Texans Can Academies Meetings
Meeting | Meeting Location | Details |
April 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
March 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom Video Conference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81235221529?pwd=CwejNhE01gd7UzyIB7CUS7FvY7MSgO.1 Meeting ID: 812 3522 1529 / Passcode: 475299 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below.
Monthly Board Meeting
February 13, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom videoconference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 844 3222 0657 / Passcode: 111434 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below.
Monthly Board Meeting
AGENDA I. Call to Order - Dr. Thalia F. Matherson, Board Chair - LSG Tracker: OTHERII. Student Welcome and Highlights - xxxxxxxx - LSG Tracker: ADVOCACY & ENGAGEMENT III. Public Forum: LSG Tracker: EXEMPTPersons desiring to address the board may register, prior to the Board meeting, by calling the Board Liaison’s Office at 214-944-1948 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m. the day preceding the Board meeting. The purpose of the period is for the public to convey information to the Board and not to engage the Board in a dialog. Speakers are limited to three minutes, cannot utilize time of other speakers, and can only speak one time in a thirty-day period. Persons should identify themselves, and state their address and any group represented at the beginning of the presentation. All remarks are tape-recorded for the record. The Public Forum segment of the Board meeting will be limited to 30 minutes. V. Consent Agenda - LSG Tracker: OTHER a. Approval of the Minutes of Meeting held on June 13, 2024 b. Education
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
c. Finance & Operations
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
d. Human Resources
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
e. Data Technology i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
VI. Board Chair’s Report LSG Tracker: a. VII. Superintendent’s Report LSG Tracker:a.
VIII. Non-Consent Agenda a. Board of Trustees
i. Approval of
1. Lone Star Governance (LSG) Time Use Tracker
LSG Tracker: PROGRESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY b. Education LSG Tracker: i. Approval of c. Finance & Operations LSG Tracker: OTHER
i. Approval of
d. Human Resources LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of e. Data Technology LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of IX. Executive Session per Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - LSG Tracker: EXEMPT X. Reconvene Open Session and Executive Session Action Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof, as the School Board shall determine. XI. Adjourn |
January 16, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 8, 2024 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom videoconference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 817 0737 7321 / Passcode: 431808 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below. |
November 14, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 14, 2024 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom videoconference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 844 3222 0657 / Passcode: 111434 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below.
Monthly Board Meeting
October 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 8, 2024 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom videoconference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 844 3222 0657 / Passcode: 111434 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below.
Monthly Board Meeting
AGENDA I. Call to Order - Dr. Thalia F. Matherson, Board Chair - LSG Tracker: OTHERII. Student Welcome and Highlights - xxxxxxxx - LSG Tracker: ADVOCACY & ENGAGEMENT III. Public Forum: LSG Tracker: EXEMPTPersons desiring to address the board may register, prior to the Board meeting, by calling the Board Liaison’s Office at 214-944-1948 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m. the day preceding the Board meeting. The purpose of the period is for the public to convey information to the Board and not to engage the Board in a dialog. Speakers are limited to three minutes, cannot utilize time of other speakers, and can only speak one time in a thirty-day period. Persons should identify themselves, and state their address and any group represented at the beginning of the presentation. All remarks are tape-recorded for the record. The Public Forum segment of the Board meeting will be limited to 30 minutes. V. Consent Agenda - LSG Tracker: OTHER a. Approval of the Minutes of Meeting held on June 13, 2024 b. Education
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
c. Finance & Operations
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
d. Human Resources
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
e. Data Technology i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
VI. Board Chair’s Report LSG Tracker: a. VII. Superintendent’s Report LSG Tracker:a.
VIII. Non-Consent Agenda a. Board of Trustees
i. Approval of
1. Lone Star Governance (LSG) Time Use Tracker
LSG Tracker: PROGRESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY b. Education LSG Tracker: i. Approval of c. Finance & Operations LSG Tracker: OTHER
i. Approval of
d. Human Resources LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of e. Data Technology LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of IX. Executive Session per Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - LSG Tracker: EXEMPT X. Reconvene Open Session and Executive Session Action Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof, as the School Board shall determine. XI. Adjourn |
September 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
AMERICA CAN! dba TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES CHARTER SCHOOLS BOARD OF TRUSTEES SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 5:30 PM Virtual Conference Notice; a Regular Meeting will be convened and conducted by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies Charter Schools at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208 One board member shall be physically present to preside over the meeting. Other board members and the public may attend in person or via Zoom videoconference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 844 3222 0657 / Passcode: 111434 The topics to be discussed or considered are listed below.
Monthly Board Meeting
AGENDA I. Call to Order - Dr. Thalia F. Matherson, Board Chair - LSG Tracker: OTHERII. Student Welcome and Highlights - xxxxxxxx - LSG Tracker: ADVOCACY & ENGAGEMENT III. Public Forum: LSG Tracker: EXEMPTPersons desiring to address the board may register, prior to the Board meeting, by calling the Board Liaison’s Office at 214-944-1948 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m. the day preceding the Board meeting. The purpose of the period is for the public to convey information to the Board and not to engage the Board in a dialog. Speakers are limited to three minutes, cannot utilize time of other speakers, and can only speak one time in a thirty-day period. Persons should identify themselves, and state their address and any group represented at the beginning of the presentation. All remarks are tape-recorded for the record. The Public Forum segment of the Board meeting will be limited to 30 minutes. V. Consent Agenda - LSG Tracker: OTHER a. Approval of the Minutes of Meeting held on August 8, 2024 b. Education
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
c. Finance & Operations
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
d. Human Resources
i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
e. Data Technology i. Report Regarding
ii. Contracts
iii. Approval of
VI. Board Chair’s Report LSG Tracker: OTHER a. VII. Superintendent’s Report LSG Tracker: XXXXXXa.
VIII. Non-Consent Agenda a. Board of Trustees
i. Approval of
1. Lone Star Governance (LSG) Time Use Tracker LSG Tracker: PROGRESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY
b. Education LSG Tracker: i. Approval of c. Finance & Operations LSG Tracker: OTHER
i. Approval of
d. Human Resources LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of e. Data Technology LSG Tracker: OTHER i. Approval of IX. Executive Session per Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - LSG Tracker: EXEMPT X. Reconvene Open Session and Executive Session Action Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof, as the School Board shall determine. XI. Adjourn |
August 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Texans Can Academies Monthly Board Meeting
Meeting Type:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432220657?pwd=cWNKWjhobzkrN0FxUE8yQmNYWlpIdz09 Meeting ID: 844 3222 0657 Passcode: 111434 |
August 6, 2024 at 11:00 AM - AC TCA Regular Online Meeting Agenda
Meeting Type:
Virtual Conference Notice; a Meeting will be convened by the Board of Trustees of America Can! dba Texans Can Academies to conduct a Level III Grievance Hearing at the District Office/Oak Cliff Campus 325 West 12th Street, Dallas, Texas 75208
Keep up-to-date with meetings, agendas, and minutes!