Meeting Agenda
I. Convene in a quorum and call to order; invocation and pledges of allegiance
II. Public Comments according to Policy BED (LOCAL) - Related to items on the open session portion of the agenda (30-minute allotment). Individuals who wish to participate during this portion of the meeting shall sign up at least three (3) hours prior to the start of the meeting either (1) in-person with the board secretary at 3920 Mickey Gilley Boulevard, Pasadena, Texas, 77505, or (2) via email sent to In lieu of a public appearance, members of the public may submit written comments which will be provided to the board. In all submissions, please state your name, address, phone number, and topic to be addressed. Additional information about addressing the board may be found at the district's website and is outlined in the applicable Pasadena ISD board policy - DGBA, FNG, or GF.
III. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code sections:
551.071 to consult with district attorneys concerning matters on which the attorney's duty to the district under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act; to seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer; and/or to consider legal advice regarding items specifically listed on the agenda 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints of charges against a public officer or employee, unless the individual who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing; concerning matters related to the superintendent’s recommendation to hire administrative personnel; and/or the superintendent’s recommendations related to renewals, non-renewals, and terminations of contracts for professional personnel 551.076 for the purpose of discussing security devices or security audits or to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security devices; or a security audit |
IV. Reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
V. Discussion of the district’s rating on the State Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) - Tamika Alford-Stephens, Chief Financial Officer
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Informational Pages
VI.2. Bid Items
A. Competitive Sealed Bids and/or Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals · Special Education Nonpublic School Placement Services, CSP #25P-006EZ · Grease Trap and Lift Station Service, CSP #25P-008LM · Vehicles for Nutrition Services, CSP #25P-010EZ B. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 · October 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024 |
VI.3. Minutes 10 22 24
VI.4. Minutes 11 12 24
VII. Personnel Section
VII.1. Consideration and possible approval of administrative personnel
VII.2. Certified personnel for the 2024-2025 school year - For Information Only
VII.3. Support personnel for the 2024-2025 school year - For Information Only
VII.4. Discussion with the Texas Association of School Board consultant regarding superintendent search process and search schedule calendar - George Cazanas, TASB Consultant
VII.5. Consideration and possible approval of the renewal of the On-Site Clinic, CSP #20P-032LP for a cost of $792,623 to be paid through the health fund
VII.6. Consideration and possible approval of the renewal of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) CSP #20P-050LP for a cost of $90,780
VII.7. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Renewal of Medical and Rx Stop Loss Coverage Self-Funded Health Plan, CSP #23P-008LL, to Aetna Life Insurance Company for a cost of $2,970,994 to be paid through the health fund
VII.8. Consideration and possible approval of award for Self-Funded Health Plan ASO Medical Product Services, CSP#21P-016LP to Aetna Life Insurance Company for a Cost of $1,765,874 for fiscal year 2025
VIII. Educational Section
VIII.1. Grants Department Spotlight - Presentation by Olivia Smith-Daugherty
VIII.2. Consideration and possible approval of a second inter-local agreement between Pasadena Independent School District and Texas Woman’s University for internship and externship with no financial implication for additional students
VIII.3. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 satellite site contract for the Region 4 Regional Day School Program for the Deaf in the amount of $1,670,860.00 to be paid with local funds
VIII.4. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Cycle 12, Year 2 continuation grant award in the amount of $2,000,000
VIII.5. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 Harris County Department of Education CASE for Kids Partnership grant award for Frazier Elementary in the amount of $30,000 and the corresponding interlocal agreement
VIII.6. Consideration and possible approval of two (2) additional support counselor positions for the School-Based Mental Health Services Grant
IX. Student Achievements - For Information Only
X. Financial Section
X.1. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for October 2024
XI. Operations Section
XI.1. Consideration and possible approval of the Design Development Phase for the New Softball Complex Replacement Project - Presentation by Roger Brownlow, Cre8 Architects.
