March 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments
3. Consider BHS Student of the Month
3.A. Mark Rivera
4. Consider PES Shining Star Student
4.A. Laila Gallegos
5. Consider Employee of the Month
5.A. Reagan Katch
6. Consider and Take Action on Consent Agenda
6.A. Finance
6.A.1. Accounts Payable
6.A.2. Finance Report
6.A.3. Investment Report
6.A.4. Substitute Report
6.A.5. Donations
6.A.5.a. Donation to PES of School Supplies and Valentine Decorations from Walmart in Rockport. PES also received a $10 donation from the Mr. and Mrs Jose Landon.
6.B. Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities- Business Manager, Athletic, Cafeteria, Maintenance, Technology, School Health, Accountability, Campus Principals and Superintendent.
7. Consider Accountability Report
8. Consider and Take Possible Action on Guidelines for District Houses
9. Consider and Take Possible Action on Railroad
10. Consider and Discuss Board Ethics
11. Consider Policy Meeting Dates
12. Consider Budget Workshop Dates
13. Consider Safety and Facility Committee Walk Thru Dates
14. Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)
14.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Directors and Administrators Contracts and Increases
14.B. Consider and Discuss Superintendent Position and Qualifications, Expectancy
14.C. Consider and Discuss Interim Superintendent