November 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the agenda for the November 23, 2020 regular meeting via Zoom. |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
November 9, 2020 Motion: The Board of Education approve the regular meeting minutes from November 9, 2020.
II. Superintendent's Report
III. Bond Update
IV. Public Hearing
A. Opening of Public Hearing on the need for added affirmative consent content to the high school sexual health curriculum. B. Comments from Mary Ellen Vrbanac, ELPS Sex Education Director. C. Public Comment on the need for added affirmative consent content to the high school sexual health curriculum. D. Close of Public Hearing. |
V. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
VI. Board Discussion
VII. Action Items
A. Added Content on Affirmative Consent Motion: The Board of Education approve the addition of affirmative consent content to the high school sexual education curriculum as presented. B. Religious and Cultural Calendar Motion: The Board of Education approve the 2020 - 2023 Religious and Cultural calendar as presented. C. Termination of contract with Midwest Wall Company, LCC for Pinecrest and Whitehills building projects Motion: The Board of Education terminate for cause the right of Midwest Wall Company, LLC to proceed with work under the District's contract with that company for the Pinecrest and Whitehills sites, subject to certification by GMB Architects & Engineers that sufficient cause exists to justify such actions and upon consultation with Clark Construction Company regarding the same. D. IUOE TA for FY 2020-21 Motion: The Board of Education approve the changes to the agreement between the East Lansing Board of Education and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local #324 AFL-CIO through June 30, 2021 as presented. E. MIOSHA Remote Work Policy Motion: The Board of Education adopt Policy #5342 - Temporary Remote Work Policy for Michigan Occupational Safety and Health (MIOSHA) Compliance as presented. F. Recertification of the Extended Continuity of Learning Plan Motion: The Board of Education recertify the Extended Continuity of Learning Plan to extend remote learning for all grades through at least January 15, 2021. In-person instruction will be offered no earlier than January 19, 2021, and this start date for offering in-person instruction will either be recertified or amended at the December 14, 2020 Board of Education meeting.
VIII. Committee Reports
VIII.A. Academic and Technology Committee
VIII.B. Facilities Committee
VIII.C. Finance Committee
VIII.D. Intergovernmental Relations
VIII.E. Personnel Committee
VIII.F. Policy Committee
IX. Announcements
X. Adjournment