
VI.AK. Approve Policy #615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students
VI.AL. Approve Policy #616 School District System Accountability
VI.AM. Approve Policy #619 Staff Development for Standards
VI.AN. Approve Policy #620 Credit for Learning
VI.AO. Approve Policy #624 Online Instruction
VI.AP. Approve Policy #707 Transportation of Public-School Students
VI.AQ. Approve Policy #708 Transportation of Nonpublic Schools Students
VI.AR. Approve Policy #709 Student Transportation Safety Policy
VI.AS. Approve Policy #802 Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Materials
VI.AT. Approve Policy #806 Crisis Management 
VII. Discussion
VIII. Information
VIII.A. Thank you from the Town Board of Balkan
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Public Comment:
III. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes of the June 24, 2024 Regular Meeting
Payrolls for the Months of June, July and August 2024 in the amount of
Accounts Payable for the Month of June 2024 in the amount of $389,545.46.
V. Approve Agenda
VI. Action Agenda
VI.A. Motion to accept the resignation of Larry Pervenanze as the Level II Boys Basketball coach, effective June 25, 2024.
VI.B. Motion to accept the resignation of Kent "Mike" Fredeen, Facilities and Grounds Operations Administrator, effective August 15, 2024. 
VI.C. Motion to approve the At-Will contract of Jennifer Waryas, LPN, for the period of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025.
VI.D. Motion to accept the leave of absence request from Jamie Moberg, paraprofessional, effective July 26, 2024.
VI.E. Motion to approve the new activities fees effective with the 2024-2025 school year with amended changes as follows:  Qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch through application or direct certification, the district will pay half the activity fee for the student. 
VI.F. Motion to approve the amended Joint Powers Agreement relating to Independent School District No. 6076, Northland Learning Center as presented. 
VI.G. Motion to approve the district group health insurance rates through Blue Cross and Blue Shield from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.
VI.G.1. Motion to approve property and liability insurance renewal in the amount of $211,255.88 effective July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. 
VI.G.2. Motion to approve the FY 25 Long Term Facilities Maintenance 10-year plan as presented. 
VI.H. Approve increasing the District Superintendent's spending authority by up to $50,000 related to expenses/changes for the construction project.
VI.H.1. Motion to approve the energy savings proposal from APEX.
VI.I. Approve Policy #102 Equal Educational Opportunity
VI.J. Approve Policy #104 School District Mission Statement
VI.K. Approve Policy #204 School Board Meeting Minutes
VI.L. Approve Policy #207 Public Hearings
VI.M. Approve Policy #413 Harassment and Violence
VI.N. Approve Policy #416 Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing
VI.O. Approve Policy #418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School
VI.P. Approve Policy #419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession of use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices, and Electronic Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention Instruction
VI.Q. Approve Policy #425 Staff Development and Mentoring
VI.R. Approve Policy #507 Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
VI.S. Approve Policy #509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students
VI.T. Approve Policy #512 School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
VI.U. Approve Policy #513 Student Promotion Retention, and Program Design
VI.V. Approve Policy #515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
VI.W. Approve Policy #516 Student Medication and Telehealth
VI.X. Approve Policy #521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination
VI.Y. Approve Policy #524 Internet, Technology, and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
VI.Z. Approve Policy #532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
VI.AA. Approve Policy #601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
VI.AB. Approve Policy #602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day
VI.AC. Approve Policy #603 Curriculum Development
VI.AD. Approve Policy #604 Instructional Curriculum
VI.AE. Approve Policy #606.5 Library Materials
VI.AF. Approve Policy #607 Organization of Grade Levels
VI.AG. Approve Policy #608 Instructional Services - Special Education
VI.AH. Approve Policy #609 Religion and Religious and Cultural Observances
VI.AI. Approve Policy #613 Graduation Requirements
VI.AJ. Approve Policy #614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
VI.AK. Approve Policy #615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students
VI.AL. Approve Policy #616 School District System Accountability
VI.AM. Approve Policy #619 Staff Development for Standards
VI.AN. Approve Policy #620 Credit for Learning
VI.AO. Approve Policy #624 Online Instruction
VI.AP. Approve Policy #707 Transportation of Public-School Students
VI.AQ. Approve Policy #708 Transportation of Nonpublic Schools Students
VI.AR. Approve Policy #709 Student Transportation Safety Policy
VI.AS. Approve Policy #802 Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Materials
VI.AT. Approve Policy #806 Crisis Management 
VII. Discussion
VIII. Information
VIII.A. Thank you from the Town Board of Balkan
IX. Adjourn

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