Meeting Agenda
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
1) Bills to pay (attached) COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted. |
1 2) Employee Fair Request - October 25, 2021 (attached)
2 9:35 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
1) Transfer of Title ACS (alternate care site) Trailer (attached) ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we approve the transfer of ownership and title from Alpena County as requested from Mark Becmer, Region 7 Healthcare Coalition Coordinator, for the ACS (alternate care site) trailer known as the ACC (Alternate Care Center) trailer to the State of Michigan as presented. |
3 9:40 Cynthia Muszynski, Prosecuting Attorney
1) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Application 2022 (attached) ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the 2022 Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Application (10.01.21/09.30.22) for the Prosecutor’s Office in the amount of $60,000.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
3 2) Crime Victim Rights Grant Application 2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the 2022 Crime Victim Rights Grant Application (10.01.21/09.30.22) for the Prosecutor’s Office in the amount of $74,386.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
4 9:45 a.m. Undersheriff Erik Smith
1) Secondary Road Patrol Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached) ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends we approve the 2021/2022 Secondary Road Patrol Grant Application (09.30.21/10.01.22) for the Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $96,749.16 with an Organizational match of $27,744.00 and a County match of $69,005.16 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. The application deadline is September 1, 2021. |
4 2) Thunder Bay Junior High Liaison Contract (attached)
ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends we approve the Thunder Bay Junior High Liaison Contract (07.01.21/06.30.22) with Alpena Public Schools and Charter Township of Alpena who will each share 1/3 of the cost of this position ($26,443.33 each annually). The County’s share 1/3 of the cost of this position will be $26,443.33 annually. The Sheriff’s Office will bill on a quarterly basis. This has attorney review. |
5 9:50 a.m. Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff’s Office
1) Bid Recommendation for Sheriff’s Office 2021 Uniforms (attached) ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends we accept the uniform bids from NYE Uniform for the Sheriff’s Office per union contract and budgeted for 2021. |
6 2) Operation Stonegarden Grant Application/Agreement FY21/24 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends we approve the FY21/24 Operation Stonegarden Grant Application/Agreement (10.01.21/07.31.24) in the amount of $157,089.64 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
7 3) MDNR ORV Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #8 : The Committee recommends we approve the MDNR ORV Grant Application 2021/2022 (10.01.21/09.30.22) in the amount of $11,847.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
8 4) MDNR Snowmobile Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends we approve the MDNR Snowmobile Grant Application 2021/2022 (10.01.21/04.30.22) in the amount of $10,178.00 with an Organizational match of $8,651.30 and a County match of $1,526.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
9 9:55 a.m. Personnel Chair Marty Thomson
1) Fairground Caretaker Request (attached) ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends we approve Wes Wilder receive $41.00/day for extra duties as Fairgrounds Caretaker retroactive to June 1, 2021 until the position is filled or the issue is resolved another way. |
10 10:00 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
1) Youth & Recreation Committee Per Diem Request (attached) ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends we approve the Youth & Recreation Per Diem request from Tom Heise for an exception to receive per diems not received from January 1, 2021 to present with proper I-9, W-4, and any other forms the Clerk’s Office needs for payment. |
11 2) Montmorency-Oscoda-Alpena Landfill Authority CFO Letter (attachment
ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends we approve the Montmorency, Oscoda, Alpena Landfill Chief Financial Officer Letter and all pertaining documents upon attorney approval and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. |
12 3) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report (attached)
13 10:10 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
1) Monthly Reports (attached) |
13 2) Budget Process for 2022 (attached)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 18, 2021 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
1) Bills to pay (attached) COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted. |
Subject: |
1 2) Employee Fair Request - October 25, 2021 (attached)
Subject: |
2 9:35 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
1) Transfer of Title ACS (alternate care site) Trailer (attached) ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we approve the transfer of ownership and title from Alpena County as requested from Mark Becmer, Region 7 Healthcare Coalition Coordinator, for the ACS (alternate care site) trailer known as the ACC (Alternate Care Center) trailer to the State of Michigan as presented. |
Subject: |
3 9:40 Cynthia Muszynski, Prosecuting Attorney
1) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Application 2022 (attached) ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the 2022 Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Application (10.01.21/09.30.22) for the Prosecutor’s Office in the amount of $60,000.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
Subject: |
3 2) Crime Victim Rights Grant Application 2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the 2022 Crime Victim Rights Grant Application (10.01.21/09.30.22) for the Prosecutor’s Office in the amount of $74,386.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
Subject: |
4 9:45 a.m. Undersheriff Erik Smith
1) Secondary Road Patrol Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached) ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends we approve the 2021/2022 Secondary Road Patrol Grant Application (09.30.21/10.01.22) for the Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $96,749.16 with an Organizational match of $27,744.00 and a County match of $69,005.16 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. The application deadline is September 1, 2021. |
Subject: |
4 2) Thunder Bay Junior High Liaison Contract (attached)
ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends we approve the Thunder Bay Junior High Liaison Contract (07.01.21/06.30.22) with Alpena Public Schools and Charter Township of Alpena who will each share 1/3 of the cost of this position ($26,443.33 each annually). The County’s share 1/3 of the cost of this position will be $26,443.33 annually. The Sheriff’s Office will bill on a quarterly basis. This has attorney review. |
Subject: |
5 9:50 a.m. Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff’s Office
1) Bid Recommendation for Sheriff’s Office 2021 Uniforms (attached) ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends we accept the uniform bids from NYE Uniform for the Sheriff’s Office per union contract and budgeted for 2021. |
Subject: |
6 2) Operation Stonegarden Grant Application/Agreement FY21/24 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends we approve the FY21/24 Operation Stonegarden Grant Application/Agreement (10.01.21/07.31.24) in the amount of $157,089.64 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
Subject: |
7 3) MDNR ORV Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #8 : The Committee recommends we approve the MDNR ORV Grant Application 2021/2022 (10.01.21/09.30.22) in the amount of $11,847.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
Subject: |
8 4) MDNR Snowmobile Grant Application 2021/2022 (attached)
ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends we approve the MDNR Snowmobile Grant Application 2021/2022 (10.01.21/04.30.22) in the amount of $10,178.00 with an Organizational match of $8,651.30 and a County match of $1,526.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval. |
Subject: |
9 9:55 a.m. Personnel Chair Marty Thomson
1) Fairground Caretaker Request (attached) ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends we approve Wes Wilder receive $41.00/day for extra duties as Fairgrounds Caretaker retroactive to June 1, 2021 until the position is filled or the issue is resolved another way. |
Subject: |
10 10:00 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
1) Youth & Recreation Committee Per Diem Request (attached) ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends we approve the Youth & Recreation Per Diem request from Tom Heise for an exception to receive per diems not received from January 1, 2021 to present with proper I-9, W-4, and any other forms the Clerk’s Office needs for payment. |
Subject: |
11 2) Montmorency-Oscoda-Alpena Landfill Authority CFO Letter (attachment
ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends we approve the Montmorency, Oscoda, Alpena Landfill Chief Financial Officer Letter and all pertaining documents upon attorney approval and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents. |
Subject: |
12 3) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report (attached)
Subject: |
13 10:10 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
1) Monthly Reports (attached) |
Subject: |
13 2) Budget Process for 2022 (attached)