Meeting Agenda
1. Financial Report
1.A. Financial Report
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims (Attached separately as Extra)
1.C. Budget Revisions
1.D. Wire Transfers
1.E. Investment Transactions
1.F. WADM Projections
1.G. Fund Raisers
1.H. Investments in School Children
1.I. Food Service Lunch Price Increase
Attached is a memo explaining the increased costs involved with school lunch. |
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
2.A. Bids
2.A.1) Bid 1220 - General Office Supplies Primary Vendor
Bids were advertised and sent to seven vendors. Based on bid specifications Northern Business Products should be awarded the contract. |
2.A.2) PLACEHOLDER - for Bids Related to the LRFP
2.B. R.F.P.s
2.B.1) RFP 291 - Student Pictures/ID Cards - District Wide
Requests for proposals were sent to three known vendors. Based on pricing structures and commission rates Lifetouch complied with or exceeed the specifications. |
2.B.2) RFP 290 - Annual Yearbook Denfeld High School "Oracle"
Proposals were advertised and sent to four known vendors. Based on award criteria and past experience with the existing vendor the recommendation is to award the contract to Jostens. |
2.B.3) RFP 289- Annual Yearbook East High School "Birch Log"
Proposals were advertised and sent to four known vendors. Based on award criteria and past experience with the existing vendor the recommendation is to award the contract to Jostens. |
2.B.4) RFP #270 - Insurance Brokerage and Risk Management Services for Duluth Public Schools Renewal – RJF Agencies
As part of the RFP process in 2009, RJF Agencies, Inc. was selected to provide the insurance brokerage and risk management services for property, liability, auto, and workers’ compensation for Duluth Public Schools. These services as the Districts Agent/Broker of Record were for a three-year period ending August 1, 2012. |
2.B.5) PLACEHOLDER – For RFPs Related to the LRFP
2.C. Quotes
2.C.1) Quote #4109 – Annual Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems
Quotes were solicited from seven contractors for the District-wide Annual Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems. Six quotes were received in response to this request covering the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Northland Fire and Safety, 2215 East 5th Street, Superior, WI submitted the low quote with an estimated value of $8,140.00 |
2.C.2) PLACEHOLDER – For Quotes Related to the LRFP
3. Policies and Regulations
3.A. Policies
3.A.1) Policy 3187 - Use Policy for Internet Access
Attached are proposed revisions to Policy 3187 - Use Policy for Internet Access for the first reading. |
3.A.2) Policy 3136/Regulation 3136 R - Suspension
Administration is requesting to suspend Policy 3136 - Travel In District, In State, and Out of State, to allow for the purchase of airfare outside the policy for students attending a Speech Tournament. This allows the purchase under a group discount. |
3.B. Regulations
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
4.A. Contracts
4.A.1) PEIP Insurance Renewal
Attached is a renewal of the group application for the Minnesota Public Employees Insurance Program for the period 7/1/2012 through 6/30/2013. Please note that the corresponding rates are decreasing by 5%. |
4.A.2) City of Duluth- School Resource Officers
Attached is a contract with the City of Duluth for School Resource Officers in the amount of $211,000 per year for the period June 1, 2012 to June 6, 2014. |
4.B. Change Orders
4.B.1) Eastern High School (East High School)
a. Eastern HS LRFP – Steel Erection Change Order #14, Bid #1175 (Contract #0510) – Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc. Change Order increase for additional labor resulting from misfabricated steel and existing site conditions Add: $21,590.00 |
4.B.2) Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School)
a. Eastern MS LRFP – Structural Steel/Metal Fabrication - Supply Change Order #10, Bid #1165, WS #5 – Duluth Steel Fabricators, Inc. Change Order increase for added steel for the band room roof and added lintels and columns Add: $12,739.00 b. Eastern MS LRFP – Structural Steel/Metal Fabrication - Supply Change Order #11, Bid #1165, WS #5 – Duluth Steel Fabricators, Inc. Change Order increase for additional steel for the opening at the abandoned stairs and a deduct for work that is not proceeding Add: $910.00 c. Eastern MS LRFP – Drywall and Plaster Change Order #11, Bid #1165, WS #16 – RTL Construction, Inc Change Order increase due to duct chase revisions; to provide a lintel; rock, frame and tape furring walls and new walls and ceiling; and fur out the west wall in room 3215 Add: $33,654.00 |
4.B.3) Laura MacArthur Elementary School
a. Laura MacArthur School LRFP – Energy Recovery Ventilation Units Change Order #2, Bid #1173 – The Trane Company Change Order increase for ERVU storage charges Add: $500.00 |
4.B.4) West (Lincoln Park) Middle School
a. West Middle School LRFP – Electrical, Communications and Security Change Order #9, Bid #1184 – APi Electric Change Order increase for the theatrical lighting in the auditorium and sound systems in the auditorium, gymnasium and pool Add: $383,264.00 |
