February 18, 2019 at 6:20 PM - Public Meeting
Agenda |
1. Notice is hereby given that on February 18. 2019, the Board of Trustees of the Bloomington Independent School District (“District”) will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in compliance with Texas Natural Resources Code section 71.004. The hearing will be held during the District’s regular board meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m. at Bloomington Independent School District, Board Room, 2781 FM 616 Bloomington, TX 77951, and will include the consideration of bids for a proposed lease of the oil and gas interests owned by the District, underlying the following real property: Lot Numbers 8 and 9 in Block Number 56 in the Townsite of Placedo, Victoria County, Texas, according to the established map and plat of said Townsite, duly recorded in Volume 62, at Page 208, of the Deed Records of Victoria County, Texas (the “Property”)
2. Developing an Innovation Plan for the District
3. Consider the TAPR Report