Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Recognition
III.1. Teacher Appreciation Week
IV. Changes to Agenda
V. Action Agenda
V.1. Consideration of Standards for Accreditation Waivers
V.1.a. Wynne School District Standards for Accreditation waiver request.
V.1.b. Woodlawn School District Standards for Accreditation waiver request.
V.2. Consideration of Extension of Act 1240 Waiver: Brinkley School District
V.3. Consideration of Request for Approval of Nominated Members for the Professional Licensure Standards Board to Replace Members Whose Terms are Vacant or Expiring June 30, 2023.
V.4. Consideration for Final Release: DESE Rules Governing School Counseling Programs
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Minutes
VI.2. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
VI.3. Consideration of the Arkansas Better Chance Program Renewal Grants FY24
VI.4. Consideration of the Arkansas Better Chance Professional Service Grants FY24
VI.5. Considerations from the Charter Authorizing Panel
VI.5.a. Waiver Request
VI.5.b. Consideration of Fort Smith Virtual Academy Amendment Request
VI.5.c. Consideration of Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy Amendment Request
VI.5.d. Consideration of Arkansas Military First Responders Amendment Request
VI.5.e. Consideration of Responsive Education Solutions Amendment Request
VI.5.f. Consideration of Arkansas Lighthouse Charter School Amendment Request
VI.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-056 Jermaine Thomas
VI.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-067 Hannah Fulmer
VI.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-068 Lindsey Lamb (A.K.A. Lindsey Frisbee)
VI.9. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 22-143 Maegan Morian
VII. New Business
VIII. Reports
VIII.1. Board Liaison Reports
VIII.2. ATOY Report
VIII.3. Commissioner's Report
VIII.3.a. Earle School District Overview
IX. Public Comments
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 11, 2023 at 9:00 AM - State Board of Education | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
III.1. Teacher Appreciation Week
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Subject: |
IV. Changes to Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
V. Action Agenda
Subject: |
V.1. Consideration of Standards for Accreditation Waivers
Presenter: |
Dr. Matthew Sutherlin, Coordinator for Standards and Systems Support
Subject: |
V.1.a. Wynne School District Standards for Accreditation waiver request.
Presenter: |
Dr. Matthew Sutherlin, Coordinator for Standards and Systems Support
Wynne School District is requesting a Standards for Accreditation 1-A.4 waiver of 178 instructional days due to the tornado, which devastated the community on March 31, 2023.
Subject: |
V.1.b. Woodlawn School District Standards for Accreditation waiver request.
Presenter: |
Dr. Matthew Sutherlin, Coordinator for Standards and Systems Support
Woodlawn School District is requesting a one (1) year 1-A.5 Class Size Standards for Accreditation waiver for the 2022-2023 school year. The waiver is for a second-grade class that exceeds the maximum class size by one (1) student.
Subject: |
V.2. Consideration of Extension of Act 1240 Waiver: Brinkley School District
Presenter: |
Lori Freno
The Brinkley School District is seeking waivers of Educator Licensure and Library Media Specialist Licensure. The District is seeking the waivers for a three-year period (through the end of the 2025-26 school year).
Subject: |
V.3. Consideration of Request for Approval of Nominated Members for the Professional Licensure Standards Board to Replace Members Whose Terms are Vacant or Expiring June 30, 2023.
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-422 members of the PLSB serve rotating terms and are appointed by the State Board from nominations made by professional education associations. Ms. Melissa Speers, Superintendent of Jessieville School District, has been nominated by the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators (AAEA) to represent public school superintendents and the AAEA membership. This position is being vacated by Dr. Andrea Martin whose term expires June 30, 2023. The term of this member is to begin immediately upon appointment and end on June 30, 2026.
Subject: |
V.4. Consideration for Final Release: DESE Rules Governing School Counseling Programs
Presenter: |
Lori Freno
The Rules Governing School Counseling Programs were released by the State Board for public comment and approved by the Governor's Office. Following public comment, non-substantive changes were made. The rules are before the Board for final approval.
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VI.1. Minutes
Presenter: |
Angela Scaife
Subject: |
VI.2. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from school 8 districts for a total of 10 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 36 school districts requesting a total of 88 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by Department staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
Subject: |
VI.3. Consideration of the Arkansas Better Chance Program Renewal Grants FY24
Presenter: |
Lori Bridges
Pursuant to the authority granted to the State Board of Education, the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) - Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) respectfully requests approval of the Arkansas Better Chance Program Renewal Grants for the 2023-2024 school year in the total amount of $105,490,468.