4.B.5) PLACEHOLDER - for Change Orders Related to the LRFP
4.C. Leases
4.C.1) South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District Agreement
The new lease agreement with South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District covers the period from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2017. The annual rate increase for this period will be based on the previous ten-year CPI average for the Minneapolis Metropolitan Area of 2.2%. The total revenue generated during this period will be $57,822.00. This lease will replace our previous lease agreement, which will expire on June 30, 2012. |
5. Resolutions
5.A. Resolution B-5-12-3015 - Resolution to Approve the Morgan Park School Closing
5.B. Resolution #B-5-12-3013 - Resolution to Approve the Central High School Land Use Map
5.C. Resolution #B-5-12-3014 –Resolution to Exchange Land with State of Minnesota for a Permanent Easement at Lincoln Park Middle School
5.D. Resolution B-5-12-3016 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Installment Purchase Contract And A Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $12,801,327 Full Term Capital Appreciation Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012A
5.E. Resolution B-5-12-3017 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Lease Purchase Agreement And Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $6,340,000 Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012B
5.F. Resolution B-5-12-3018 - Authorized Student Activity Bank Account Signer
5.G. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the purchase of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
5.H. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the sale of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
5.I. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions for Schematic Designs and Working Drawings related to the LRFP
6. Informational
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
The Superintendent or the Director of Business Services has signed the following expenditure contracts during the month of April 2012 |
6.B. Revenue Contracts - None
6.C. Other Contracts - None
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
6.E. Johnson Controls, Inc. Long-Range Facilities Plan Status Report
6.F. Change Orders Relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan
6.G. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan
7. Future Items
7.A. Development of FY13 Budget
7.B. Ten Year Capital Facilities Plan Update
7.C. Construction Bids for Myers Wilkins and Congdon Elementary
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 15, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Financial Report
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the Financial Report as presented.
Subject: |
1.A. Financial Report
Subject: |
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims (Attached separately as Extra)
This item is attached as an "extra" on BoardBook.
Subject: |
1.C. Budget Revisions
Subject: |
1.D. Wire Transfers
Subject: |
1.E. Investment Transactions
Subject: |
1.F. WADM Projections
Subject: |
1.G. Fund Raisers
Subject: |
1.H. Investments in School Children
Subject: |
1.I. Food Service Lunch Price Increase
Attached is a memo explaining the increased costs involved with school lunch. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve an increase in the price of school lunches by .10/meal effective for the 2012-13 school year. |
Subject: |
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
Subject: |
2.A. Bids
Subject: |
2.A.1) Bid 1220 - General Office Supplies Primary Vendor
Bids were advertised and sent to seven vendors. Based on bid specifications Northern Business Products should be awarded the contract. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve a contract with Northern Business Products for the period July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2016 with renewals by mutual agreement. |
Subject: |
2.A.2) PLACEHOLDER - for Bids Related to the LRFP
Subject: |
2.B. R.F.P.s
Subject: |
2.B.1) RFP 291 - Student Pictures/ID Cards - District Wide
Requests for proposals were sent to three known vendors. Based on pricing structures and commission rates Lifetouch complied with or exceeed the specifications. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve awarding the contract to Lifetouch for student pictures and Ids for the four year period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2016. |
Subject: |
2.B.2) RFP 290 - Annual Yearbook Denfeld High School "Oracle"
Proposals were advertised and sent to four known vendors. Based on award criteria and past experience with the existing vendor the recommendation is to award the contract to Jostens. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board award a contract to Jostens for the Denfeld High School Yearbook for the four year period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2016. |
Subject: |
2.B.3) RFP 289- Annual Yearbook East High School "Birch Log"
