Meeting Agenda
1. Financial Report
1.A. Financial Report
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims
This item is attached as an extra on Board Book. |
1.C. Budget Revisions
1.D. Wire Transfers
1.E. Investment Transactions
1.F. WADM Projections
1.G. Fund Raisers
1.H. Investments in School Children
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
2.A. Bids
2.A.1) MOVED TO RESOLUTION SECTION - Bid #1203 – East High School Asbestos Abatement (Bid opening April 5, 2011)
2.A.2) Bid #1205, BP #6 – Denfeld High School Clock Tower Windows and Window Treatments
Contract #0841 – Clock Tower Windows – St. Germain’s Glass - $188,313.00 Contract #1220 – Window Treatments – W.L. Hall Company - $49,639.00 |
2.A.3) PLACEHOLDER - for Bids related to the LRFP
2.B. R.F.P.s
2.C. Quotes
3. Policies and Regulations
3.A. Policies
3.A.1) Suspension of Policy 3136/Regulation 3136R – Travel In-District, In-State, and Out-of-State Administration is requesting that Policy 3136 – Travel In-District, In-State, and Out-of-State be suspended to allow airfare to be purchased outside the policy parameters for a student trip the BPA (Business Professionals of America) National Leadership Conference. Tickets are purchased and set aside at a discount rate by the BPA .
3.B. Regulations
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
4.A. Contracts
4.B. Change Orders
4.B.1) Eastern Middle School (current East HS site)
a. Eastern MS LRFP –Concrete Change Order #14, Bid #1165, WS #2 - Northland Concrete & Masonry Company, LLC, Change Order decrease for back charge to Arnt to repair the damaged asphalt path due to the pump truck and to Ulland to pave the walking path Deduct: $4,271.00 |
4.B.2) East High School (current Ordean site)
a. East HS LRFP – Earthwork and Site Demolition Change Order #12, Bid #1163, (Contract #3100) – Veit and Company, Inc., Change Order increase for installation of site utility lines Add: $4,907.00 b. East HS LRFP – Footings, Foundation Wall and Retaining Walls Change Order #12, Bid #1168, (Contract #0331) – Northland Concrete and Masonry, LLC Change Order increase to extend the outer CIP walls 3’2” above the stairs and landings at the elevator stairs Add: $7,455.00 |
4.B.3) Piedmont Elementary School
a. Piedmont School LRFP – Joint Sealers Change Order #2, Bid #1183, WS #11 – American Masonry Restoration Corporation, Change Order increase to pack insulation at the interior block wall to the steel deck and caulk the interior block wall to the precast plank Add: $15,995.00 |
4.B.4) Denfeld High School
a. Denfeld HS LRFP – CIP Concrete/Foundations Change Order #12, Bid #1159, BP #2R, (Contract #0330) – Northland Concrete and Masonry, LLC Change Order increase to install concrete curbs and infills at mechanical shafts Add: $62,836.00 |
4.B.5) PLACEHOLDER - for Change Orders Related to the LRFP
4.C. Leases
5. Resolutions
5.A. Resolution B-4-11-2876 - Resolution Awarding Bid
5.B. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the purchase of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
5.C. PLACEHOLDER Resolutions authorizing the sale of properties relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan.
5.D. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions for Schematic Designs related to the LRFP
6. Informational
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
6.B. Revenue Contracts
6.C. Other Contracts
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
6.E. Johnson Controls, Inc. Long-Range Facilities Plan Status Report
6.F. Change Orders Relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan
6.G. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan
6.H. Review Life-Safety-Security Implementation Progress at all Schools/Sites
There was board discussion regarding continuing conditions at HOCHS regarding the condition of the roof, and winter run-off that goes down part of the building. In addition there was discussion of the need for entry security at HOCHS that is consistent with the standards being installed at our other schools. |
6.I. Discussion of alternate choices for transportation of secondary students before/after school
There was board discussion regarding the feasibility of offering transportation for High School students to facilitate participation in zero hour classes and after-school activities. More information will be provided in May regarding the cost. |
6.J. School Closing Hearings
Superintendent Dixon reviewed the plans for the scheduling of and conducting school closing hearings for Laura MacArthur, Lester Park, Lincoln Park and Rockridge Elementary Schools and Central High School |
6.K. Quarterly Summary of Grants and Donations - January-March 2011
7. Future Items
7.A. Child Nutrition Food Bids
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 26, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Financial Report
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the Financial Report as presented.
