Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Superintendent's Report
3. Recognition of Excellence
3.A. Rob Saunders - Ed Tech Cadre
3.B. Dr. Daniel Vidlak
3.C. Jim Figoni
4. Community Comments [20 minutes]
5. Unfinished Business
5.A. Sunny Wolf Charter School: Contract and Lease (ACTION)
5.B. 2010-2011 Calendar - Revised (ACTION)
6. New Business
6.A. Edgewater Christian Fellowship Facility Use (ACTION)
6.B. Fuel Contractor Renewal (ACTION)
6.C. Resolution (#16) to Transfer Funds from General Fund to Carryover Fund (ACTION)
6.D. Resolution (#17) to Adopt Budget, Appropriate Funds and Declare Tax Levy (ACTION)
6.E. Sodexo Contract Renewal (ACTION)
6.F. Recommendation for K-12 Mathematics Textbook Adoption Postponement (ACTION)
6.G. Recommendation for K-12 Science Textbook Postponement (ACTION)
6.H. Applegate School Project Management Agreement (ACTION)
6.I. Memorandums of Understanding (ACTION)
6.I.1. Confidential Group
6.I.2. Administrative Group
6.J. Planned Course Statements (ACTION)
6.J.1. Positive Communication and Intervention with PRIDE
6.J.2. Service Learning
6.J.3. Introduction to Literature II
6.J.4. Introduction to Writing II
6.J.5. Latin American Literature
6.J.6. Musical Theater
6.J.7. Freshman Forum
6.J.8. Essential Math Proficiencies
6.J.9. Essential Reading Proficiencies
6.J.10. Essential Writing Proficiencies
7. Informational Items ~ NONE
8. Department Reports
8.A. Financial Reports
8.B. Technology Report
8.C. Maintenance Report
8.D. Food Service Report
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
9.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
9.A.1. Regular Session, May 17, 2010
9.A.2. Special Session, June 3, 2010
9.B. Routine Personnel Items - June 2010
9.C. Approval of Bills - May 31, 2010
9.D. Out-of-State Travel
9.D.1. Hidden Valley High School teacher Kelly Turner request approval for travel to Morelos, Mexico June 11-27, 2010, to lead a methods workshop for the teaching of English to Mexican Middle School teachers. There is no cost to the district.
9.D.2. Hidden Valley High School teacher Matt Kennedy requests approval for out of state travel to San Francisco, California July 19-22, 2010 to attend an A.P. World History seminar. The cost of attending the seminar is being covered by Title IIA funds.
9.D.3. Federal Programs Director Peter Maluk requests approval for Peg Cowens to travel to Campbell, California from June 15-17, 2010 to attend the New Teachers Mentor Academy. ODE will be paying all costs.
9.D.4. Secondary Education Director John George requests approval for North Valley High School English teacher Rob Moeny to attend an AP English Language Composition Training Institute in Monterey, California June 27-July 1, 2010. All travel costs will be paid by our GEAR UP grant.
9.D.5. Lorna Byrne Principal Damian Crowson requests approval for teacher Brice Cloyd to take Lorna Byrne's Concert Band and Choir (appproximately 60) to the Heritage Music Festival in Anaheim, California from April 7-10, 2011. The cost will be paid by fundraising.
