Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. District 45 Vision Statement
2. Comments Regarding Agenda (Would anyone like an Agenda item removed or moved from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda?)
3. Public Comments (Policy 2:230. Please provide your name and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
4. Board of Education and Administrator Comments
5. Action Items (Discussion Agenda)
5.A. Approve District 45 Financial Reports
5.A.(1) Vouchers Awaiting Processing by Comptroller
5.A.(2) Operating Statement
5.A.(3) Balance Sheet
5.B. Accept Donation - Willowbrook High School Athletic Boosters Club
6. Action Items (Consent Agenda)
6.A. Approve Payrolls
6.B. Approve Check Listing
6.B.(1) Manual Checks
6.B.(2) Bills Payable
6.C. Approve Personnel Changes
6.C.(1) Termination(s)/Resignation(s)
6.C.(2) Appointment(s)
6.C.(3) Leave(s) of Absence
6.C.(4) Resignation(s) for the Purpose of Retirement
6.C.(5) Terminal Pay Authorization
6.D. Approve Meeting Minutes of the Public Board Hearing of December 17, 2024
6.E. Approve Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024
6.F. Approve Closed Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024
6.G. Approve Quarterly Destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings
6.H. Adopt PRESS Policy Draft Updates (2:105, 2:120, 4:30, 4:60, 4:170, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90, 5:125, 5:230, 6:60, 6:135, 6:270, 7:10, 7:100, 7:160, 8:10)
6.I. Approve Salary Adjustment(s)
6.J. Approve Shared Services Report
6.K. Approve 2025-2026 District Fees Schedule
6.L. Approve 2025-2026 District 45 School Calendar
7. Information and Consideration Items
7.A. Midyear Student Discipline Overview
7.B. Staffing Update
7.C. Budget Management Reports Review
7.D. New Communication Tool Update
7.E. Safety Committee Update
7.F. Strategic Plan Update
8. Requests Under Provision of Freedom of Information Act
9. Adjournment to Executive Session for discussion of [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)], [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)] and [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)].
10. Reconvene Board Meeting
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 21, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
1.B. District 45 Vision Statement
Subject: |
2. Comments Regarding Agenda (Would anyone like an Agenda item removed or moved from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda?)
Subject: |
3. Public Comments (Policy 2:230. Please provide your name and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
Subject: |
4. Board of Education and Administrator Comments
Subject: |
5. Action Items (Discussion Agenda)
Subject: |
5.A. Approve District 45 Financial Reports
Subject: |
5.A.(1) Vouchers Awaiting Processing by Comptroller
Subject: |
5.A.(2) Operating Statement
Subject: |
5.A.(3) Balance Sheet
Subject: |
5.B. Accept Donation - Willowbrook High School Athletic Boosters Club
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education accept a monetary donation from Willowbrook High School Athletic Boosters Club.
Subject: |
6. Action Items (Consent Agenda)
Subject: |
6.A. Approve Payrolls
Subject: |
6.B. Approve Check Listing
Subject: |
6.B.(1) Manual Checks
Subject: |
6.B.(2) Bills Payable
Subject: |
6.C. Approve Personnel Changes
Subject: |
6.C.(1) Termination(s)/Resignation(s)
Subject: |
6.C.(2) Appointment(s)
Subject: |
6.C.(3) Leave(s) of Absence
Subject: |
6.C.(4) Resignation(s) for the Purpose of Retirement
Subject: |
6.C.(5) Terminal Pay Authorization
Subject: |
6.D. Approve Meeting Minutes of the Public Board Hearing of December 17, 2024
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Meeting Minutes of the Public Board Hearing of December 17, 2024.
Subject: |
6.E. Approve Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024.
Subject: |
6.F. Approve Closed Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Closed Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of December 17, 2024.
Subject: |
6.G. Approve Quarterly Destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings
Subject: |
6.H. Adopt PRESS Policy Draft Updates (2:105, 2:120, 4:30, 4:60, 4:170, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90, 5:125, 5:230, 6:60, 6:135, 6:270, 7:10, 7:100, 7:160, 8:10)
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the following PRESS Policy Draft Updates: (2:105, 2:120, 4:30, 4:60, 4:170, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90, 5:125, 5:230, 6:60, 6:135, 6:270, 7:10, 7:100, 7:160, 8:10).
Subject: |
6.I. Approve Salary Adjustment(s)
Subject: |
6.J. Approve Shared Services Report
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Shared Services Report.
Subject: |
6.K. Approve 2025-2026 District Fees Schedule
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the 2025-2026 District Fees Schedule.
Subject: |
6.L. Approve 2025-2026 District 45 School Calendar
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the 2025-2026 District 45 School Calendar.
Subject: |
7. Information and Consideration Items
Subject: |
7.A. Midyear Student Discipline Overview
Presenter: |
Dr. Graber
Dr. Brian Graber, Superintendent, will provide a midyear discipline overview.
Subject: |
7.B. Staffing Update
Presenter: |
Dr. Graber
Dr. Brian Graber, Superintendent, will provide a staff update.
Subject: |
7.C. Budget Management Reports Review
Presenter: |
Mr. Eagan
Mr. Jeff Eagan, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, will review with the Board of Education the Budget Management Reports.
Subject: |
7.D. New Communication Tool Update
Presenter: |
Mr. Pinney and Mrs. Slusher
Mr. Mike Pinney, Chief Information Officer, and Mrs. Beth Slusher, Director of Digital Learning and Innovation, will present a communication tool update.
Subject: |
7.E. Safety Committee Update
Presenter: |
Mr. Eagan
Mr. Jeff Eagan, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, will provide the Board of Education with a Safety Committee Update.
Subject: |
7.F. Strategic Plan Update
Presenter: |
Dr. Graber
Dr. Brian Graber, Superintendent, will provide the Board of Education with a Strategic Planning update.
Subject: |
8. Requests Under Provision of Freedom of Information Act
Subject: |
9. Adjournment to Executive Session for discussion of [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)], [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)] and [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)].
Subject: |
10. Reconvene Board Meeting
Subject: |
11. Adjournment