Subject: |
1.A. Financial Report
Subject: |
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims
This item is attached as an extra on Board Book. |
Subject: |
1.C. Budget Revisions
Subject: |
1.D. Wire Transfers
Subject: |
1.E. Investment Transactions
Subject: |
1.F. WADM Projections
Subject: |
1.G. Fund Raisers
Subject: |
1.H. Investments in School Children
Subject: |
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
Subject: |
2.A. Bids
Subject: |
2.A.1) MOVED TO RESOLUTION SECTION - Bid #1203 – East High School Asbestos Abatement (Bid opening April 5, 2011)
Subject: |
2.A.2) Bid #1205, BP #6 – Denfeld High School Clock Tower Windows and Window Treatments
Contract #0841 – Clock Tower Windows – St. Germain’s Glass - $188,313.00 Contract #1220 – Window Treatments – W.L. Hall Company - $49,639.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve entering into contracts with the firms listed above based on their low responsive bids as shown on the Bid Tab and Letter of Recommendation, as provided in response to Bid #1205 – Denfeld High School Bid Package #6. The total cost of the contracts related to Bid #1205 – Denfeld High School Bid Package #6 as listed above is $237,952.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide. |
Subject: |
2.A.3) PLACEHOLDER - for Bids related to the LRFP
Subject: |
2.B. R.F.P.s
Subject: |
2.C. Quotes
Subject: |
3. Policies and Regulations
Subject: |
3.A. Policies
Subject: |
3.A.1) Suspension of Policy 3136/Regulation 3136R – Travel In-District, In-State, and Out-of-State Administration is requesting that Policy 3136 – Travel In-District, In-State, and Out-of-State be suspended to allow airfare to be purchased outside the policy parameters for a student trip the BPA (Business Professionals of America) National Leadership Conference. Tickets are purchased and set aside at a discount rate by the BPA .
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board suspend Policy 3136 to allow airfare to be purchased outside the policy parameters. |
Subject: |
3.B. Regulations
Subject: |
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
Subject: |
4.A. Contracts
Subject: |
4.B. Change Orders
Subject: |
4.B.1) Eastern Middle School (current East HS site)
a. Eastern MS LRFP –Concrete Change Order #14, Bid #1165, WS #2 - Northland Concrete & Masonry Company, LLC, Change Order decrease for back charge to Arnt to repair the damaged asphalt path due to the pump truck and to Ulland to pave the walking path Deduct: $4,271.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Eastern High School reflecting a total decrease of $4,271.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide. |
Subject: |
4.B.2) East High School (current Ordean site)
a. East HS LRFP – Earthwork and Site Demolition Change Order #12, Bid #1163, (Contract #3100) – Veit and Company, Inc., Change Order increase for installation of site utility lines Add: $4,907.00 b. East HS LRFP – Footings, Foundation Wall and Retaining Walls Change Order #12, Bid #1168, (Contract #0331) – Northland Concrete and Masonry, LLC Change Order increase to extend the outer CIP walls 3’2” above the stairs and landings at the elevator stairs Add: $7,455.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Eastern High School reflecting a total increase of $12,362.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide. |
Subject: |
4.B.3) Piedmont Elementary School
a. Piedmont School LRFP – Joint Sealers Change Order #2, Bid #1183, WS #11 – American Masonry Restoration Corporation, Change Order increase to pack insulation at the interior block wall to the steel deck and caulk the interior block wall to the precast plank Add: $15,995.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Piedmont School reflecting a total increase of $15,995.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide. |
Subject: |
4.B.4) Denfeld High School
a. Denfeld HS LRFP – CIP Concrete/Foundations Change Order #12, Bid #1159, BP #2R, (Contract #0330) – Northland Concrete and Masonry, LLC Change Order increase to install concrete curbs and infills at mechanical shafts Add: $62,836.00 |
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change order as listed above at Denfeld High School reflecting a total increase of $62,836.00, which remains within the overall budget district-wide. |
Subject: |
4.B.5) PLACEHOLDER - for Change Orders Related to the LRFP
Subject: |
4.C. Leases
Subject: |
5. Resolutions
Subject: |
5.A. Resolution B-4-11-2876 - Resolution Awarding Bid
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-4-11-2875 - Resolution Awarding Bid. |
Subject: |
5.B. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the purchase of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
Subject: |
5.C. PLACEHOLDER Resolutions authorizing the sale of properties relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan.
Subject: |
5.D. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions for Schematic Designs related to the LRFP
Subject: |
6. Informational
The items listed below are informational only and do not require board action.
Subject: |
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
Superintendent Dixon or the Director of Business Services has signed the following expenditure contracts during the month of March 2010.
Subject: |
6.B. Revenue Contracts
For your information, Superintendent Dixon or the Director of Business Services has signed the attached Revenue Contracts during the month of March 2010.
Subject: |
6.C. Other Contracts
For your information, Superintendent Dixon or the Director of Business Services has signed the following contracts at no cost to the District during the month of March 2010.
Subject: |
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
Subject: |
6.E. Johnson Controls, Inc. Long-Range Facilities Plan Status Report
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the attached report.
Subject: |
6.F. Change Orders Relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
Subject: |
6.G. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the attached report.
Subject: |
6.H. Review Life-Safety-Security Implementation Progress at all Schools/Sites
There was board discussion regarding continuing conditions at HOCHS regarding the condition of the roof, and winter run-off that goes down part of the building. In addition there was discussion of the need for entry security at HOCHS that is consistent with the standards being installed at our other schools. |
Subject: |
6.I. Discussion of alternate choices for transportation of secondary students before/after school
There was board discussion regarding the feasibility of offering transportation for High School students to facilitate participation in zero hour classes and after-school activities. More information will be provided in May regarding the cost. |
Subject: |
6.J. School Closing Hearings
Superintendent Dixon reviewed the plans for the scheduling of and conducting school closing hearings for Laura MacArthur, Lester Park, Lincoln Park and Rockridge Elementary Schools and Central High School |
Subject: |
6.K. Quarterly Summary of Grants and Donations - January-March 2011
Subject: |
7. Future Items
Subject: |
7.A. Child Nutrition Food Bids