XI.2. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 013 for the 2022 Bond CTE Classroom and Lab Improvements Project at Sam Rayburn High School in the credit amount of $3,931.91
XI.3. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 014 for the 2022 Bond CTE Classroom and Lab Improvements Project at Sam Rayburn High School in the amount of $33,830.75
XI.4. Consideration and possible approval of an HVAC Testing and Balancing Services Agreement with National Precisionaire, LLC for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $66,500
XI.5. Consideration and possible approval of a Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Commissioning Services Agreement with McKinstry Essention, LLC for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $70,000
XI.6. Consideration and possible approval of a Material Testing Services Agreement with Raba Kistner, Inc. for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $134,725
XI.7. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-025 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the amount of $39,981
XI.8. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-026 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the credit amount of $4,360
XI.9. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-032 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the amount of $49,364
XI.10. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 08 for the 2022 Bond New Parks Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $53,603
XI.11. Consideration and possible approval of Final Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 1 Project in the credit amount of $5,284.50
XI.12. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 004 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 2 Project at Burnett Elementary School in the credit amount of $5,906.53
XI.13. Consideration and possible approval of Final Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 2 Project in the credit amount of $378,415.23
XI.14. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 10 for the 2022 Bond HVAC Replacement Group 1, Package 1 Project at Frazier Elementary School, and Burnett Elementary School in the amount of $29,668.23
XI.15. Consideration and possible approval of a non-professional services contract between PISD and the City of Pasadena for summer camp transportation services
XI.16. Consideration and possible approval to restructure the Bond Program Management Team to meet the needs of the district. Reclassification of the Bond Project Controls Manager to Bond Program Manager, Data Governance and Reporting E06 position to be paid by the Bond Program Management Budget
XI.17. Consideration and possible approval of the conveyance of a storm sewer easement, located at the northeast property line of the Maintenance, Operations and Warehouse Facility, adjacent to South Shaver Street
XI.18. Consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Safety & Security Project in the amount of $1,220,000
XII. Construction Update - For Information Only
XIII. Miscellaneous Section
XIII.1. Consideration of and possible approval on the adoption of a resolution casting votes for candidates of its choice to be appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the Harris Central Appraisal District
XIII.2. Public Comments according to BED (LOCAL) - Related to topics not listed on the agenda (30-minute allotment). In lieu of a public appearance at the board meeting, members of the public may submit written comments to the board regarding topics not listed on the agenda via email no later than three (3) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting addressed to:, which will be provided to the board. In your email, please state your name, address, topic and comment
XIII.3. Set date for next regular meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
XIV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Convene in a quorum and call to order; invocation and pledges of allegiance
Subject: |
II. Public Comments according to Policy BED (LOCAL) - Related to items on the open session portion of the agenda (30-minute allotment). Individuals who wish to participate during this portion of the meeting shall sign up at least three (3) hours prior to the start of the meeting either (1) in-person with the board secretary at 3920 Mickey Gilley Boulevard, Pasadena, Texas, 77505, or (2) via email sent to In lieu of a public appearance, members of the public may submit written comments which will be provided to the board. In all submissions, please state your name, address, phone number, and topic to be addressed. Additional information about addressing the board may be found at the district's website and is outlined in the applicable Pasadena ISD board policy - DGBA, FNG, or GF.
Subject: |
III. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code sections:
551.071 to consult with district attorneys concerning matters on which the attorney's duty to the district under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act; to seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer; and/or to consider legal advice regarding items specifically listed on the agenda 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints of charges against a public officer or employee, unless the individual who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing; concerning matters related to the superintendent’s recommendation to hire administrative personnel; and/or the superintendent’s recommendations related to renewals, non-renewals, and terminations of contracts for professional personnel 551.076 for the purpose of discussing security devices or security audits or to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security devices; or a security audit |
Subject: |
IV. Reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
Subject: |
V. Discussion of the district’s rating on the State Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) - Tamika Alford-Stephens, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VI.1. Informational Pages
Subject: |
VI.2. Bid Items
A. Competitive Sealed Bids and/or Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals · Special Education Nonpublic School Placement Services, CSP #25P-006EZ · Grease Trap and Lift Station Service, CSP #25P-008LM · Vehicles for Nutrition Services, CSP #25P-010EZ B. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 · October 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024 |
Subject: |
VI.3. Minutes 10 22 24
Subject: |
VI.4. Minutes 11 12 24
Subject: |
VII. Personnel Section
Subject: |
VII.1. Consideration and possible approval of administrative personnel
Subject: |
VII.2. Certified personnel for the 2024-2025 school year - For Information Only
Subject: |
