July 26, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Approve Minutes for June 21, 2010 Regular Meeting
3.B. Approve Minutes for July 1, 2010 Special Meeting
3.C. Finance
3.C.1. Accounts Payable
3.C.2. Finance Report
3.C.3. Fund Balance Report
3.C.4. Investment Report
3.C.5. 2008 Bond Report
4. Presentation, Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Possible Food Service Program Upgrades and Modifications
5. Bond Project
5.A. Update Report
6. Approval of Public Meeting Date to Discuss and Take Action on 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
7. 2008-2009 Annual Financial Audit Report Review
8. Consider Phone System Additions and Upgrades
10. Consider and Take Possible Action Approving Upgrade of Water Treatment Plant for Compliance
11. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Purchase over $5,000 for Computers Out of High School Allotment Funds
12. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Football Field Renovations
13. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Donation of Land for Public Community Park
14. Acceptance of Deeds for Bloomington Property
15. Pre-K Program
16. 2010-2011 Handbooks
16.A. Student Handbook
16.B. Employee Handbook
17. Discussion on Guidelines for Naming New Facilities
18. Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities - Business Manager, Cafeteria, Special Programs, and Superintendent.
19. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)
19.A. Discuss Reduction of Days Worked for Specific Positions