Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Manzanita Video
3. Superintendent's Report
4. Community Comments [20 minutes]
5. Unfinished Business
5.A. Policy BBFA: Conflict of Interest (SECOND READING)
6. New Business
6.A. Josephine County Libraries - Williams Lease (ACTION)
6.B. Budget Calendar 2010-2011 (ACTION)
7. Informational Items
7.A. H1N1 Update [5 minutes]
7.B. Applegate Seismic Grant [5 minutes]
8. Department Reports
8.A. Financial Reports
8.B. Maintenance Report
8.C. Food Service Report
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
9.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
9.A.1. Regular Session, October 19, 2009
9.B. Routine Personnel Items - October & November 2009
9.B.1. Athletic Coaches
9.C. Approval of Bills - October 31, 2009
9.D. Out-of-State Travel
9.D.1. Federal Programs Director Peter Maluk requests approval to send five licensed staff members to attend two 2-day workshops at Winter Institute on the topics of K-12 math and math coaching. The institute is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada from February 11-15, 2010. All expenses will be paid for by Federal Title I ARRA funds which are specifically targeted for professional development activities and our Title IIA Professional Development grant. There will be no expense to the district.
9.D.2. Evergreen Elementary Principal Dave Valenzuela requests approval to send teachers Lori Shinerock and Kelly Bethke to attend the Kagan Winter Academy workshop emphasizing the use of cooperative learning structures in elementary math instruction, February 12 & 13, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. There will be no direct cost to the district as this has been approved by the TREA Professional Devlopment Fund.
9.D.3. Manzanita Principal Jessica Durrant requests approval to send teacher Lori Chamberlain and administrator Jessica Durrant to attend the Kagan four day Winter Institute February 11-15, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This will be paid out of Manzanita's Title I professional development budget.
9.D.4. Hidden Valley High School teacher Wayne Brown requests approval to travel to San Diego, California, January 14-18, 2010 to attend and present research completed by his high school science students. All of the expenses are covered by a grant, there is no cost to the district.
9.D.5. Superintendent Huber-Kantola requests approval to travel to Washington DC on December 8-11, 2009 to participate in the "Activate America: Pioneering Healthier Communities" Conference. There is no cost to the district as all expenses are paid by a federal grant.
9.D.6. Hidden Valley high school teacher Travis Osborne requests approval to attend the Fly Solo Camp in Colorado, December 9-14, 2009. The conference will be paid for out of the licensed Professional Development fund.
9.D.7. Illinois Valley teacher Melissa Farmer requests approval for travel to San Diego, California, January 14-18, 2010 to present the results of research conducted through a grant received from the Murdock Charitable Trust and Partners in Science at the National Science Conference. All expenses are covered by the grant.
9.D.8. Fruitdale Principal Kelly Christen requests approval to send teachers Kaye Gilbert and Heather Sheehan to attend the four day Winter Institute, February 11-15, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The topic will be Cooperative Learning and Enhancing Student Engagement. The expenses will be paid out of Fruitdale's Title I Professional Development budget.
10. Reports
10.A. Enrollment Report
10.B. Special Education Report
10.C. Principal Board Briefings
10.C.1. Evergreen Elementary
10.C.2. Fruitdale Elementary
10.C.3. Illinois Valley High School
10.C.4. Manzanita Elementary
10.C.5. Newbridge High School
10.C.6. Williams Elementary
10.C.7. Lincoln Savage Middle School
10.C.8. Lorna Byrne Middle School
10.D. Newsletters
10.D.1. Evergreen Elementary
10.D.2. Fleming Middle School
10.D.3. Fort Vannoy Elementary
10.D.4. Fruitdale Elementary
10.D.5. Jerome Prairie Elementary
10.D.6. Lincoln Savage Middle School
10.D.7. North Valley High School
10.D.8. Williams Elementary
10.D.9. Illinois Valley High School
10.D.10. Applegate School
10.D.11. Madrona Elementary
10.D.12. Manzanita Elementary
10.D.13. Lorna Byrne Middle School
11. Other
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 16, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Jim Weaver, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. Manzanita Video
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Principal
Subject: |
3. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
4. Community Comments [20 minutes]
The Board values input from patrons and, as part of its regular agenda items, there will be 20 minutes allotted for public input.