VII.3. Support personnel for the 2024-2025 school year - For Information Only
Subject: |
VII.4. Discussion with the Texas Association of School Board consultant regarding superintendent search process and search schedule calendar - George Cazanas, TASB Consultant
Subject: |
VII.5. Consideration and possible approval of the renewal of the On-Site Clinic, CSP #20P-032LP for a cost of $792,623 to be paid through the health fund
Subject: |
VII.6. Consideration and possible approval of the renewal of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) CSP #20P-050LP for a cost of $90,780
Subject: |
VII.7. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Renewal of Medical and Rx Stop Loss Coverage Self-Funded Health Plan, CSP #23P-008LL, to Aetna Life Insurance Company for a cost of $2,970,994 to be paid through the health fund
Subject: |
VII.8. Consideration and possible approval of award for Self-Funded Health Plan ASO Medical Product Services, CSP#21P-016LP to Aetna Life Insurance Company for a Cost of $1,765,874 for fiscal year 2025
Subject: |
VIII. Educational Section
Subject: |
VIII.1. Grants Department Spotlight - Presentation by Olivia Smith-Daugherty
Subject: |
VIII.2. Consideration and possible approval of a second inter-local agreement between Pasadena Independent School District and Texas Woman’s University for internship and externship with no financial implication for additional students
Subject: |
VIII.3. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 satellite site contract for the Region 4 Regional Day School Program for the Deaf in the amount of $1,670,860.00 to be paid with local funds
Subject: |
VIII.4. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Cycle 12, Year 2 continuation grant award in the amount of $2,000,000
Subject: |
VIII.5. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024-2025 Harris County Department of Education CASE for Kids Partnership grant award for Frazier Elementary in the amount of $30,000 and the corresponding interlocal agreement
Subject: |
VIII.6. Consideration and possible approval of two (2) additional support counselor positions for the School-Based Mental Health Services Grant
Subject: |
IX. Student Achievements - For Information Only
Subject: |
X. Financial Section
Subject: |
X.1. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for October 2024
Subject: |
XI. Operations Section
Subject: |
XI.1. Consideration and possible approval of the Design Development Phase for the New Softball Complex Replacement Project - Presentation by Roger Brownlow, Cre8 Architects.
Subject: |
XI.2. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 013 for the 2022 Bond CTE Classroom and Lab Improvements Project at Sam Rayburn High School in the credit amount of $3,931.91
Subject: |
XI.3. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 014 for the 2022 Bond CTE Classroom and Lab Improvements Project at Sam Rayburn High School in the amount of $33,830.75
Subject: |
XI.4. Consideration and possible approval of an HVAC Testing and Balancing Services Agreement with National Precisionaire, LLC for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $66,500
Subject: |
XI.5. Consideration and possible approval of a Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Commissioning Services Agreement with McKinstry Essention, LLC for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $70,000
Subject: |
XI.6. Consideration and possible approval of a Material Testing Services Agreement with Raba Kistner, Inc. for the 2022 Bond New Williams Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $134,725
Subject: |
XI.7. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-025 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the amount of $39,981
Subject: |
XI.8. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-026 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the credit amount of $4,360
Subject: |
XI.9. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. A-032 for the 2017 Bond Transportation Center Replacement Project in the amount of $49,364
Subject: |
XI.10. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 08 for the 2022 Bond New Parks Elementary School Replacement Project in the amount of $53,603
Subject: |
XI.11. Consideration and possible approval of Final Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 1 Project in the credit amount of $5,284.50
Subject: |
XI.12. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 004 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 2 Project at Burnett Elementary School in the credit amount of $5,906.53
Subject: |
XI.13. Consideration and possible approval of Final Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Roof Replacements Package 2 Project in the credit amount of $378,415.23
Subject: |
XI.14. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. 10 for the 2022 Bond HVAC Replacement Group 1, Package 1 Project at Frazier Elementary School, and Burnett Elementary School in the amount of $29,668.23
Subject: |
XI.15. Consideration and possible approval of a non-professional services contract between PISD and the City of Pasadena for summer camp transportation services
Subject: |
XI.16. Consideration and possible approval to restructure the Bond Program Management Team to meet the needs of the district. Reclassification of the Bond Project Controls Manager to Bond Program Manager, Data Governance and Reporting E06 position to be paid by the Bond Program Management Budget
Subject: |
XI.17. Consideration and possible approval of the conveyance of a storm sewer easement, located at the northeast property line of the Maintenance, Operations and Warehouse Facility, adjacent to South Shaver Street
Subject: |
XI.18. Consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 001 for the 2022 Bond Safety & Security Project in the amount of $1,220,000
Subject: |
XII. Construction Update - For Information Only
Subject: |
XIII. Miscellaneous Section
Subject: |
XIII.1. Consideration of and possible approval on the adoption of a resolution casting votes for candidates of its choice to be appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the Harris Central Appraisal District
Subject: |
XIII.2. Public Comments according to BED (LOCAL) - Related to topics not listed on the agenda (30-minute allotment). In lieu of a public appearance at the board meeting, members of the public may submit written comments to the board regarding topics not listed on the agenda via email no later than three (3) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting addressed to:, which will be provided to the board. In your email, please state your name, address, topic and comment
Subject: |
XIII.3. Set date for next regular meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Subject: |
XIV. Adjournment