Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Determine a Quorum
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
IV. Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection
V. Campus Presentation - Special Education Department
VI. Superintendent Reports
VI.A. District Events
VI.B. Terry and Helen Hyles Spring Semester Teacher Attendance Awards
VI.C. Commissioner's Decision Related to STAAR Exams
VI.D. Districts of Innovation Discussion
VI.E. District Summer Hours
VII. Commendations
VII.A. 2015-2016 Bearcat Academy Class
VIII. Board Member Reports
VIII.A. President's Report
VIII.A.1. Board Committee Review
VIII.A.2. Goal Setting Workshop Review
VIII.A.3. Board Calendar
VIII.B. Education Foundation
VIII.C. Community Partners
VIII.D. Legislative Report
IX. Public Comment
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Minutes - May 16, 2016
X.B. Monthly Financial Reports
X.C. Trinity Basin Preparatory Charter School
X.D. Richard Milburn Academy Charter School
X.E. A.W. Brown-Fellowship Leadership Academy Charter School
X.F. Region XI Contracts
X.G. Hazardous Transportation Routes
X.H. Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2016-2017
XI. Administrative Report Items
XI.A. Budget Update
XI.B. Superintendent Goals Update
XI.C. School Priority Month
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Consider Approval of Final Schematic Design for Elementary #5
XII.B. Consider Approval of FFA(LOCAL)) Student Welfare Wellness and Health Services
XII.C. Consider Approval of DNA (LOCAL) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers
XII.D. Consider Approval of DNB (LOCAL) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Other Professionals
XII.E. Consider Approval of BED (LOCAL) Public Comment at Board Meetings
XII.F. Consider Approval of Resolution to Join PACE Purchasing Cooperative
XII.G. Consider Approval of Resolution for Accepting Electronic Bids
XII.H. Consider Approval of 2016 Student Code of Conduct
XII.I. Consider Nomination for TASB Board of Directors
XIII. Executive Session
XIII.A. Items Under Consultation with School Attorney - Texas Government Code Section 551.071
XIII.B. Personnel - Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
XIII.C. Real Property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072, To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person
XIII.D. Safety & Security - Texas Government Code 551.076
XIV. Return to Open Session: Consider Possible Action on Items Addressed in Executive Session
XIV.A. Items Under Consultation with School Attorney - Texas Government Code Section 551.071
XIV.B. Personnel - Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
XIV.C. Real Property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072, To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person
XIV.D. Safety & Security - Texas Government Code Section 551.076
XV. Trustee Comments/Acknowledgments
XVI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 20, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Time: |
7:00 P.M.
Subject: |
II. Determine a Quorum
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
Presenter: |
Dr. Derek Citty, Superintendent
Subject: |
IV. Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
V. Campus Presentation - Special Education Department
Presenter: |
Cheryl Wooten, Director of Special Programs
Subject: |
VI. Superintendent Reports
Presenter: |
Dr. Derek Citty, Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.A. District Events
Subject: |
VI.B. Terry and Helen Hyles Spring Semester Teacher Attendance Awards
Subject: |
VI.C. Commissioner's Decision Related to STAAR Exams
Subject: |
VI.D. Districts of Innovation Discussion
Subject: |
VI.E. District Summer Hours
Subject: |
VII. Commendations
Presenter: |
Dr. Derek Citty, Denise Dugger & Dr. David Tillman
Subject: |
VII.A. 2015-2016 Bearcat Academy Class
Subject: |
VIII. Board Member Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. President's Report
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Board Committee Review
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Goal Setting Workshop Review
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Board Calendar
Subject: |
VIII.B. Education Foundation
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris
Subject: |
VIII.C. Community Partners
Presenter: |
Dr. David Tillman
Subject: |
VIII.D. Legislative Report
Presenter: |
Bobby Rigues
Subject: |
IX. Public Comment
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
X. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
X.A. Minutes - May 16, 2016
Subject: |
X.B. Monthly Financial Reports
Subject: |
X.C. Trinity Basin Preparatory Charter School
Subject: |
X.D. Richard Milburn Academy Charter School
Subject: |
X.E. A.W. Brown-Fellowship Leadership Academy Charter School
Subject: |
X.F. Region XI Contracts
Subject: |
X.G. Hazardous Transportation Routes
Subject: |
X.H. Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2016-2017
Subject: |
XI. Administrative Report Items
Subject: |
XI.A. Budget Update
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, CFO
Subject: |
XI.B. Superintendent Goals Update
Presenter: |
Dr. Derek Citty, Superintendent
Subject: |
XI.C. School Priority Month
Presenter: |
Bobby J Rigues
Subject: |
XII. Action Items
Subject: |
XII.A. Consider Approval of Final Schematic Design for Elementary #5
Presenter: |
Dr. Derek Citty, Superintendent
Subject: |
XII.B. Consider Approval of FFA(LOCAL)) Student Welfare Wellness and Health Services
Presenter: |
Kathy Allen, Executive Director of Curriculum
Subject: |
XII.C. Consider Approval of DNA (LOCAL) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers
Presenter: |
Kathy Allen, Executive Director of Curriculum
Subject: |
XII.D. Consider Approval of DNB (LOCAL) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Other Professionals
Presenter: |
Kathy Allen, Executive Director of Curriculum
Subject: |
XII.E. Consider Approval of BED (LOCAL) Public Comment at Board Meetings
Presenter: |
Kathy Allen, Executive Director of Curriculum
Subject: |
XII.F. Consider Approval of Resolution to Join PACE Purchasing Cooperative
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, CFO
Subject: |
XII.G. Consider Approval of Resolution for Accepting Electronic Bids
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, CFO
Subject: |
XII.H. Consider Approval of 2016 Student Code of Conduct
Presenter: |
Lynn McKinney, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
XII.I. Consider Nomination for TASB Board of Directors
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
XIII. Executive Session
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
XIII.A. Items Under Consultation with School Attorney - Texas Government Code Section 551.071
Subject: |
XIII.B. Personnel - Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
Subject: |
XIII.C. Real Property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072, To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person
Subject: |
XIII.D. Safety & Security - Texas Government Code 551.076
Subject: |
XIV. Return to Open Session: Consider Possible Action on Items Addressed in Executive Session
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
XIV.A. Items Under Consultation with School Attorney - Texas Government Code Section 551.071
Subject: |
XIV.B. Personnel - Texas Government Code Section 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
Subject: |
XIV.C. Real Property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072, To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person
Subject: |
XIV.D. Safety & Security - Texas Government Code Section 551.076
Subject: |
XV. Trustee Comments/Acknowledgments
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President
Subject: |
XVI. Adjourn
Presenter: |
Jay Stringer, President