Subject: |
5. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
5.A. Policy BBFA: Conflict of Interest (SECOND READING)
Subject: |
6. New Business
Subject: |
6.A. Josephine County Libraries - Williams Lease (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.B. Budget Calendar 2010-2011 (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
7. Informational Items
Subject: |
7.A. H1N1 Update [5 minutes]
Presenter: |
Doug Ely, Student Services Director
Subject: |
7.B. Applegate Seismic Grant [5 minutes]
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
8. Department Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Financial Reports
Presenter: |
Dan Huber-Kantola, Superintendent
Subject: |
8.B. Maintenance Report
Presenter: |
Dave Bracken, Aramark
Subject: |
8.C. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Michael Morris, Food Services Director
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
9.A. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
9.A.1. Regular Session, October 19, 2009
Subject: |
9.B. Routine Personnel Items - October & November 2009
Subject: |
9.B.1. Athletic Coaches
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of Bills - October 31, 2009
Subject: |
9.D. Out-of-State Travel
Subject: |
9.D.1. Federal Programs Director Peter Maluk requests approval to send five licensed staff members to attend two 2-day workshops at Winter Institute on the topics of K-12 math and math coaching. The institute is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada from February 11-15, 2010. All expenses will be paid for by Federal Title I ARRA funds which are specifically targeted for professional development activities and our Title IIA Professional Development grant. There will be no expense to the district.
Subject: |
9.D.2. Evergreen Elementary Principal Dave Valenzuela requests approval to send teachers Lori Shinerock and Kelly Bethke to attend the Kagan Winter Academy workshop emphasizing the use of cooperative learning structures in elementary math instruction, February 12 & 13, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. There will be no direct cost to the district as this has been approved by the TREA Professional Devlopment Fund.
Subject: |
9.D.3. Manzanita Principal Jessica Durrant requests approval to send teacher Lori Chamberlain and administrator Jessica Durrant to attend the Kagan four day Winter Institute February 11-15, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This will be paid out of Manzanita's Title I professional development budget.
Subject: |
9.D.4. Hidden Valley High School teacher Wayne Brown requests approval to travel to San Diego, California, January 14-18, 2010 to attend and present research completed by his high school science students. All of the expenses are covered by a grant, there is no cost to the district.
Subject: |
9.D.5. Superintendent Huber-Kantola requests approval to travel to Washington DC on December 8-11, 2009 to participate in the "Activate America: Pioneering Healthier Communities" Conference. There is no cost to the district as all expenses are paid by a federal grant.
Subject: |
9.D.6. Hidden Valley high school teacher Travis Osborne requests approval to attend the Fly Solo Camp in Colorado, December 9-14, 2009. The conference will be paid for out of the licensed Professional Development fund.
Subject: |
9.D.7. Illinois Valley teacher Melissa Farmer requests approval for travel to San Diego, California, January 14-18, 2010 to present the results of research conducted through a grant received from the Murdock Charitable Trust and Partners in Science at the National Science Conference. All expenses are covered by the grant.
Subject: |
9.D.8. Fruitdale Principal Kelly Christen requests approval to send teachers Kaye Gilbert and Heather Sheehan to attend the four day Winter Institute, February 11-15, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The topic will be Cooperative Learning and Enhancing Student Engagement. The expenses will be paid out of Fruitdale's Title I Professional Development budget.
Subject: |
10. Reports
Subject: |
10.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
10.B. Special Education Report
Subject: |
10.C. Principal Board Briefings
Subject: |
10.C.1. Evergreen Elementary
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.2. Fruitdale Elementary
Presenter: |
Kelly Christensen, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.3. Illinois Valley High School
Presenter: |
JoAnn Bethany, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.4. Manzanita Elementary
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.5. Newbridge High School
Presenter: |
Dave Fuller, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.6. Williams Elementary
Presenter: |
Michelle Sesock, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.7. Lincoln Savage Middle School
Presenter: |
Brent Workley, Principal
Subject: |
10.C.8. Lorna Byrne Middle School
Presenter: |
Damian Crowson, Principal
Subject: |
10.D. Newsletters
Subject: |
10.D.1. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.2. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
10.D.3. Fort Vannoy Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.4. Fruitdale Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.5. Jerome Prairie Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.6. Lincoln Savage Middle School
Subject: |
10.D.7. North Valley High School
Subject: |
10.D.8. Williams Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.9. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
10.D.10. Applegate School
Subject: |
10.D.11. Madrona Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.12. Manzanita Elementary
Subject: |
10.D.13. Lorna Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
11. Other
Subject: |
12. Adjournment