Meeting Agenda
1. Mission, Vision, Core Values
2. Program Highlight - Technology Services
3. Minutes of the December 18, 2024 Meeting
4. Amendments to the 2024-2025 Official Budget
5. Addition to the Special Revenue Fund
6. Contracts Over $25,000
7. Proposals
8. Interlocal Agreements
9. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation
10. Personnel - New Employees (Professional Staff)
11. Policy CBF (Local), Investment Policy Review
12. Head Start Privacy of Child Record Procedure
13. Head Start Self Assessment Procedure for 2024-2025
14. For Information Only
14.A. Head Start Policy Council and Critical Incident Reports
14.B. Personnel - Separations (Professional Staff)
14.C. Expenditures in Excess of $25,000
14.D. Investment Report
14.E. Accounts Receivable
14.F. Board Election Update
14.G. Executive Director's Report
15. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 26, 2025 at 1:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Mission, Vision, Core Values
Dr. Goldhorn will review the ESC-20 Mission, Vision, and Core Values.
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2. Program Highlight - Technology Services
CyberVision20 is a consortium that focuses on awareness and monitoring of network vulnerabilities to protect our LEAs’ Internet-facing and internal networks. The major purpose of CyberVision20 is to promote the cyber industry’s best practices, healthy cyber hygiene, and affordable tools to monitor network and system resources. Through this consortium we promote and train the use of low-cost, best-practice network monitoring tools to reduce the risk of exploitable network vulnerabilities.
This Consortium is led by Patti Holub, CTO, and Dale Harville, Information Security Officer. While we provide cybersecurity support to all our LEAs, we also have 34 LEAs that are paid members of this consortium. Paid members have access to discounted cybersecurity products and a variety of support services from our team. We are proud to share that recently Education Service Center, Region 20, was announced as a Top 50 Information Security Team winner. For Information Only. |
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3. Minutes of the December 18, 2024 Meeting
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4. Amendments to the 2024-2025 Official Budget
Listed on the attachment to this agenda item are amendments to the 2024-2025 ESC-20 budget. Approval of the Board of Directors is requested.
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5. Addition to the Special Revenue Fund
Attached are the additions to the special revenue fund. Approval of the Board of Directors is requested.
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6. Contracts Over $25,000
Attached is a list of contracts over $25,000.
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7. Proposals
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8. Interlocal Agreements
Attached is a list of Interlocal Agreements.
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9. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation
Board approval is requested for Education Service Center, Region 20 to participate in the purchasing programs of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Cooperative Purchasing Program at an annual fee of $100. Participation provides the Center with another resource to comply with the competitive bid laws and ensures that the Center receives the lowest price for items requiring the bid process. With Board approval, the Executive Director is authorized to execute appropriate documents to implement participation.
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10. Personnel - New Employees (Professional Staff)
Since the December 2024 meeting of the ESC-20 Board of Directors, there have been new professional staff hired.
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11. Policy CBF (Local), Investment Policy Review
State law requires that the Board review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually and adopt a written resolution stating that it has reviewed the investment policy and investment strategies and that the written instrument so adopted shall record any changes made to either the investment policy or investment strategies.
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12. Head Start Privacy of Child Record Procedure
Board input and approval is required for the Head Start Privacy of Child Records Procedure
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13. Head Start Self Assessment Procedure for 2024-2025
Board input and approval is required for the Head Start Self Assessment Procedure.
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14. For Information Only
A. Head Start Policy Council and Critical Incident Reports
B. Personnel - Separations (Professional Staff) C. Expenditures in Excess of $25,000 D. Investment Report E. Accounts Receivable F. Board Election Update G. Executive Director's Report |
Subject: |
14.A. Head Start Policy Council and Critical Incident Reports
Ms. Debbie Akers, ESC-20 Early Childhood Education Component Director, will provide Head Start Policy Council and Critical Incident Reports.
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14.B. Personnel - Separations (Professional Staff)
Attached is a list of professional staff who have separated from ESC-20 since the December meeting of the Board of Directors.
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14.C. Expenditures in Excess of $25,000
Shown below is a list of checks written in excess of $25,000 during the period of 11/30/2023 through 1/25/2024.
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14.D. Investment Report
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14.E. Accounts Receivable
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14.F. Board Election Update
The closing date for Board election applications was February 20, 2025. Applications received will be announced at the meeting.
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14.G. Executive Director's Report
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15. Adjournment