Proposals were advertised and sent to four known vendors. Based on award criteria and past experience with the existing vendor the recommendation is to award the contract to Jostens. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board award a contract to Jostens for the East High School Yearbook for the four year period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2016. |
Subject: |
2.B.4) RFP #270 - Insurance Brokerage and Risk Management Services for Duluth Public Schools Renewal – RJF Agencies
As part of the RFP process in 2009, RJF Agencies, Inc. was selected to provide the insurance brokerage and risk management services for property, liability, auto, and workers’ compensation for Duluth Public Schools. These services as the Districts Agent/Broker of Record were for a three-year period ending August 1, 2012. |
Recommendation: It is recommended the Duluth School Board authorize the use of RJF Agencies, Inc. for an additional one-year extension to provide the insurance brokerage and risk management services. As compensation for their services, RJF Agencies, Inc. will receive a standard commission from the insurance carrier who ultimately underwrites the District’s policies or at the District’s option, a negotiated lump sum to be determined before RJF places renewal coverage. |
Subject: |
2.B.5) PLACEHOLDER – For RFPs Related to the LRFP
Subject: |
2.C. Quotes
Subject: |
2.C.1) Quote #4109 – Annual Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems
Quotes were solicited from seven contractors for the District-wide Annual Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems. Six quotes were received in response to this request covering the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Northland Fire and Safety, 2215 East 5th Street, Superior, WI submitted the low quote with an estimated value of $8,140.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the Duluth School Board approve the contract with Northland Fire and Safety to provide annual inspection and testing of fire alarm systems based on their low quote submitted pursuant to Quote #4109 – Annual Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems. |
Subject: |
2.C.2) PLACEHOLDER – For Quotes Related to the LRFP
Subject: |
3. Policies and Regulations
Subject: |
3.A. Policies
Subject: |
3.A.1) Policy 3187 - Use Policy for Internet Access
Attached are proposed revisions to Policy 3187 - Use Policy for Internet Access for the first reading. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the proposed revisions to Policy 3187 - Use Policy for Internet Access for the first reading. |
Subject: |
3.A.2) Policy 3136/Regulation 3136 R - Suspension
Administration is requesting to suspend Policy 3136 - Travel In District, In State, and Out of State, to allow for the purchase of airfare outside the policy for students attending a Speech Tournament. This allows the purchase under a group discount. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board suspend Policy 3136 - to allow for the purchase of the airfare. |
Subject: |
3.B. Regulations
Subject: |
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
Subject: |
4.A. Contracts
Subject: |
4.A.1) PEIP Insurance Renewal
Attached is a renewal of the group application for the Minnesota Public Employees Insurance Program for the period 7/1/2012 through 6/30/2013. Please note that the corresponding rates are decreasing by 5%. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the Group Application for PEIP. |
Subject: |
4.A.2) City of Duluth- School Resource Officers
Attached is a contract with the City of Duluth for School Resource Officers in the amount of $211,000 per year for the period June 1, 2012 to June 6, 2014. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the contract noted above with the city of Duluth for School Resource Officers. |
Subject: |
4.B. Change Orders
Subject: |
4.B.1) Eastern High School (East High School)
a. Eastern HS LRFP – Steel Erection Change Order #14, Bid #1175 (Contract #0510) – Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc. Change Order increase for additional labor resulting from misfabricated steel and existing site conditions Add: $21,590.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Eastern High School (East High School) reflecting a total increase of $21,590.00 |
Subject: |
4.B.2) Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School)
a. Eastern MS LRFP – Structural Steel/Metal Fabrication - Supply Change Order #10, Bid #1165, WS #5 – Duluth Steel Fabricators, Inc. Change Order increase for added steel for the band room roof and added lintels and columns Add: $12,739.00 b. Eastern MS LRFP – Structural Steel/Metal Fabrication - Supply Change Order #11, Bid #1165, WS #5 – Duluth Steel Fabricators, Inc. Change Order increase for additional steel for the opening at the abandoned stairs and a deduct for work that is not proceeding Add: $910.00 c. Eastern MS LRFP – Drywall and Plaster Change Order #11, Bid #1165, WS #16 – RTL Construction, Inc Change Order increase due to duct chase revisions; to provide a lintel; rock, frame and tape furring walls and new walls and ceiling; and fur out the west wall in room 3215 Add: $33,654.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School) reflecting a total increase of $47,303.00. |
