November 12, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments
3. Consider Shining Star Student
3.A. BMS - Lina Rodriguez
4. Consider Student of the Month
4.A. Hope Causey-Rhymer
5. Consider Employee of the Month
5.A. Joy Gawlik
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approve Minutes for October 2018
6.B. Finance
6.B.1. Accounts Payable
6.B.2. Finance Report
6.B.3. Investment Report
6.B.4. Substitute Report
6.B.5. Donations
6.C. Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities - Athletic, Assistant Superintendent, Cafeteria, Maintenance, Directors, District Health, Campus Principals and Superintendent.
7. Consider PES Asst. Principal Academic Update
7.A. Melinda Perez
8. Consider and Take Possible Action on Hatchett Street Community Project
8.A. Danny Garcia
9. Consider and Take Possible Action on Changing January Board Meeting Date to the 21st
10. Consider and Take Possible Action on Application for Maximum Class Size Exception Waiver
11. Consider and Review Board Operating Procedures
12. Consider Date for Safety and Facility Walk Through for BES, FEMA Gym, Football Stadium
13. Consider Bus Stop Lighting
14. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)