August 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Certification by the President that the Provision of Section 551.041Sub Chapter C Government Code as amended by the 73rd Legislature has been complied with in connection with Public Notice of this meeting and a Quorum is present.
3. Invocation
4. Public Testimony
5. Campus Reports
6. Open Forum for Public Participation
Persons in attendance at the meeting may request a card to be completed and submitted to the Board President no later than five (5) minutes prior to the meeting. This provides the individual with an opportunity to address the Board on any subject except personnel. Public participation is limited to this portiuon of the meeting and the audience may not enter into discussion of debate matters being considered by the Board at any other time during the meeting. The Board will allot up to thirty (30) minutes for this portion of the agenda with no presentations to exceed five (5) minutes.
7. Consent Items
7.A. Minutes for Regular Meeting May 27, Special Meeting June 24, Special Meeting August 10
7.B. Update 117
7.C. Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization
7.D. District Code of Conduct Handbook
7.E. T-Tess Appraisers 2021-2022
7.F. Micro Purchases up to $49,999
7.G. Remove James Keith Busby, Michael Gentry, Robbie Ballard,Chuck Bratcher, Justin Lee McKinley, and Amari Canafax from all accounts associated with Spirit of Texas bank, including: local maintenance, Interest and Sinking, Capital Projects, ATPE Scholarship, Carl Barker Scholarship, PCCS Scholarship, Donald Pilgrim Scholarship, Parker County Co-Op local maintenance, Parker County Co-Op Activity Account, Barksdale Waller CD, Local Maintenance CD, Waller 2 CD, and Barksdale Waller Scholarship. Add Debra J Meng, Mike Bowling, Agric Kram, and Jeremy L Johnson to all accounts associated with Spirit of Texas bank, including: local maintenance, Interest and Sinking, Capital Projects, ATPE Scholarship, Carl Barker Scholarship, PCCS Scholarship, Donald Pilgrim Scholarship, Parker County Co-Op local maintenance, Parker County Co-Op Activity Account, Waller CD, Local Maintenance CD, Barksdale Waller 2 CD, and Barksdale Waller Scholarship
7.H. Add Peaster ISD Activity Account and Parker County CO-OP Operating Account to Spirit of Texas Bank
7.I. Update Signatures for LoneStar Investment Accounts, Debt Service, Capital Projects, and General Operating adding Debra J Meng and Jeremy L Johnson
8. Discuss and Consider Adoption of the Prevailing Wage Schedule, to be Used by all Contractors on District Construction Projects, as Determined by the U.S. Department of Labor, in Accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act
9. Discuss and Consider Adoption of the 2009 Series of Building Codes, to be used on District Construction Projects, as published by the International Code Council (ICC).
10. Consider Approval of Proposal for Plan Review and Inspection as Presented by the Administration
11. Financial Report and Possible Discussion
12. Superintendent's Report
12.A. Enrollment
13. Adjournment