Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Superintendent's Report
5. Public Participation Related to a Specific Agenda Item
6. Student Spotlight- Peaster Junior High
7. Superintendent's STAR Student
8. Employee of the Month Recognition
9. Campus Reports- Peaster High School
10. Introduction and Recommendation of the New Intermediate Assistant Principal
11. 2025-2026 District Instructional Calendar Process Update
12. Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2023-2024 Public Hearing
13. Peaster Independent School District 2023-2024 First (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Public Hearing
14. Consent Items
14.A. Approve January 16, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes
14.B. Financial Reports- January 2025
15. Discussion Items
15.A. Discuss Rock Gym Updates and Repairs, to Ensure Historical and Future Preservations and Usefulness for the Community.
15.B. Discuss Insurance Claim in Connection with Roof Damage. The Total Claim Exceeds $50,000, Requiring Board Approval Per District Policy CH (LOCAL)
16. Business Action Items
16.A. Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During Emergency School Closing
16.B. Consider Approval of Board Meeting Date Change, March 20, 2025, date to March 27, 2025, due to Spring Break.
17. Open Forum for Public Participation
18. Closed Session
Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.0821, 551.089 and 551.129, the Board will deliberate in closed session on the following items: A. Consideration of Legal, Real Estate, Personnel or Student Matters |
19. Reconvene from Clossed Session, For Actions Relative to Items Considered During Closed Session
19.A. Consideration and Approval of Employing Campus Administrator
20. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Certification by the President that the Provision of Section 551.041Sub Chapter C Government Code as amended by the 73rd Legislature has been complied with in connection with Public Notice of this meeting and a Quorum is present.
Subject: |
3. Invocation
Subject: |
4. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
5. Public Participation Related to a Specific Agenda Item
Subject: |
6. Student Spotlight- Peaster Junior High
Presenter: |
Principal, Phillip Black
Subject: |
7. Superintendent's STAR Student
Subject: |
8. Employee of the Month Recognition
Subject: |
9. Campus Reports- Peaster High School
Presenter: |
Principal, Doug McCollough
Subject: |
10. Introduction and Recommendation of the New Intermediate Assistant Principal
Presenter: |
Superintendent, Dr. Pittman & Principal Brandon Love
Subject: |
11. 2025-2026 District Instructional Calendar Process Update
Presenter: |
Chief of Schools, Dr. Rebecca Stephens
Subject: |
12. Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2023-2024 Public Hearing
Presenter: |
Chief of Schools, Dr. Rebecca Stephens
Subject: |
13. Peaster Independent School District 2023-2024 First (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Public Hearing
Presenter: |
Chief Financial Officer, Robert Helms
Subject: |
14. Consent Items
Subject: |
14.A. Approve January 16, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
14.B. Financial Reports- January 2025
Subject: |
15. Discussion Items
Subject: |
15.A. Discuss Rock Gym Updates and Repairs, to Ensure Historical and Future Preservations and Usefulness for the Community.
Presenter: |
Director of Facilities & Operations, Bobby McCune
Subject: |
15.B. Discuss Insurance Claim in Connection with Roof Damage. The Total Claim Exceeds $50,000, Requiring Board Approval Per District Policy CH (LOCAL)
Presenter: |
Director of Facilities & Operations, Bobby McCune
Subject: |
16. Business Action Items
Subject: |
16.A. Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During Emergency School Closing
Subject: |
16.B. Consider Approval of Board Meeting Date Change, March 20, 2025, date to March 27, 2025, due to Spring Break.
Subject: |
17. Open Forum for Public Participation
Persons in attendance at the meeting may request a card to be completed and submitted to the Board President no later than five (5) minutes prior to the meeting. This provides the individual with an opportunity to address the Board on any subject except personnel. Public participation is limited to this portion of the meeting and the audience may not enter into discussion of debate matters being considered by the Board at any other time during the meeting. The Board will allot up to thirty (30) minutes for this portion of the agenda with no presentations to exceed five (5) minutes.
Subject: |
18. Closed Session
Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.0821, 551.089 and 551.129, the Board will deliberate in closed session on the following items: A. Consideration of Legal, Real Estate, Personnel or Student Matters |
Subject: |
19. Reconvene from Clossed Session, For Actions Relative to Items Considered During Closed Session
Subject: |
19.A. Consideration and Approval of Employing Campus Administrator
Subject: |
20. Adjournment
The agenda for this meeting was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meeting Act on