Subject: |
4.B.3) Laura MacArthur Elementary School
a. Laura MacArthur School LRFP – Energy Recovery Ventilation Units Change Order #2, Bid #1173 – The Trane Company Change Order increase for ERVU storage charges Add: $500.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Laura MacArthur School reflecting a total increase of $500.00. |
Subject: |
4.B.4) West (Lincoln Park) Middle School
a. West Middle School LRFP – Electrical, Communications and Security Change Order #9, Bid #1184 – APi Electric Change Order increase for the theatrical lighting in the auditorium and sound systems in the auditorium, gymnasium and pool Add: $383,264.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at West (Lincoln Park) Middle School reflecting a total increase of $383,264.00. |
Subject: |
4.B.5) PLACEHOLDER - for Change Orders Related to the LRFP
Subject: |
4.C. Leases
Subject: |
4.C.1) South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District Agreement
The new lease agreement with South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District covers the period from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2017. The annual rate increase for this period will be based on the previous ten-year CPI average for the Minneapolis Metropolitan Area of 2.2%. The total revenue generated during this period will be $57,822.00. This lease will replace our previous lease agreement, which will expire on June 30, 2012. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the School Board approve entering into a new five-year lease agreement with the South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District. |
Subject: |
5. Resolutions
Subject: |
5.A. Resolution B-5-12-3015 - Resolution to Approve the Morgan Park School Closing
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-5-12-3015 - Resolution to Approve the Morgan Park School Closing. |
Subject: |
5.B. Resolution #B-5-12-3013 - Resolution to Approve the Central High School Land Use Map
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve Resolution #B-5-12-3013 - Resolution to Approve the Central High School Land Use Map |
Subject: |
5.C. Resolution #B-5-12-3014 –Resolution to Exchange Land with State of Minnesota for a Permanent Easement at Lincoln Park Middle School
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve Resolution #B-5-12-3014 –Resolution to Exchange Land with State of Minnesota for a Permanent Easement at Lincoln Park Middle School |
Subject: |
5.D. Resolution B-5-12-3016 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Installment Purchase Contract And A Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $12,801,327 Full Term Capital Appreciation Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012A
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-5-12-3016 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Installment Purchase Contract And A Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $12,801,327 Full Term Capital Appreciation Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012A |
Subject: |
5.E. Resolution B-5-12-3017 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Lease Purchase Agreement And Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $6,340,000 Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012B
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution Authorizing The Execution And Delivery Of An Amendment To Lease Purchase Agreement And Supplement To Declaration Of Trust And Approving The Issuance, Sale And Delivery Of $6,340,000 Certificates Of Participation, Series 2012B |
Subject: |
5.F. Resolution B-5-12-3018 - Authorized Student Activity Bank Account Signer
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-5-12-3018 - Authorized Student Activity Bank Account Signer. |
Subject: |
5.G. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the purchase of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
Subject: |
5.H. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the sale of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
Subject: |
5.I. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions for Schematic Designs and Working Drawings related to the LRFP
Subject: |
6. Informational
The items listed below are informational only and do not require board action.
Subject: |
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
The Superintendent or the Director of Business Services has signed the following expenditure contracts during the month of April 2012 |
Subject: |
6.B. Revenue Contracts - None
Subject: |
6.C. Other Contracts - None
Subject: |
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
Subject: |
6.E. Johnson Controls, Inc. Long-Range Facilities Plan Status Report
Subject: |
6.F. Change Orders Relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
Subject: |
6.G. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
Subject: |
7. Future Items
Subject: |
7.A. Development of FY13 Budget
Subject: |
7.B. Ten Year Capital Facilities Plan Update
Subject: |
7.C. Construction Bids for Myers Wilkins and Congdon Elementary