Meeting Agenda
I. Roll Call / Visitors
II. Pledge of Allegiance
(1 Minute) |
III. Budget Hearing
(15 Minutes) |
III.A. Declare Budget Hearing Open at ______ p.m.
III.B. Presentation/Discussion of 2015-16 School District Budget
III.C. Declare Budget Hearing Closed at _______ p.m.
III.D. * Motion to Approve the Amendments to the 2015-16 Tentative Budget as Presented
III.E. * Motion to Adopt the 2015-16 School District Budget as Presented
IV. Additional Items to be Placed on the Agenda
(1 Minute) |
V. Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (individuals will be given five minutes to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
(10 Minutes) |
VI. * Consent Agenda
(5 Minutes) |
VI.A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2015
VI.B. Approve Closed Session Minutes of August 12, 2015
VI.C. Approve Payment of August Payroll/September Warrants
VI.D. Approve September 2015 Personnel Report
VI.E. Approve Curriculum and Instruction (sec. 6) Board policies
VI.F. Approve 2015-16 ISBE Application for Recognition
VII. Reports and Discussion Items
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VII.A.1. Beginning of the Year Update
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.2. 2015-16 District Goals
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.2.a. Approve 2015-16 District Goals as Presented
VII.A.3. Governance Team Operating Procedures
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.3.a. Adopt the Governance Team Operating Procedures
VII.A.4. Summer Work Update
(20 Minutes) |
VII.A.5. Shared Communications Director
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.5.a. Approve Shared Communications Director
VII.A.6. District Website Update
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.7. Review Finance (sec. 4) Board Policies
(10 Minutes) |
VII.A.8. Board of Education Information Requests
(5 Minutes) |
VII.A.8.a. Approve Board of Education Information Requests
VIII. Items for Next Agenda:
(5 Minutes) |
VIII.A. Approve Finance (sec. 4) Board Policies; Class Size Update (written); Technology Plan Overview; Elementary/Middle School Improvement Plans; Adopt Proposed Tax Levy; and Extra-curricular Student Activities (written).
IX. Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (individuals will be given five minutes to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
(5 Minutes) |
X. Closed Session
(30 Minutes) |
X.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District.
XI. Written Reports
XI.B. Salary Report
XII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Following Board approval of the amendments and adoption of the official budget, several budget related documents will be circulated for signature:
1. Budget title page (requires signature of all Board members present) 2. Certificate of Anticipated Revenues 3. Certificate of Budget |
Business Manager Catherine Chang will make a brief presentation outlining major components of the budget proposal and changes from the tentative budget provided last month. Following the presentation, any School Board questions will be addressed. Subsequently, questions from the public will be addressed.
That the Board of Education approves the amendments to the tentative 2015-16 budget as presented. |
That the Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 school district budget as presented. |
The minutes are included for Board review.
The minutes are on file.
The warrant lists are attached for Board review. Kim Barker and Catherine Chang reviewed the bills.
The September 2015 Personnel Report is attached for your review and approval. It contains the resignation of Kristin Letrich-Johnson, instructional aide, Kelsey Cole, instructional aide; hiring of Julia Spencer, part time preschool, Emilly Chorney, Kathleen Kras, Peggy Enochs, and Evan Stone, and Katie Wotjowicz, as instructional aides, and Kristin Chesloe and Carrie Manning as lunchroom aides.
The attached changes are in red. The policies were reviewed by the Board at the August meeting.
The application is attached for your review. The application must be approved by the Board before being submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Superintendent Palzet will review the beginning of the year including the staff kick-off day and the first days of student attendance.
At the August Board of Education meeting, the Board was presented with a draft of the 2015-16 district goals. We are seeking approval of the final draft of the 2015-16 goals.
That the Board of Education approve the 2015-16 District Goals as presented. |
On July 23 the Board of Education held a Board/Superintendent workshop. During that time the Board discussed the roles and responsibilities of the governance team which is made up of the Board Members and the Superintendent. We are seeking formal adoption of these procedures.
That the Board of Education adopt the Governance Team Operating Procedures as presented. |
Each summer the Board approves summer work to teachers so we are prepared for the upcoming school year. This evening Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Candy Kramer will provide the Board with an update of the work that was competed over the summer.
Over the course of the past several weeks the administration has worked with the administration of LaGrange SD 102 on a shared services agreement for a communications director. Tonight we seek approval to move forward with a shared communications director.
That the Board of Education approve the hiring of a Communications Director in which the costs will be equally shared with District 102. |
Superintendent Palzet will reveal a new and improved district website.
As is our practice the Board of Education regularly reviews Board Policy to ensure that our current policies reflect the realities of running a school district. Tonight we have section 4, Finance, for your review.
This is a standing Board agenda item that allows the Board to discuss and verify information requests to the Superintendent.
That the Board of Education moves into closed session at _________ to discuss matters relating to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District. |