10. Reports
10.A. Enrollment Report
10.B. Special Education Report
10.C. Principal Board Briefings
10.C.1. Applegate School
10.C.2. Evergreen Elementary
10.C.3. Fleming Middle School
10.C.4. Fruitdale Elementary
10.C.5. Hidden Valley High School
10.C.6. Illinois Valley High School
10.C.7. Jerome Prairie Elementary
10.C.8. Manzanita Elementary
10.C.9. Newbridge High School
10.C.10. North Valley High School
10.C.11. Williams Elementary
10.D. Newsletters
10.D.1. Applegate School
10.D.2. Evergreen Elementary
10.D.3. Williams Elementary
11. Other
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 21, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Jim Weaver, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
3. Recognition of Excellence
Subject: |
3.A. Rob Saunders - Ed Tech Cadre
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
3.B. Dr. Daniel Vidlak
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Human Resources Director
Subject: |
3.C. Jim Figoni
Presenter: |
Doug Ely, Student Services Director
Subject: |
4. Community Comments [20 minutes]
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
5. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
5.A. Sunny Wolf Charter School: Contract and Lease (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Peter Maluk, Federal Programs Director
Subject: |
5.B. 2010-2011 Calendar - Revised (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Human Resources Director
Subject: |
6. New Business
Subject: |
6.A. Edgewater Christian Fellowship Facility Use (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Peter Maluk, Federal Programs Director
Subject: |
6.B. Fuel Contractor Renewal (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, Accountant
Subject: |
6.C. Resolution (#16) to Transfer Funds from General Fund to Carryover Fund (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, Accountant
Subject: |
6.D. Resolution (#17) to Adopt Budget, Appropriate Funds and Declare Tax Levy (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, Accountant
Subject: |
6.E. Sodexo Contract Renewal (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.F. Recommendation for K-12 Mathematics Textbook Adoption Postponement (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Peter Maluk, Federal Programs Director
Subject: |
6.G. Recommendation for K-12 Science Textbook Postponement (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Peter Maluk, Federal Programs Director
Subject: |
6.H. Applegate School Project Management Agreement (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.I. Memorandums of Understanding (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.I.1. Confidential Group
Subject: |
6.I.2. Administrative Group
Subject: |
6.J. Planned Course Statements (ACTION)
Presenter: |
John George, Secondary Education Director
Subject: |
6.J.1. Positive Communication and Intervention with PRIDE
Subject: |
6.J.2. Service Learning
Subject: |
6.J.3. Introduction to Literature II
Subject: |
6.J.4. Introduction to Writing II
Subject: |
6.J.5. Latin American Literature
Subject: |
6.J.6. Musical Theater
Subject: |
6.J.7. Freshman Forum
Subject: |
6.J.8. Essential Math Proficiencies
Subject: |
6.J.9. Essential Reading Proficiencies
Subject: |
6.J.10. Essential Writing Proficiencies
Subject: |
7. Informational Items ~ NONE
Subject: |
8. Department Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Financial Reports
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
8.B. Technology Report
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Human Resources Director
Subject: |
8.C. Maintenance Report
Presenter: |
Dave Bracken, Aramark
Subject: |
8.D. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Michael Morris, Food Service Manager, Sodexo
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
9.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
9.A.1. Regular Session, May 17, 2010
Subject: |
9.A.2. Special Session, June 3, 2010
Subject: |
9.B. Routine Personnel Items - June 2010
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of Bills - May 31, 2010
Subject: |
9.D. Out-of-State Travel
Subject: |
9.D.1. Hidden Valley High School teacher Kelly Turner request approval for travel to Morelos, Mexico June 11-27, 2010, to lead a methods workshop for the teaching of English to Mexican Middle School teachers. There is no cost to the district.
Subject: |
9.D.2. Hidden Valley High School teacher Matt Kennedy requests approval for out of state travel to San Francisco, California July 19-22, 2010 to attend an A.P. World History seminar. The cost of attending the seminar is being covered by Title IIA funds.
Subject: |
9.D.3. Federal Programs Director Peter Maluk requests approval for Peg Cowens to travel to Campbell, California from June 15-17, 2010 to attend the New Teachers Mentor Academy. ODE will be paying all costs.
Subject: |
9.D.4. Secondary Education Director John George requests approval for North Valley High School English teacher Rob Moeny to attend an AP English Language Composition Training Institute in Monterey, California June 27-July 1, 2010. All travel costs will be paid by our GEAR UP grant.
Subject: |
9.D.5. Lorna Byrne Principal Damian Crowson requests approval for teacher Brice Cloyd to take Lorna Byrne's Concert Band and Choir (appproximately 60) to the Heritage Music Festival in Anaheim, California from April 7-10, 2011. The cost will be paid by fundraising.
Subject: |
10. Reports
Subject: |
10.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
10.B. Special Education Report
Presenter: |
Doug Ely, Student Services Director
Subject: |
10.C. Principal Board Briefings
Subject: |
10.C.1. Applegate School
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen-Hart, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.2. Evergreen Elementary
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.3. Fleming Middle School
Presenter: |
Greg Tardieu, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.4. Fruitdale Elementary
Presenter: |
Kelly Christensen, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.5. Hidden Valley High School
Presenter: |
Dennis Misner, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.6. Illinois Valley High School
Presenter: |
JoAnn Bethany, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.7. Jerome Prairie Elementary
Presenter: |
Dave Fuller, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.8. Manzanita Elementary
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.9. Newbridge High School
Presenter: |
Dave Fuller, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.10. North Valley High School
Presenter: |
Linda Hugle, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.11. Williams Elementary
Presenter: |
Michelle Sesock, Principal
Subject: |
10.D. Newsletters
Subject: |
10.D.1. Applegate School
Subject: |
10.D.2. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.3. Williams Elementary
Subject: |
11. Other
Subject: |
12. Adjournment