Meeting Agenda
1.A. Roll Call
1.B. Introduction of Guests and Audience
2.A. Student Spotlight
2.B. Program Spotlight
2.B.1. Special Education Program Review (Goals #1, #2)
2.C. Partnership Spotlight
2.C.1. Recognitions:
2.C.1.a. Molly Emmons, Maternal and Child Health Project Manager, Office of Family Health, Public Health Division, ABCD Project
2.C.1.b. Anne Stone, Interium Executive Director, START Manager, Oregon Pediatric Society
4.A. Consent Agenda
4.A.1. Approve March 16, 2010 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes (Goals #2, #5)
4.A.2. Approve March 16, 2010 Regular Session Minutes
4.A.3. Approve April 2, 2010 Executive Session Minutes
4.A.4. Approve April 2, 2010 Budget Committee Minutes (Goals #2, #5)
4.A.5. Approve Resolution 10-13 Personnel Contracts (Goal #2)
4.A.6. Approve Resolution 10-14 Renewal of Personnel Contracts for 2010-2011 (Goal #2)
4.A.7. Approve Resolution 10-15 Extension of Contracts for TSPC Licensed Contract Teachers for 2010-2011 (Goal #2)
4.B. Action Agenda
4.B.1. Second Reading of Board Policies
4.B.1.a. Resolution 10-16- Second Reading New Board Policy DBDB - Risk Management/PERS Reserve Fund (Goal #5)
4.B.2. First Reading of Board Policies
4.B.2.a. Policies AD (New), AE(Revised), IA/IAA (Revised) and JAA (Revised) were prepared based on the passage of House Bills 2362 (2009) and 2693 (2009) which added characteristics of public school systems to ORS 329.025 that support academic growth beyond proficiency in established academic content standards and encourages students to attain aspirational goals that are individually challenging, and supports the physical and cognitive growth and development of students.
4.B.2.a.1. Resolution 10-17 - First Reading of New Board Policy AD - Educational Philosophy (Goal #6)
4.B.2.a.2. Resolution 10-18 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy AE - MESD Goal Setting (Goal #6)
4.B.2.a.3. Resolution 10-19 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy IA-IAA - Instructional Goals (Goal #6)
4.B.2.a.4. Resolution 10-20 - First Reading of New Board Policy JAA - Student Policies, Goals and Objectives (Goal #6)
4.B.2.b. Policies IGBHA(Revised), IK(New), IL(New), IMB(New), were prepared based on the passage of House Bill 2263, sections 40 and 41, passed during the 2007 Legislative Session, removing CIM/CAM requirements and reference from state law.
4.B.2.b.1. Resolution10-21- First Reading of Revised Board Policy IGBHA - Alternative Education Program (Goal #6)
4.B.2.b.2. Resolution 10-22 - First Reading of New Board Policy IK - Academic Achievement (Goal #6)
4.B.2.b.3. Resolution 10-23 - First Reading of New Board Policy IL - Assessment Program (Goal #6)
4.B.2.b.4. Resolution 10-24 - First Reading of New Board Policy IMB - Student Achievement Program (Goal #6)
4.B.2.c. Policies IKF(Revised), IKFB (NEW), and IKH((Revised), were prepared as the State Board of Education, in December of 2009, revised Oregon Administrative Rules regarding essential skills, diploma, modified diploma, extended diploma, alternative certificats and literacy instruction.
4.B.2.c.1. Resolution 10-25 - First Reading Revised Board Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements (Goal #6)
4.B.2.c.2. Resolution 10-26- First Reading of New Board Policy IKFB - Graduation Exercises (Goal #6)
4.B.2.c.3. Resolution 10-27 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy IKH - Credit for Proficiency (Goal #6)
4.B.2.d. Policies DDA(Revised) and IMA(New) were prepared in response to the State Board of Education revisiions to OARs 581-024-0226, 581-0240-0228, 581-024-0225 and OAR 581-024-0285 which identified new reporting timelines and defines the components of the ESD annual report and Local Service Plan.
4.B.2.d.1. Resolution 10-28- First Reading of Revised Board Policy DDA - Local Service Plan (Goal #6)
4.B.2.d.2. Resolution 10- 29 - First Reading of New Board Policy IMA - Review of Component District Operations (Goal #6)
4.B.2.e. Policies JGAB, and KL: In recent weeks several school districts have received a letter from the Disability Rights of Oregon requesting them to forward copies of their policies on complaint procedures and annual review documents in regard to student restraint and seclusion. In light of these requests we have decided to review the policies regarding this subject matter outside the special education policy review grouping, placing a priority review on them.