The requested funds for the ABC renewal grants will provide early childhood services for children birth to 5 through 230 agencies that oversee 528 sites, serving 23,414 children in both center-based and home visiting settings. These programs employ 3,529 early childhood teachers, paraprofessionals, and coordinators. ABC is also requesting to support foster children, as well as homeless/displaced children as the need arises. ABC will provide waivers for identified children to receive immediate services. The placement of a displaced child in an ABC program would add an additional child to the total awarded number of slots for that program. A request for the Board to approve the Arkansas Better Chance Program Renewal Grants for the 2023-24 school year in the total amount of $105,490,468. |
Subject: |
VI.4. Consideration of the Arkansas Better Chance Professional Service Grants FY24
Presenter: |
Lori Bridges
Pursuant to the authority granted to the State Board of Education, the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) - Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) respectfully requests approval of the Arkansas Better Chance Professional Service Grants for the 2023-2024 school year in the total amount of $6,564,230.
These ABC Professional Service Grants support 3,529 ABC Early Childhood teachers, paraprofessionals, coordinators, and school administrators with training, coaching, technical assistance, and services in order to provide high quality early learning environments. ABC EC staff are required to complete 30 hours annually of Early Childhood Professional Development in the areas of Trauma Informed Care, Child Growth and Development, Social Emotional Learning, Mental Health, Health and Wellness, Emergent Literacy, Learning Experiences in the area Math & Science, Serving Children with Special Needs, Family Engagement, AR Child Development and Early Learning Standards to support Continuous Quality Improvement. A request for the Board to approve the Arkansas Better Chance Professional Service Grants for the 2023-24 school year in the total amount of $6,564,230. |
Subject: |
VI.5. Considerations from the Charter Authorizing Panel
Subject: |
VI.5.a. Waiver Request
Presenter: |
Shastady Wagner
These waivers are being requested to fully effectuate existing waivers for Exalt Academy of Southwest Little Rock, Hope Academy of Northwest Arkansas, and Premier High School of North Little Rock, open-enrollment charters, and The Excel Center, an adult education charter. These schools have the statute and accompanying rules, but lack the appropriate standard waiver, which is what is being requested.
Subject: |
VI.5.b. Consideration of Fort Smith Virtual Academy Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Thomas Coy
Fort Smith Virtual Academy is requesting to change the grade levels served from K-8 to K-12 and waive Ark. Code Ann. § 6-16-143. The enrollment cap is 500.
Subject: |
VI.5.c. Consideration of Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Thomas Coy
Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy is requesting to change the grade levels served from Grades 5-8 to Grades 6-8. The enrollment cap is 400.
Subject: |
VI.5.d. Consideration of Arkansas Military First Responders Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Dorie Summons
Arkansas Military First Responders is requesting to transfer the charter from American Quality Schools (AQS sponsoring entity) to Arkansas Military and First Responders Academy (local 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization) and rescind its waiver of Ark. Code Ann.§6-17-2403.
Subject: |
VI.5.e. Consideration of Responsive Education Solutions Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Dorie Summons
Responsive Education Solutions is requesting to transfer the Arkansas charters schools granted to the Texas-based Responsive Education Solutions to Responsive Ed Arkansas.
The request would apply to the following charter schools:
Subject: |
VI.5.f. Consideration of Arkansas Lighthouse Charter School Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Dorie Summons
Arkansas Lighthouse Charter School is requesting:
Subject: |
VI.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-056 Jermaine Thomas
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Permanent Revocation.
Subject: |
VI.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-067 Hannah Fulmer
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Written Reprimand and assess a $100 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Fulmer) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: ERC23006: Code of Ethics Part Three: Social Media (1 Credit Hour), Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163, and Title: Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! (144 p) Author: John G. Miller ISBN 10: 0399152334 ISBN 13: 978-0399152337. Require Educator to provide written reflection for each training/book on how they will impact the educator’s interactions with students in the future due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order.
Subject: |
VI.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-068 Lindsey Lamb (A.K.A. Lindsey Frisbee)
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Written Reprimand and assess a $100 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Lamb) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: ERC23006: Code of Ethics Part Three: Social Media (1 Credit Hour), Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163, and Title: Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! (144 p) Author: John G. Miller ISBN 10: 0399152334 ISBN 13: 978-0399152337. Require Educator to provide written reflection for each training/book on how they will impact the educator’s interactions with students in the future due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order.
Subject: |
VI.9. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 22-143 Maegan Morian
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Permanent Revocation.
Subject: |
VII. New Business
Subject: |
VIII. Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VIII.1. Board Liaison Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VIII.2. ATOY Report
Presenter: |
Jessica Saum
Subject: |
VIII.3. Commissioner's Report
Presenter: |
Secretary Oliva
Subject: |
VIII.3.a. Earle School District Overview
Presenter: |
Stacy Smith & Eric Saunders
Overview of the timeline and progress of the Earle School District classified in Need of Level 5 Support and Fiscal Distress.
Subject: |
IX. Public Comments
Subject: |
X. Adjournment