Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order
1.A. Members present/Members absent
1.A.1. Guests
2. Invocation/Pledges
3. District Spotlight (15 minutes)
3.A. Recognition of OHS Cross Country Teams
3.B. Announcing Board's Continuing Education Credit
4. Public Hearing - School FIRST Report
5. Approve agenda for the December 19, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Board
6. Open Forum/Public Comments/Audience Participation
7. Reports (20 minutes)
7.A. Transportation/Maintenance
7.B. Principals
7.C. Athletic Director
7.D. Technology Director Report
7.E. Financial Report
7.E.1. Bills
7.E.2. Board Report
7.E.3. Monthly Investment Report
7.F. Special and Federal Programs
7.G. Superintendent
7.G.1. Enrollment & Attendance
7.G.2. CSCOPE News - Fall 2012
7.G.3. AEIS / Academic Reporting and Improvement Plans Update 2012
8. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
8.A. Approve minutes from the Regular Meeting held on November 20, 2012.
8.B. Amendments to the 2012-2013 Official Budget
9. Consideration and Possible Action Related to Pending Permit for Off-Premise Beer & Wine Sales.
10. Consider Request for Easements for Crockett County at Ozona Elementary and surrounding properties.
11. Consider Adoption of Board Operating Procedures Consistent with Local Policy
12. Consider Modifications to Memorial Display at Ozona High School
13. Review and/or adopt school policy regarding improvements of school property.
14. Review and/or adopt school policy regarding non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity.
15. Closed Session - Texas Government Code Chapter 551 (15 Minutes)
15.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
15.A.1. Consider Staffing, Resignations, Vacancies
15.A.2. Consider Recommendation for Director of Special & Federal Programs
15.A.3. Discussion of personnel matters.
15.B. Consultation with District legal counsel. Tex. Gov't Code 551.071
16. Action from Executive / Closed session (5 Minutes)
17. Report from District legal counsel and administration regarding implementation of Board Policy EIC (Local)
18. Discussion and possible action regarding Concho Carpet One flooring contract and completion of flooring project for District-owned housing units.
19. Future Business
19.A. January 2013 Regular Board Meeting - Suggested date: January 16, 2013
19.B. Board Goal Development, Board Self Evaluation - TBD
19.C. Facilities Planning - TBD
19.D. Fiscal Year 2012 Audit and Financial Report
20. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 19, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order
Subject: |
1.A. Members present/Members absent
Subject: |
1.A.1. Guests
Subject: |
2. Invocation/Pledges
Subject: |
3. District Spotlight (15 minutes)
Subject: |
3.A. Recognition of OHS Cross Country Teams
Subject: |
3.B. Announcing Board's Continuing Education Credit
Subject: |
4. Public Hearing - School FIRST Report
Subject: |
5. Approve agenda for the December 19, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Board
Subject: |
6. Open Forum/Public Comments/Audience Participation
Subject: |
7. Reports (20 minutes)
Subject: |
7.A. Transportation/Maintenance
Subject: |
7.B. Principals
Subject: |
7.C. Athletic Director
Subject: |
7.D. Technology Director Report
Subject: |
7.E. Financial Report
Subject: |
7.E.1. Bills
Subject: |
7.E.2. Board Report
Subject: |
7.E.3. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.F. Special and Federal Programs
Subject: |
7.G. Superintendent
Subject: |
7.G.1. Enrollment & Attendance
Subject: |
7.G.2. CSCOPE News - Fall 2012
Subject: |
7.G.3. AEIS / Academic Reporting and Improvement Plans Update 2012
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
Subject: |
8.A. Approve minutes from the Regular Meeting held on November 20, 2012.
Subject: |
8.B. Amendments to the 2012-2013 Official Budget
Subject: |
9. Consideration and Possible Action Related to Pending Permit for Off-Premise Beer & Wine Sales.
Subject: |
10. Consider Request for Easements for Crockett County at Ozona Elementary and surrounding properties.
Subject: |
11. Consider Adoption of Board Operating Procedures Consistent with Local Policy
Subject: |
12. Consider Modifications to Memorial Display at Ozona High School
Subject: |
13. Review and/or adopt school policy regarding improvements of school property.
Subject: |
14. Review and/or adopt school policy regarding non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity.
Subject: |
15. Closed Session - Texas Government Code Chapter 551 (15 Minutes)
Subject: |
15.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Subject: |
15.A.1. Consider Staffing, Resignations, Vacancies
Subject: |
15.A.2. Consider Recommendation for Director of Special & Federal Programs
Subject: |
15.A.3. Discussion of personnel matters.
Subject: |
15.B. Consultation with District legal counsel. Tex. Gov't Code 551.071
Subject: |
16. Action from Executive / Closed session (5 Minutes)
Subject: |
17. Report from District legal counsel and administration regarding implementation of Board Policy EIC (Local)
Subject: |
18. Discussion and possible action regarding Concho Carpet One flooring contract and completion of flooring project for District-owned housing units.
Subject: |
19. Future Business
Subject: |
19.A. January 2013 Regular Board Meeting - Suggested date: January 16, 2013
Subject: |
19.B. Board Goal Development, Board Self Evaluation - TBD
Subject: |
19.C. Facilities Planning - TBD
Subject: |
19.D. Fiscal Year 2012 Audit and Financial Report
Subject: |
20. Adjournment