4.B.2.e.1. Resolution 10-30 First Reading of New Board Policy JGAB - MESD Use of Restraint and/or Seclusion (Goal #6)
4.B.2.e.2. Resolution 10-31 First Reading of Revised Board Policy KL - Public Complaints (Goal #6)
4.B.2.e.3. Resolution 10-32 First Reading of Revised Board Policy KLD - Public Complaints about MESD Personnel (Goal #6)
4.B.2.f. Other First Readings
4.B.2.f.1. Resolution 10-33 First Reading of Revised Board Policy ING - Animals in MESD Facilities (Goal #6)
4.B.2.f.2. Resolution 10-34 First Reading of New Board Policy IGAI - Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Health Education (Goal #6)
5.A. Facilities and Contracting Audit 2010 (Goals #4, #5)
5.B. Fiscal Report (Goal #5)
5.C. Agency Report (Goals #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7)
5.D. OSBA and OAESD (Goal #7)
5.E. Board Member Reports
6.A. April 28 - MESD Idol - E2 Foundation Event, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. @ Curious Comedy Theater
6.B. May 4 - OSBA Spring Regional Dinner, 6:00 p.m. @ Abernethy Center, Oregon City
6.C. May 18 - TSCC Hearing, 6:00 p.m. @ MESD
6.D. May 18 - Board Regular Session, 7:00 p.m. @ MESD
6.E. May 21-22 - OAESD Spring Summitt @ Silverton
6.F. May 26 - Milestones of Achievement, 3:45 p.m. @ MESD
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 20, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Session | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1.A. Roll Call
Subject: |
1.B. Introduction of Guests and Audience
Subject: |
Subject: |
2.A. Student Spotlight
Subject: |
2.B. Program Spotlight
Subject: |
2.B.1. Special Education Program Review (Goals #1, #2)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Anderson, Pat Moffitt and Jeanne Zuniga
Subject: |
2.C. Partnership Spotlight
Subject: |
2.C.1. Recognitions:
For their collaborative efforts to provide the bridge between the pediatric primary care physicians and the Multnomah Early Childhood Program to increase the identification of young children who would benefit from early childhood speical education services.
Subject: |
2.C.1.a. Molly Emmons, Maternal and Child Health Project Manager, Office of Family Health, Public Health Division, ABCD Project
Presenter: |
Coordinator Moffitt, MECP
Subject: |
2.C.1.b. Anne Stone, Interium Executive Director, START Manager, Oregon Pediatric Society
Presenter: |
Coordinator Moffitt, MECP
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A.1. Approve March 16, 2010 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes (Goals #2, #5)
Subject: |
4.A.2. Approve March 16, 2010 Regular Session Minutes
Subject: |
4.A.3. Approve April 2, 2010 Executive Session Minutes
Subject: |
4.A.4. Approve April 2, 2010 Budget Committee Minutes (Goals #2, #5)
Subject: |
4.A.5. Approve Resolution 10-13 Personnel Contracts (Goal #2)
Subject: |
4.A.6. Approve Resolution 10-14 Renewal of Personnel Contracts for 2010-2011 (Goal #2)
Subject: |
4.A.7. Approve Resolution 10-15 Extension of Contracts for TSPC Licensed Contract Teachers for 2010-2011 (Goal #2)
Subject: |
4.B. Action Agenda
Subject: |
4.B.1. Second Reading of Board Policies
Subject: |
4.B.1.a. Resolution 10-16- Second Reading New Board Policy DBDB - Risk Management/PERS Reserve Fund (Goal #5)
Presenter: |
Superintendent Hitchcock
Subject: |
4.B.2. First Reading of Board Policies
Subject: |
4.B.2.a. Policies AD (New), AE(Revised), IA/IAA (Revised) and JAA (Revised) were prepared based on the passage of House Bills 2362 (2009) and 2693 (2009) which added characteristics of public school systems to ORS 329.025 that support academic growth beyond proficiency in established academic content standards and encourages students to attain aspirational goals that are individually challenging, and supports the physical and cognitive growth and development of students.
