Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Superintendent's Report
3. Financial Reports
4. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
4.A. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
4.A.1. Special Session - April 5, 2012
4.A.2. Regular Session - April 16, 2012
4.B. Routine Personnel Items - May 2012
4.B.1. Athletic Coaches
4.C. Approval of Bills
4.C.1. April 30, 2012
4.D. Out-of-State Travel
4.D.1. Fleming Principal John George requests approval for out-of-state travel for the 8th grade band to travel to Six Flags in Vallejo, California. The annual trip is scheduled for the weekend of June 1-3, 2012. There will be no instructional time lost and the students will also be providing the total cost of the trip.
4.D.2. Director Peter Maluk request approval for out-of-state travel for Peggy Cowens to attend Presenters' Academy in Campbell, California May 29-31, 2012. The ODE/Mentoring Grant pays for the training; there is no cost to the district.
4.D.3. Fort Vannoy Principal Kathie Hill requests approval for teacher Jim Kriz to attend the Cooperative Learning Summer Academy in Orlando, Florida July 26-20, 2012. All expenses will be paid for through Fort Vannoy's Title I and School Improvement Grant funds.
4.D.4. North Valley teacher Ken Klumpp requests approval for out-of-state travel and approval of the $300 per student to take the seven (7) students that qualified to compete in the SkillsUSA National Skills and Leadership Conference in Kansas City Missouri, June 23-28, 2012. The rest of the costs will be covered by the students and fundraising.
5. Community Comments [20 minutes]
6. Informational Items
6.A. North Valley Exercise Equipment Follow-Up
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. Second Reading - Policy EBB Integrated Pest Management (ACTION)
8. New Business
8.A. Volunteer/Background Check Guidelines (ACTION)
8.B. School Meal Prices Increase (ACTION)
8.C. Resolutions (#03, #05 and #06) to Transfer Contingency Funds - National Competitions (ACTION)
8.D. Per Diem Meal Rate (ACTION)
8.E. Policy DJ - District Purchasing FIRST READING
8.F. Policy DBE - Budget Committee FIRST READING
9. Resolution (#07) to Accept Additional State School Funds and Authorize Expenditures (ACTION)
10. Department Reports
10.A. Maintenance Report
10.B. Food Service Report
11. Reports
11.A. Enrollment Reports
11.B. Special Education Reports
11.C. Newsletters
11.C.1. Evergreen Elementary
11.C.2. Fleming Middle School
11.C.3. Fruitdale Elementary
11.C.4. Hidden Valley High School
11.C.5. Illinois Valley High School
11.C.6. Jerome Prairie Elementary
11.C.7. Lorna Byrne Middle School
11.C.8. Madrona Elementary
11.C.9. Newbridge
11.C.10. North Valley High School
11.D. Principal Board Reports
11.D.1. Applegate School
12. Other
13. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Ron Lengwin, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
3. Financial Reports
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
4. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
4.A. Approval of draft minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
4.A.1. Special Session - April 5, 2012
Subject: |
4.A.2. Regular Session - April 16, 2012
Subject: |
4.B. Routine Personnel Items - May 2012
Subject: |
4.B.1. Athletic Coaches
Subject: |
4.C. Approval of Bills
Subject: |
4.C.1. April 30, 2012
Subject: |
4.D. Out-of-State Travel
Subject: |
4.D.1. Fleming Principal John George requests approval for out-of-state travel for the 8th grade band to travel to Six Flags in Vallejo, California. The annual trip is scheduled for the weekend of June 1-3, 2012. There will be no instructional time lost and the students will also be providing the total cost of the trip.
Subject: |
4.D.2. Director Peter Maluk request approval for out-of-state travel for Peggy Cowens to attend Presenters' Academy in Campbell, California May 29-31, 2012. The ODE/Mentoring Grant pays for the training; there is no cost to the district.
Subject: |
4.D.3. Fort Vannoy Principal Kathie Hill requests approval for teacher Jim Kriz to attend the Cooperative Learning Summer Academy in Orlando, Florida July 26-20, 2012. All expenses will be paid for through Fort Vannoy's Title I and School Improvement Grant funds.
Subject: |
4.D.4. North Valley teacher Ken Klumpp requests approval for out-of-state travel and approval of the $300 per student to take the seven (7) students that qualified to compete in the SkillsUSA National Skills and Leadership Conference in Kansas City Missouri, June 23-28, 2012. The rest of the costs will be covered by the students and fundraising.
Subject: |
5. Community Comments [20 minutes]
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
6. Informational Items
Subject: |
6.A. North Valley Exercise Equipment Follow-Up
Presenter: |
North Valley Leadership (written)
Subject: |
7. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
7.A. Second Reading - Policy EBB Integrated Pest Management (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
8. New Business
Subject: |
8.A. Volunteer/Background Check Guidelines (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Human Resources Director
Subject: |
8.B. School Meal Prices Increase (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Debbie Breckner, Human Resources Director
Subject: |
8.C. Resolutions (#03, #05 and #06) to Transfer Contingency Funds - National Competitions (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
8.D. Per Diem Meal Rate (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
8.E. Policy DJ - District Purchasing FIRST READING
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
8.F. Policy DBE - Budget Committee FIRST READING
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
9. Resolution (#07) to Accept Additional State School Funds and Authorize Expenditures (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
10. Department Reports
Subject: |
10.A. Maintenance Report
Presenter: |
Dave Bracken, Aramark
Subject: |
10.B. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Michael Morris, Food Service Manager, Sodexo
Subject: |
11. Reports
Subject: |
11.A. Enrollment Reports
Subject: |
11.B. Special Education Reports
Subject: |
11.C. Newsletters
Subject: |
11.C.1. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
11.C.2. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
11.C.3. Fruitdale Elementary
Subject: |
11.C.4. Hidden Valley High School
Subject: |
11.C.5. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
11.C.6. Jerome Prairie Elementary
Subject: |
11.C.7. Lorna Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
11.C.8. Madrona Elementary
Subject: |
11.C.9. Newbridge
Subject: |
11.C.10. North Valley High School
Subject: |
11.D. Principal Board Reports
Subject: |
11.D.1. Applegate School
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen, Principal
Subject: |
12. Other
Subject: |
13. Adjournment