December 12, 2022 at 6:35 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Public Comments
3. Public Participation on Agenda Items
4. Consider Recognition of Students
5. Reports
5.A. CFO/Business Manager - Jessica Saldivar
5.B. Superintendent - Mr. Anglin
6. Consider Partnering with Local Company on STEM based Project, foreign students from Germany Mentorship
7. Consider the Literacy Grant Framework - Brenda De La Rosa
8. Consider World Travel Classrooms to Washington DC
10. CLOSED SESSION: Deliberation and consultation with legal counsel to discuss proposed agreements and findings for Limitation on Appraised Value regarding Iguala Solar LLC and Prairie Energy Partners LLC [Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.087, 551.129]
11. Consider and take possible action to make findings associated with the Application and proposed Agreement for Tax Value Limitation with Iguala Solar LLC as required by TEXAS TAX CODE CHAPTER 313.
12. Consider and take possible action to approve proposed Agreement for Tax Value Limitation with Iguala Solar LLC.
13. Consider and take possible action to make findings associated with the Application and proposed Agreement for Tax Value Limitation with Prairie Energy Partners LLC as required by TEXAS TAX CODE CHAPTER 313.
14. Consider and take possible action to approve proposed Agreement for Tax Value Limitation with Prairie Energy Partners LLC.
15. Consent Agenda
15.A. Approve Minutes for November 2022
15.B. Finance
15.B.1. Finance Report
15.B.2. Donations
16. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve FIRST Rating
17. LSG Agenda for the Board Meeting
F. How to get the message out to the community about the board’s LSG work?A. Review of last month’s work including the time spent on Student Outcomes. (Total time 11-14-22 = 176-81=95 minutes; Total LSG Time = 32 minutes or 33.7%) Meeting Time History- Nov-33.7%, Oct- 34.7%, Sept-62.9%, Aug- 52.5%, July—42.5% B. Review and approve: -GPM 3.2 -Board Evaluation -Review of Board Constraint 1 C. Lift Grant Update- Mallory and/or Brenda D. Superintendent Evaluation Process Review- Closed session discussion E. LSG Skills Review- Distinguishing between Inputs, Outputs, & Outcomes -Host a community (Student, Parent, Staff, Community Leaders, etc…) LSG mini-workshop? -Use the LSG power point presentation at parent and community events -Hold a town hall meeting G. January – GPM-3.1, 3.3; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3; SCPM 2.1; Superintendent Evaluation |
18. Future Agenda Items
19. Adjourn to Closed Meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 and 551.074 of the Open Meetings Act for the following purpose:
19.A. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline
19.A.1. Hiring of Yajaira Villeda (PES), Sylvia Cunningham (BES), Jenni Lima (Custodian BHS), Amanda Frybarger (BHS), Karen Barrera (BHS)
19.A.2. Resignations for Diana Cano (BHS), Stasha Williamson (BHS), Michelle Sample (BHS), Carolina De La Vega (BHS), Mandy Vahrenkamp (BMS), Joe Gonzalez (Maintenance), Isabel Gonzalez (Custodian), Monica Sanchez (BES).
Retirement for Sylvia Hernandez. |
20. Consider and Take Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
21. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adjourn Meeting