Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order / Roll Check
2. Adoption or Adjustment of Agenda
3. Integrated Application Update 15 minutes
4. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation to Award a Contract for $1,089,604.70 to Outlier Construction Co. for the Science Building Seismic Rehabilitation Project at Ashland High School. 10 minutes
5. Exclusive Negotiating Agreement Discussion 30 minutes
6. Innovation Enrollment Subcommittee Interview Analysis Presentation
30 minutes |
7. Board Policy Updates 15 minutes
7.A. GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements
7.B. EBC, EBCA, EBCB - Safety and Emergency Procedures
Bringing these back for review prior to recommending for approval. |
7.C. JGE Expulsion
7.D. Procurement: DJC Bidding Requirements - New Version and
DJC-AR Exemptions from Competitive Bidding and Special Procurements - New |
7.E. JHCD and JHCD-AR Medications
8. ACTION ITEM: Appointment of Superintendent Joseph Hattrick to the SOESD (Southern Oregon Educational Service District) Budget Committee 5 minutes
9. Other Items of Interest 10 minutes
10. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 27, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Ashland School Board | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order / Roll Check
Presenter: |
Board Chair Rebecca Dyson
Subject: |
2. Adoption or Adjustment of Agenda
Presenter: |
Board Chair Rebecca Dyson
It is recommended that the Board adopt the agenda for January 23, 2025.
Subject: |
3. Integrated Application Update 15 minutes
Presenter: |
TRAILS Principal Ericka Beck-Brattin
In preparation for submitting a new application for the Integrated Guidance revenue sources, Principal Beck-Grattin will provide an update on the status of the current plan.
Subject: |
4. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation to Award a Contract for $1,089,604.70 to Outlier Construction Co. for the Science Building Seismic Rehabilitation Project at Ashland High School. 10 minutes
Presenter: |
Executive Director of Operations Steve Mitzel
HMK recommends that Ashland School District award Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment 1 for the Early Work Package to Outlier Construction Co. for the Science Building Seismic Rehabilitation Project at Ashland High School, in the amount of $1,089,604.70.
Subject: |
5. Exclusive Negotiating Agreement Discussion 30 minutes
Presenter: |
Board Vice Chair Jill Franko
The Board will be asked to review and discuss a proposed Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Edlen and Co. to establish the conditions under which Edlen may access the property at Mountain and East Main to perform tests and investigations as part of a process of due diligence. The intent is to assess the viability of continuing with potential development. For the six months during which Edlen has access, the district agrees that no action will be taken to sell all or part of the property.
Subject: |
6. Innovation Enrollment Subcommittee Interview Analysis Presentation
30 minutes |
Presenter: |
Director Dan Ruby
The Board will review and discuss a summary of interviews conducted by Enrollment Subcommittee members concerning the needs and interests of district families currently homeschooling their children.
Subject: |
7. Board Policy Updates 15 minutes
Presenter: |
Superintendent Joseph Hattrick
This is a first look at the double-coded policy GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements. The other policies listed were reviewed and discussed at the January 23 work session with the intention of editing and bringing them to the February 13 regular session. The snow week delayed that. If the Board has no additional questions or concerns, they will be presented at the March 13 Regular Session.
Subject: |
7.A. GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements
This is a new update and a first review. House Bill 4160 (2024) changed the definition of student: changing a student who left school or graduated from high school "within 90 days" to "within one calendar year", and is in effect as of July 1, 2024. This is the only significant change to the existing policy.
Subject: |
7.B. EBC, EBCA, EBCB - Safety and Emergency Procedures
Bringing these back for review prior to recommending for approval. |
EBC Emergency Plan and First Aid - NEW
EBCA Safety Threats - NEW EBCB Emergency Procedure Drills and Instruction - REVISED EBC/EBCA (old) Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans - DELETE |
Subject: |
7.C. JGE Expulsion
Subject: |
7.D. Procurement: DJC Bidding Requirements - New Version and
DJC-AR Exemptions from Competitive Bidding and Special Procurements - New |
OSBA recommends deleting existing policies: DJC - Bidding Requirements and DJCA - Personal Service Contracts and replacing them with a new version of DJC and the Administrative Regulation that describes related procedures. The AR is optional. Scott Whitman has reviewed both.
Subject: |
7.E. JHCD and JHCD-AR Medications
These are new versions of required policies reflecting recent changes in legislation. OSBA strongly recommends deleting old versions and adopting the new ones that are compliant with regulations.
Subject: |
8. ACTION ITEM: Appointment of Superintendent Joseph Hattrick to the SOESD (Southern Oregon Educational Service District) Budget Committee 5 minutes
Presenter: |
Board Chair Rebecca Dyson
Superintendent Hattrick will be designated to represent the Ashland School District on this year's SOESD Budget Committee.
Subject: |
9. Other Items of Interest 10 minutes
Presenter: |
Board Chair Rebecca Dyson
Subject: |
10. Adjourn
Presenter: |
Board Chair Rebecca Dyson
A. Improve student achievement. B. Recruit and retain high quality and diverse staff. C. Create and maintain an environment that is welcoming, supportive, and inclusive of all students and staff. |