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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call
2. Set the Stage: State Of The District - Superintendent Nichols
3. Review Priority Area 1: Recruit and retain high-quality staff.
4. Priority Area 2: Maintain and improve school facilities and financial health. 
  • Transportation
  • Building Committee
  • Operations & Maintenance
5. Break
6. Priority Area 3: Address the emotional and mental health needs of students and staff.
From Principals' Presentation:
  • Athletics and Extracurricular - AJHS & AHS
  • Student Recognition
  • SEL Curriculum / Implementation
7. Priority Area 4: Prepare students to be college and career-ready through new/innovative programming. 
From Principals' Presentation:
  • Test Scores / Comparisons
8. Break / Prep for Working Lunch
9. Review Priority Area 5: Develop and maintain partnerships to engage students and encourage them to be invested in the community. 
  • Fundraising
  • Communications Strategy
10. Superintendent Evaluation
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 8, 2025 at 8:30 AM - Board Retreat
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call
2. Set the Stage: State Of The District - Superintendent Nichols
3. Review Priority Area 1: Recruit and retain high-quality staff.
4. Priority Area 2: Maintain and improve school facilities and financial health. 
  • Transportation
  • Building Committee
  • Operations & Maintenance
5. Break
6. Priority Area 3: Address the emotional and mental health needs of students and staff.
From Principals' Presentation:
  • Athletics and Extracurricular - AJHS & AHS
  • Student Recognition
  • SEL Curriculum / Implementation
7. Priority Area 4: Prepare students to be college and career-ready through new/innovative programming. 
From Principals' Presentation:
  • Test Scores / Comparisons
8. Break / Prep for Working Lunch
9. Review Priority Area 5: Develop and maintain partnerships to engage students and encourage them to be invested in the community. 
  • Fundraising
  • Communications Strategy
10. Superintendent Evaluation

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