May 21, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments
3. Consider BES Shining Star Student
3.A. Bryan Chavez
4. Consider Student of the Month
5. Consider Employee of the Quarter
5.A. Sheila Kahanek
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approve Minutes for April 2018 Board Meetings
6.B. Finance
6.B.1. Accounts Payable
6.B.2. Finance Report
6.B.3. Investment Report
6.B.4. Substitute Report
6.B.5. Donations
6.B.5.a. M&M Farms - $500 for BMS
6.B.5.b. Mac Haik - Donation to all schools $500 ea. for Campus Activity Accounts. Total $2000
6.B.5.c. Julie Nix - Donation to Library Activity Account - $300
6.C. Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities - Athletic, Asst. Supt., Cafeteria, Maintenance, Technology, Directors, District Health, Campus Principals and Superintendent.
7. Consider 2017-2018 Annual SHAC Report
7.A. Amy Whaley
8. Consider and Take Possible Action on CATCH My Breath Program
8.A. Amy Whaley
9. Consider Class Calculations
9.A. Lina Moore
10. Consider Graduation and Scholarship Update
10.A. Lina Moore
11. Consider Update on STAAR Testing
11.A. Sylvia Hernandez
12. Consider and Take Possible Action on Low Attendance Day, May 2, 2018
12.A. Sylvia Hernandez
13. Consider Finance Update
13.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Purchase from Fund Balance
13.A.1. Misty Brasfield
14. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)
14.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Auxiliary Staff