May 26, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Establishment of quorum
III. Hearing of visitors
IV. Reports and discussion
IV.a. Financial update
Presenter: Sheryl Davis, Waco ISD Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations
Report only
IV.b. Transformation Zone Implementation grant update
Report only
IV.c. Teacher Incentive Allotment
Presenter: Dr. John Jenkins, Executive Director of Talent Development
IV.d. Instructional and wraparound services update
Presenter: Dr. Robin McDurham, Transformation Waco Chief Executive Officer |
IV.e. TW Family Engagement Committee update
V. Consent agenda: consider and take appropriate action
V.a. Hiring of G.W. Carver Middle School administrator
V.b. Approval of change in criteria for teacher incentive
V.c. Budget amendments
V.c.1. Alta Vista budget amendment
V.c.2. Indian Spring budget amendments
V.c.3. J.H. Hines budget amendment
VI. Requests for future agenda items
VII. Announcements
VIII. Adjournment