Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Superintendent's Report
3. Community Comments
4. Unfinished Business
4.A. Second reading of Revised Policy DA: Fiscal Management Goals (ACTION)
5. New Business
5.A. 2008-2009 Board Meeting calendar (ACTION)
5.B. Facility plan proposal (ACTION)
5.C. Intergovernmental agreements with the City and County (ACTION)
5.D. Resolution to implement County Excise Tax (ACTION)
5.E. Renew 2008-2009 contracts (ACTION)
5.E.1. Boys and Girls Clubs for middle school alternative program
5.E.2. Court School - Inn Sight
5.F. North Valley High School Stadium and Athletics Facility Committee payroll deduction (ACTION)
5.G. Legal drinking age in Oregon
5.H. First reading of Revised Policy CCA: Organizational Chart
5.I. Hunter Telecommunications Lease at Evergreen Elementary (ACTION)
5.J. Accountant Contract (ACTION)
6. Department Reports
6.A. Financial Report
6.B. Maintenance Report - August and September reports.
6.C. Food Service Report
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
7.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
7.A.1. Executive Session, June 27, 2008
7.A.2. Regular Session, June 27, 2008
7.A.3. Special Session, June 27, 2008
7.A.4. Executive Session, July 21, 2008
7.A.5. Regular Session, July 21, 2008
7.B. Routine Personnel Items - August and September
7.B.1. Athletic Coaches
7.C. Approval of Bills - July 31, 2008 and August 31, 2008 (ATTACHMENTS 'A' AND 'B')
7.D. Out-of-State Travel
7.D.1. North Valley High School teacher Brian Little requests approval for travel to Salt Lake City, Utah from August 11-14, 2008 to attend an AP Chemistry Summer Institute.
7.D.2. Illinois Valley High School teacher Joy Hansford requests approval to take her Oceanography class to Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California.
7.D.3. Hidden Valley High School Spanish teacher Kelly Turner requests approval for travel to Orlando, Florida to attend the Annual Convention for the American Teaching of Foreign Languages November 10-23.
7.D.4. John George is requesting approval Deborah Murphy, the after school program coordinator for the 21st Century Grant at Illinois Valley High School, to attend the 'Bridge from After School' conference in Vancouver, Washington, October 20-21, 2008.
8. Reports
8.A. Enrollment Report
8.B. Special Education Report
8.C. Miscellaneous Correspondence/Information
8.C.1. Board Report - North Valley High School
9. Other
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 15, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Board Chair - Dave Strahan
Subject: |
2. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
3. Community Comments
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
4. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
4.A. Second reading of Revised Policy DA: Fiscal Management Goals (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola
Subject: |
5. New Business
Subject: |
5.A. 2008-2009 Board Meeting calendar (ACTION)
Subject: |
5.B. Facility plan proposal (ACTION)
Subject: |
5.C. Intergovernmental agreements with the City and County (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola
Subject: |
5.D. Resolution to implement County Excise Tax (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola
Subject: |
5.E. Renew 2008-2009 contracts (ACTION)
Presenter: |
John George, Director of Secondary Education
Subject: |
5.E.1. Boys and Girls Clubs for middle school alternative program
Subject: |
5.E.2. Court School - Inn Sight
Subject: |
5.F. North Valley High School Stadium and Athletics Facility Committee payroll deduction (ACTION)
Subject: |
5.G. Legal drinking age in Oregon
Subject: |
5.H. First reading of Revised Policy CCA: Organizational Chart
Subject: |
5.I. Hunter Telecommunications Lease at Evergreen Elementary (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Director Debbie Breckner
Subject: |
5.J. Accountant Contract (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola
Subject: |
6. Department Reports
Subject: |
6.A. Financial Report
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola
Subject: |
6.B. Maintenance Report - August and September reports.
Presenter: |
Lloyd Russell
Subject: |
6.C. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Michael Morris
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
7.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
7.A.1. Executive Session, June 27, 2008
Subject: |
7.A.2. Regular Session, June 27, 2008
Subject: |
7.A.3. Special Session, June 27, 2008
Subject: |
7.A.4. Executive Session, July 21, 2008
Subject: |
7.A.5. Regular Session, July 21, 2008
Subject: |
7.B. Routine Personnel Items - August and September
Subject: |
7.B.1. Athletic Coaches
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of Bills - July 31, 2008 and August 31, 2008 (ATTACHMENTS 'A' AND 'B')
Subject: |
7.D. Out-of-State Travel
Subject: |
7.D.1. North Valley High School teacher Brian Little requests approval for travel to Salt Lake City, Utah from August 11-14, 2008 to attend an AP Chemistry Summer Institute.
Subject: |
7.D.2. Illinois Valley High School teacher Joy Hansford requests approval to take her Oceanography class to Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California.
Subject: |
7.D.3. Hidden Valley High School Spanish teacher Kelly Turner requests approval for travel to Orlando, Florida to attend the Annual Convention for the American Teaching of Foreign Languages November 10-23.
Subject: |
7.D.4. John George is requesting approval Deborah Murphy, the after school program coordinator for the 21st Century Grant at Illinois Valley High School, to attend the 'Bridge from After School' conference in Vancouver, Washington, October 20-21, 2008.
Subject: |
8. Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
8.B. Special Education Report
Subject: |
8.C. Miscellaneous Correspondence/Information
Subject: |
8.C.1. Board Report - North Valley High School
Subject: |
9. Other
Subject: |
10. Adjournment