November 13, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments
3. Consider BES Shining Star Student
3.A. Mia Gonzales
4. Consider Student of the Month
4.A. October
4.A.1. Nicole Thompson
4.B. November
4.B.1. Rosa Villa
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve Minutes for October 16, 2017 Regular Meeting
5.B. Finance
5.B.1. Accounts Payable
5.B.2. Finance Report
5.B.3. Investment Report
5.B.4. Substitute Report
5.B.5. Donations
5.B.5.a. Nancy Roll - $100
5.B.5.b. Alpine ISD - $3,297 and Misc. District Supplies
5.B.5.c. Fort Stockton - Misc. District Supplies
5.B.5.d. Victoria East Softball Team - Softball Supplies
5.B.5.e. Anthony & Christine Warren - $3,000
5.B.5.f. Texas High School Baseball Association - Misc. Baseball Supplies
5.B.5.g. Texas High School Softball Association - Misc. Softball Supplies
5.C. Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities - Athletic, Business Manager, Cafeteria, Maintenance, Technology, District Health, District Coordinators, TTIPS, Campus Principals and Superintendent.
5.D. Consider Long Term Recovery
5.D.1. Danny Garcia
6. Consider and Take Possible Action on Revision of Lice Management Procedure (SB1566)
6.A. Amy Whaley
7. Consider and Take Possible Action on 2017-2018 SHAC Members
8. Consider and Take Possible Action on Campus Improvement Plans
8.A. PES - Carl Frisch
8.B. BES - Lou Torres
8.C. BMS - Terry Young
8.D. BHS - Lina Moore
9. Consider and Take Possible District Improvement Plan and Targeted Turnaround Plan
9.A. Sylvia Hernandez
10. Consider 2016-17 ESL & GT Program Evaluation and Current Year Program Update
10.A. Dora Hernandez & Sylvia Hernadez
11. Consider and Take Possible Action on Election of Victoria Central Appraisal District Board of Directors
12. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)