August 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Public Participation on Current Agenda Items
5. Consider Departmental and Campus Reports of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities- Athletic, Assistant Superintendent, Cafeteria, Maintenance, Directors, District Health, and Campus Principals.
6. Consider Update on STAAR Accountability
6.A. BHS - Lina Moore
6.B. BMS - Carl Frisch
6.C. BES - Louise Torres
6.D. District - Sylvia Hernandez
8. Discuss and Review Letters of Intent to Fill Vacancy in Place 6
9. Consider and Take Possible Action on Appointment of Place 6 Candidate
10. Consider and Take Possible Action on Reorganization of Board
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Approve Minutes for July 15, 2019
11.B. Finance
11.B.1. Accounts Payable
11.B.2. Finance Report
11.B.3. Investment Report
11.B.4. Donations
12. Consider and Take Possible Action on Gifted and Talented Program
12.A. Dora Hernandez
13. Consider and Take Possible Action on Tax Rate
13.A. Misty Brasfield
14. Consider and Take Possible Action on 2019 - 2020 Proposed Budget
14.A. General Fund Budget
14.B. Debt Service
14.C. Cafeteria
15. Consider and Take Possible Action on Budget Amendments
15.A. Misty Brasfield
16. Consider and Take Possible Action on Student Handbook/Code of Conduct Handbook
17. Consider and Take Possible Action on Victoria County 4-H Resolution for Recognition of Extracurricular Activities
18. Consider and Take Possible Action on Roloff, Hnatek & Co., L.L.P. Engagement Letter
19. Consider and Take Possible Action on Outside Agencies for Pre-K Full Day Enrollment
20. Consider and Take Possible Action on Teacher, Hourly and Substitute Pay
21. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)