Meeting Agenda
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission Statement: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the February 24, 2025, regular meeting agenda, as presented. |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the following minutes. |
I.E.1. February 10, 2025, regular meeting
I.E.2. February 10, 2025, closed session
II. Recognition
III. Student Representative Report
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
VI. Presentations
VI.A. Dori Leyko, Superintendent - ELHS Construction Project Update
VI.B. Glenn Mitcham, Deputy Superintendent - MLK, Jr and Papa the Great
VII. Board Discussion
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. January 29, 2025 Thrun Policy Updates
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the January 29, 2025 Thrun Policy Updates, as presented. |
VIII.B. Policy 5201 Investigations, Arrests, and Other Law Enforcement Contacts
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the update to Policy 5201 to include the link to the Safe and Supportive Schools Resolution adopted on January 13, 2025. |
VIII.C. East Lansing High School Band and Orchestra Trip to Orlando, FL
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the East Lansing High School Band and Orchestra trip to Orlando, FL in March 2026, as presented. |
VIII.D. Purchase of New Technology
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the purchase of 325 Chromebooks from SEHI in the amount of $84,376.50. |
VIII.E. Budget Calendar
Motion: I move the Board of Education adopt the budget calendar for developing the East Lansing Public Schools 2025-26 budget as presented. |
VIII.F. Award Bids for Safety, Security, and Accessibility Bond Bid Package #1 New Administration Building
Motion: I move the Board of Education award the following bids related to the New Administration Building as follows: Category 01 Building Demolition- Christman Constructors, Inc. $ 43,700 Category 02 Concrete- Proline Concrete $ 210,780 Category 03 Sitework & Site Demo- Verlinde Construction $ 453,323 Category 13 Fire Protection System- Grand Rapids Fire $ 86,056 Category 14 Plumbing & HVAC- Myers Mechanical $1,360,000 Category 15 Electrical- H&R Electrical $ 732,565 Construction General Conditions (3%)- Clark Construction $ 86,593 Total $2,973,017 |
VIII.G. 2024-25 First Budget Revision
VIII.G.1. General Fund
Motion: I move the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the General Fund, as presented on pages 5-6 of the Budget Book. |
VIII.G.2. Food Service Fund
Motion: I move that the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the Food Service Fund, as presented on page 7 of the Budget Book. |
VIII.G.3. Student/School Activity Fund
Motion: I move that the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the Student/School Activity Fund, as presented on page 8 of the Budget Book. |
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Academic and Technology Committee
IX.B. Facilities Committee
IX.C. Finance Committee
IX.D. Intergovernmental Relations
IX.E. Personnel Committee
IX.F. Policy Committee
IX.G. Ingham School Officers Association (ISOA)
X. Announcements
X.A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education is March 10, 2025.
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Opening of Meeting
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.C. Mission Statement: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
Subject: |
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the February 24, 2025, regular meeting agenda, as presented. |
Subject: |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the following minutes. |
Subject: |
I.E.1. February 10, 2025, regular meeting
Subject: |
I.E.2. February 10, 2025, closed session
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
III. Student Representative Report
Subject: |
IV. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
Subject: |
VI. Presentations
Subject: |
VI.A. Dori Leyko, Superintendent - ELHS Construction Project Update
Subject: |
VI.B. Glenn Mitcham, Deputy Superintendent - MLK, Jr and Papa the Great
Subject: |
VII. Board Discussion
Subject: |
VIII. Action Items
Subject: |
VIII.A. January 29, 2025 Thrun Policy Updates
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the January 29, 2025 Thrun Policy Updates, as presented. |
Subject: |
VIII.B. Policy 5201 Investigations, Arrests, and Other Law Enforcement Contacts
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the update to Policy 5201 to include the link to the Safe and Supportive Schools Resolution adopted on January 13, 2025. |
Subject: |
VIII.C. East Lansing High School Band and Orchestra Trip to Orlando, FL
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the East Lansing High School Band and Orchestra trip to Orlando, FL in March 2026, as presented. |
Subject: |
VIII.D. Purchase of New Technology
Motion: I move the Board of Education approve the purchase of 325 Chromebooks from SEHI in the amount of $84,376.50. |
Subject: |
VIII.E. Budget Calendar
Motion: I move the Board of Education adopt the budget calendar for developing the East Lansing Public Schools 2025-26 budget as presented. |
Subject: |
VIII.F. Award Bids for Safety, Security, and Accessibility Bond Bid Package #1 New Administration Building
Motion: I move the Board of Education award the following bids related to the New Administration Building as follows: Category 01 Building Demolition- Christman Constructors, Inc. $ 43,700 Category 02 Concrete- Proline Concrete $ 210,780 Category 03 Sitework & Site Demo- Verlinde Construction $ 453,323 Category 13 Fire Protection System- Grand Rapids Fire $ 86,056 Category 14 Plumbing & HVAC- Myers Mechanical $1,360,000 Category 15 Electrical- H&R Electrical $ 732,565 Construction General Conditions (3%)- Clark Construction $ 86,593 Total $2,973,017 |
Subject: |
VIII.G. 2024-25 First Budget Revision
Subject: |
VIII.G.1. General Fund
Motion: I move the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the General Fund, as presented on pages 5-6 of the Budget Book. |
Subject: |
VIII.G.2. Food Service Fund
Motion: I move that the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the Food Service Fund, as presented on page 7 of the Budget Book. |
Subject: |
VIII.G.3. Student/School Activity Fund
Motion: I move that the Board of Education adopt the 2024-25 First Budget Revision resolution for the Student/School Activity Fund, as presented on page 8 of the Budget Book. |
Subject: |
IX. Committee Reports
Subject: |
IX.A. Academic and Technology Committee
Subject: |
IX.B. Facilities Committee
Subject: |
IX.C. Finance Committee
Subject: |
IX.D. Intergovernmental Relations
Subject: |
IX.E. Personnel Committee
Subject: |
IX.F. Policy Committee
Subject: |
IX.G. Ingham School Officers Association (ISOA)
Subject: |
X. Announcements
Subject: |
X.A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education is March 10, 2025.
Subject: |
XI. Adjournment