Subject: |
4.B.2.a.1. Resolution 10-17 - First Reading of New Board Policy AD - Educational Philosophy (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.a.2. Resolution 10-18 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy AE - MESD Goal Setting (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Superintendent Hitchcock
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.a.3. Resolution 10-19 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy IA-IAA - Instructional Goals (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.a.4. Resolution 10-20 - First Reading of New Board Policy JAA - Student Policies, Goals and Objectives (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.b. Policies IGBHA(Revised), IK(New), IL(New), IMB(New), were prepared based on the passage of House Bill 2263, sections 40 and 41, passed during the 2007 Legislative Session, removing CIM/CAM requirements and reference from state law.
Subject: |
4.B.2.b.1. Resolution10-21- First Reading of Revised Board Policy IGBHA - Alternative Education Program (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Webster
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.b.2. Resolution 10-22 - First Reading of New Board Policy IK - Academic Achievement (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Webster
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.b.3. Resolution 10-23 - First Reading of New Board Policy IL - Assessment Program (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Webster
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.b.4. Resolution 10-24 - First Reading of New Board Policy IMB - Student Achievement Program (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Webster
Subject: |
4.B.2.c. Policies IKF(Revised), IKFB (NEW), and IKH((Revised), were prepared as the State Board of Education, in December of 2009, revised Oregon Administrative Rules regarding essential skills, diploma, modified diploma, extended diploma, alternative certificats and literacy instruction.
Subject: |
4.B.2.c.1. Resolution 10-25 - First Reading Revised Board Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.c.2. Resolution 10-26- First Reading of New Board Policy IKFB - Graduation Exercises (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.c.3. Resolution 10-27 - First Reading of Revised Board Policy IKH - Credit for Proficiency (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.d. Policies DDA(Revised) and IMA(New) were prepared in response to the State Board of Education revisiions to OARs 581-024-0226, 581-0240-0228, 581-024-0225 and OAR 581-024-0285 which identified new reporting timelines and defines the components of the ESD annual report and Local Service Plan.
Subject: |
4.B.2.d.1. Resolution 10-28- First Reading of Revised Board Policy DDA - Local Service Plan (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Superintendent Hitchcock
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.d.2. Resolution 10- 29 - First Reading of New Board Policy IMA - Review of Component District Operations (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Superintendent Hitchcock
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.e. Policies JGAB, and KL: In recent weeks several school districts have received a letter from the Disability Rights of Oregon requesting them to forward copies of their policies on complaint procedures and annual review documents in regard to student restraint and seclusion. In light of these requests we have decided to review the policies regarding this subject matter outside the special education policy review grouping, placing a priority review on them.
Subject: |
4.B.2.e.1. Resolution 10-30 First Reading of New Board Policy JGAB - MESD Use of Restraint and/or Seclusion (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
General Counsel Turner and Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.e.2. Resolution 10-31 First Reading of Revised Board Policy KL - Public Complaints (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
General Counsel Turner and Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.e.3. Resolution 10-32 First Reading of Revised Board Policy KLD - Public Complaints about MESD Personnel (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
General Counsel Turner and Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.f. Other First Readings
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Subject: |
4.B.2.f.1. Resolution 10-33 First Reading of Revised Board Policy ING - Animals in MESD Facilities (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
4.B.2.f.2. Resolution 10-34 First Reading of New Board Policy IGAI - Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Health Education (Goal #6)
Presenter: |
Chief Program Officer Jorgensen
Motion: _____ Second: _____ Vote: _____
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.A. Facilities and Contracting Audit 2010 (Goals #4, #5)
Presenter: |
Contracts and Risk Manager, Don Hicks
Subject: |
5.B. Fiscal Report (Goal #5)
Presenter: |
Cabinet Director Sesnon
Subject: |
5.C. Agency Report (Goals #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7)
Presenter: |
Superintendent Hitchcock
Subject: |
5.D. OSBA and OAESD (Goal #7)
Subject: |
5.E. Board Member Reports
Subject: |
Subject: |
6.A. April 28 - MESD Idol - E2 Foundation Event, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. @ Curious Comedy Theater
Subject: |
6.B. May 4 - OSBA Spring Regional Dinner, 6:00 p.m. @ Abernethy Center, Oregon City
Subject: |
6.C. May 18 - TSCC Hearing, 6:00 p.m. @ MESD
Subject: |
6.D. May 18 - Board Regular Session, 7:00 p.m. @ MESD
Subject: |
6.E. May 21-22 - OAESD Spring Summitt @ Silverton
Subject: |
6.F. May 26 - Milestones of Achievement, 3:45 p.m. @ MESD
Subject: |